My Work Experience in a Japanese Hotel (2)

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This is the continuation of my article from yesterday, and if you haven't read the first one, you can check it out here. My work experience in a Japanese hotel

As I stated in my previous article, Japanese people are workaholics and dedicated to their jobs. But it is not just that; they are so generous with a great sense of humour too. Even though they can't speak English properly and fluently, they will always try their best to interact and laugh with us. I still remember when I first arrive in Kenshin, Motoi san said that I am kawaii. Teehee. But you can't just talk behind their backs because some of them know how to speak Bisaya or Cebuano. Yes, some of them studied Bisaya just like Motoi san. He is fluent in Bisaya. If you hear him talking, you can tell he is Bisaya without looking at him. And he has a Filipina wife. That is also the reason he's good at Bisaya.

When it was lunch time, it was a holiday and they didn't have work, so they were just chilling with a glass of beer. Mr. I forgot his name. He asked for a bottle of beer. I asked him how many bottles of beer he would take (in English) and I was shocked when he said, "Utang ko beer tulo kabuok, ilista lang" He's so fluent in Bisaya. I really have no idea if he's good at Bisaya. My nose almost bled from speaking in English with him. He just laughed at me when he saw my surprised face. LOL.

When you see them in person, they look like ordinary Japanese people, but in reality, they are the owner, presidents, and managers. They look so simple, they're just like ordinary employees. They act like what workers do; they don't mind what their position or rank is. When someone comes back from Japan, they always bring chocolates for their employees. We got to eat some too. 

What I like more about this hotel is the room for the waitress and cook. The waitress's room and the cook's room are in the same building. We were put in the waitress's room. The room has two double decks, a flat-screen TV with a sofa, and it is an air-conditioned room. Every break time, we went to the room to relax and watch some TV. It has a shower if you want to take a shower if you stay for a day. Actually, we didn't really have a lot of work to do. The busiest times were only breakfast and lunch, but for lunch, they only ate lunch in the Kenshin every Fridays and Saturdays because they usually have their lunch at the canteen.


This is what their canteen is. My other friend was the only one who was assigned to the canteen to serve and assist at the counter, and the canteen was the busiest. My other friend and I hadn't been to the canteen until our last day, lol. because I was assigned to Kenshin while my other friend was in the hotel. But I consider myself fortunate that I was not assigned to the canteen because you will need to double your time, and the worst part is that you will not always be able to understand what they want to buy because some of them don't speak English.

The only busy day for us is a holiday or if there is a party. And it is not the kind of party that you're thinking of right now. Their parties consist only of 3 or 5 people. Yup, they call it a party. It's like a luxury party but exclusive only to them. That is the time where the waitress wears a kimono when they serve. 

I remember the time when I accidentally broke all the glasses that I was holding. I was holding a tray with 6 glasses and I was about to hand it to the kitchen. I was using both of my hands. The glasses are heavy though. I couldn't open the door because when I pushed it, it closed back, so I only used my feet to open it, but when I was about to enter, it closed again and hit the tray and boom. I was so scared because I thought that they'd get mad at me for breaking those. But then ate told me that it was okay since it was part of the job, and she even told me that sometimes they break the glass on purpose. They didn't get mad at me, but, but the chef did get mad. Lmao, as if he's the boss. Tsk. I really hate him.

Their super duper deep swimming pool. LOL. At the back of that swimming pool next to the coconut trees is the golf course. We know that Japanese people really love playing golf. It is a huge field at the back of it. You can play soccer there because of how huge the space was. 


On the ground floor is the bar station. This is where you will see drunk Japanese people every night. I don't really know what happens at night since we only work there for 8 hours and all of us are on the morning shift. But as our senior said, it is so loud at night, especially when it's Saturday, because Sunday is a no work day. They sometimes have live bands at night. In the morning, it is so boring, but when the night comes, it is so alive.

It is a great opportunity for me to be able to work in a Japanese hotel with, of course, awesome Japanese people. I feel like I am also in the country of Japan because of the environment that I am in. I will forever be grateful to those people who didn't get tired of teaching us everything. You guys are the best mentor.

Now this ends my work experience in a Japanese hotel. Thank you guys for dropping by and reading this.

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Arrigathankyougozaimuch :>


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Murag nice jud dhaa mareeng ayhy. I am sure nag enjoy judkas imung work dhaa.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow. That was a fun working experience to look back Jin! I like your bosses based on your stories. They seem to be humble and down to earth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The pictures you took were really beautiful. Seems like you really enjoyed your work experience. I’d like to visit Japan someday. 👌🏾

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, that was your great experience. I also want to work somewhere I want to gether some memories like this but I have to complete my studies first.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haven't you had your on-the-job training yet?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cool experience mo, huehue. Kahit pa work ang ipinunta doon ibang feels ka rin talaga ano lalo na makakakilala ka din ng ibang people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

sa trueeee ate, super lucky ko kasi naka experience akong mag work don. Para din talaga akong nasa Japan, kasi yung mga tao don puro japanese tas yung atmosphere at environment parang nasa japan ka lang talaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow.. What a nice experience.. Bakit umalis ka sa kanila sis eh mukha naman mabait boss mo? Chef mo lang naman ata ang may deperensya.. Hahahah.. Mas affected sya sa mga nabasag mo kesa sa boss mo..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

super strict eh, kala mo siya yung may ari hahahaa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga eh.. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You gave us your work experience and from what I read they where both pleasant and not too pleasant....I had fun scrolling through those lovely pictures as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The aerial view is really breathtaking

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks dear. You shared your story with us. We knew about it now. Well, I would rather slap that chef.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HHAHA he is so strict, he acts like he was the owner lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago