May, you’re worse than December

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2 years ago
Topics: Write, Family, Read cash


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This isn’t the month of May I expected it to be. May was supposed to be a fruitful, cheerful, and tranquil month, but why hasn't it turned out that way? I truly believed that December was the worst month for us due to the Super Typhoon, but little did we know that May is even worse than December. Why do things have to be this way? We were so enthusiastic about the new month that we greeted it with a cheerful heart and a bright outlook. Why, though? What happened to bring us to this point? I understand that everything happens for a reason, but not this time.

May 2, Monday

I awoke around 9 a.m., washed my face, and went straight to the kitchen to hunt for food. My grandparents' house was where I was staying. I walked to the kitchen and asked my grandmother if there was still hot water because I was going to make coffee in the morning. She then approached me and informed me that there was still hot water left. . She then handed me breakfast viands when I completed brewing my coffee. She even stated that there was still some "puto" available. When I asked where she got the "puto," she replied she bought it herself and ate it for breakfast with hot cocoa. She said, "pag kaon na diha," as I sat there sipping my coffee, and then handed me some food.

I returned to my room after finishing my meal and turned on my laptop to check for school updates, but none of my professors were around that day. So I just ended up watching Peaky Blinders the said morning. As the clock struck 11 a.m., the weather began to heat up even more, and I was already soaking wet and sweating profusely. I was going to take a bath when one of our teachers suddenly emailed a google form quiz that needed to be completed in a timely manner, so I took the quiz and answered it.

My grandmother walked in and asked whether my room was too hot because I was sweating. She then stated that she would be having a bath later because she was also sweating and it was very hot. The weather was really hot at the time, and the sun was searing our skin. She noticed a plastic bag at the rear of the door and asked about what was inside. Then I told her that she was expected to give our other relatives my aunts' jackets and shirts. She was the one who put those plastics before. . Then she mentioned our aunt, which surprised me. She stated that she would simply keep my aunt's clothing in the hopes that she would return home. Our aunt left a year ago and hasn't returned home since, staying only in the city at the home of our other relatives.

She lingered in my room for a few minutes, and we exchanged a few words. Then our uncle's partner arrived. She is a true angel to us. My uncle's partner treated my grandparents as if they were her own parents, and they were particularly close to my grandmother. They began to form a bond even before their first meeting. My uncle's partner stayed to nap in here since she was having trouble at their place, so he told her to come here instead. Grandma came into my room at 3 p.m. and said that she was going to take a bath because it was so hot outside. She then went outside and informed my uncle's partner that she would be taking a bath.

She then proceeded to the CR to bathe. I walked to the kitchen to get some water after a few minutes and noticed the CR's faucet was on, but all I heard was water and the CR was still closed. Because I'll be making a video for my performance task, I returned to my room and changed into my upper uniform. Ate J awoke minutes later and called my grandma. She was about to tell her that she was going to the market to get some fish for my grandmother, as she had promised. She was sitting in the living room when she saw the kitchen was flooded.

She called my brother to check about the flooding, then called my grandmother, but no one answered. I was in my room at the time and could definitely hear them. I had only been listening to them. When my brother knocked on the CR's door and no one responded, and the water was already flooding the kitchen, my heart raced. I was just listening in my room when my whole body began to shake, unsure of what might happen. My brother slammed the door open and then yelled "lola!" and "tabang!" (help!).

I rushed to the kitchen with my uniform in my upper and only cycling shorts. I rushed to the CR and opened it. There I saw my grandma’s feet blocking the door. I saw her lying on the floor unconscious. My mind went blank and my whole body was shaking as I didn’t know what to do. I shouted as I saw her lying there. My cousins then rushed and opened the door. I notice that there’s something in her mouth and she vomits something black.

"Lola" was the only thing that came out of my mouth as I was shaking and crying. I try to wake her up by holding her hands, but she is unresponsive. When we saw our grandmother unconscious, we were all in tears. We then called an ambulance, which arrived very quickly, thank God. Our grandfather then arrived, and I noticed that he was trying to calm. "Bai, naunsa man ka oy," he said as he hugged Grandma's face. As I was putting some clothing on her, she vomited again, but this time it was black, and we thought it was blood. My grandfather picked up the vomit with his own hands, and I noticed him looking up and crying while shaking his head.

We took her to the nearest hospital right away. We were all terrified and crying since we had not expected this to happen. She was unconscious when they arrived at the hospital. According to the doctor, she suffered a stroke, as well as gastric difficulties.

Who'd have thought this would happen; we were talking just a few minutes before and she even smiled at me. And just like that, we will be seeing her unconscious lying in the CR.

Ate J was truly an angel and we were so grateful to her for helping us and for not hesitating to help our lola. May God bless her.

I told myself not to cry anymore, but here I am wiping my tears as I was writing this one.

God is good, I know He wouldn't let anything happen to our dearest Lola. Please include my lola in your prayers.

God Bless you all :)

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago
Topics: Write, Family, Read cash


Aw. Ang sakit ng ganitong biglaang pangyayari, mabuti at naitakbo pa sa hospital. I include her to my porayers sis, magpakatatag lang po kayo. May Awa ang Diyos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My heart sank while reading this. I really wish your grandma a quick recovery and healing from God. Just keep hoping for the best because nothing will happen to her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is very stressful.😟 I hope that Lola will be well and that she will be able to recover. Life is unfortunately like that, unpredictable. One day we are happy and laughing, tomorrow something happens that leaves us breathless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my! Prayers for the recovery of your lola. Hope that she gets better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I pray that your lola will be fine. Sending you virtual hugs, and I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hugs jinifer :( that was scary, sad and truly shocking :( praying your lola feels better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope your lola will be fine, sending prayers to her..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May is just beginning, for sure Lola will improve and your month will be much better. Let's pray for Lola to come back home soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago