The Importance of 11:59 PM

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2 years ago

Students will know how important 11:59 PM is because it is the longest time yet the quickest time if you haven't done anything with your activities. When it changes to 11:00, expect that when you take a look at the time again, it will change to 12:00 AM and you should expect a late submitted activity. LMAO.

I went to bed at 3 a.m. last night, the reason why I slept late again it's because I forgot that I have two activities to be submitted at exactly 11:59 PM. I was just normally chilling myself all day, but then when the night time comes, I just received a message from my friend asking if I have submitted my answers. And I was like, 

"Hold up, submitted what? " I was dumbfounded when my friend asked if I had submitted my answer. I honestly had no idea that we had an activity and the due date was yesterday at exactly 11:59 PM. I asked her if she had submitted hers, and she said she already had. When I checked our Google Classrooms, BOOM! There they were, two lovely activities that were posted a week ago. Yes, it was posted a week ago! I just totally forgot that I still have two activities that I haven't finished. I'm so stupid. I was supposed to be resting yesterday after those three reports that we did. 

When I looked at the time, it was already 11:30 PM. Damn, I haven't started anything yet and I already feel tired. LOL.

It would be easy if it was written in MS Word, but it is not. It needs to be written on short-bond paper. The problem is that I don't have bond paper, but I do have an old drawing book with some unwritten pages in it. I tore it off from the drawing book and used it as my bond paper. "I'm an Alpha kid!" ROFL.HAHAHA

Two freaking essays and something about the geography and history of the Philippines. I didn't worry that much about the essay since it was just about the tourism industry. What I worry more about is the Philippine geography. I still need to draw the map of the Philippines and I'm not even good at drawing. So, I just did my ninja moves, "pinagbabawal na teknik." I put the bondpaper on my laptop screen and increased the brightness of it, and then, viola! I can now easily draw every region of the Philippines. easy pissy.

I worked like my life was on the line and if I didn't finish it right on time, I was going to die. After writing the essays and drawing, I quickly took my phone out to snap a photo of it. And it's so annoying because my phone's battery is already at 9% and the flash won't open. And you know what's even more annoying? When I was about to submit the photos, the internet connection wouldn't cooperate with me. When I took a look at the time, it was already 11:57 PM. I only had 2 minutes left to submit my activities, because if I submitted them this late, I would be deducted 25 points, which is half of the overall score.

Thankfully, it was able to be turned it in right before the time chnaged to 11:59. Phew! What a relief. LOL.

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Jini's Note:

Aloha my super-duper lovely readcash buddies! How are you? Thank you for passing by and spending your time reading this post of mine, even though sometimes I posted nonsense out-of-the-world topics. LOL

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Arigathankyougozaimuch :>


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2 years ago


That was intense! But good thing you made it. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha i do this a lot. It's a bad practice but i can't just help it. It seems the adrenaline that rushes when it is almost deadline is different from normal.😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

exactly! HAHAHA feels like an adrenaline rush. But yeah, it's a bad practice, I also did this a lot of times before but then I regreted it haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natawa ako doon sa pinagbabawal na tiknik 😂 Hahaha naalala ko noon pag tinatamad ako mag drawing ng bansa natin eh hinihiram ko nalang yung libro ng pinsan ko. Parang ganon din sa ginawa mo pero sa libro 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

di ka nag iisa, ganyan din ako dati HAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haruyyyy! Napressure kog apil while gabasa sis.hahha Mao jud nay buhay estudyante sis. Manggawas jud lagi ning mga ninja moves basta hapit na deadline ba.hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HAHAHHA abi ko mag chill day nako, unya diay naay Wala ma answeran na activities

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jini Jini boang Jini you did two assignments in 25 minutes, wow not sure I could do them that fast. You are so funny, I love it :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

WAHHAHAH I'm so tanga kuya, I was just chilling without even knowing that I still have activities that needs to be submitted 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This happened to me in schools some weeks ago and it was a struggle.. I submitted Late as the network failed me but still able to pass… that time is so tricky and you wouldn’t that time flies fast when you have something to submit 😀

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trueee an hour feels like a minute when you have something to submit lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This article gives me war flashbacks to when I usually do my activities at around 10PM because I thought they were easy then finding out that they were not as easy as I thought but it was too late to regret my actions HAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg sameeee hahaha when we thought that it was easy but then it turns out not the same as what we thought

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha I totally understand the importance of 11:59 p.m. even as a student because if you miss the deadline that is the end. This is why I'm always on track and get to do my assignment even before the deadline so that I will have time to proofread, check for errors, then finally submit it.

Thank God you were able to submit before the deadline or else 25 points will be deducted. 😅😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always do my activities on time, it's just that this time I totally forgot hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago