I Wonder What's on your Mind; Random

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2 years ago


Happy Choose Day lovelies! It's a great first day of the week and a busy start to the week for me. How's it going? I do hope you guys have a great day and a great week ahead! 


This week is going to be another busy week for me, especially in the next few days in the month of July. Last week I was at our university, and I stayed there for a day because I worked at our university's hotel front desk. My previous write-up was all about how my day went when I was on duty in our school's hotel. I've been very busy these past few days, and I've also been traveling twice or thrice a week to go to university. Since I'm a bit far from our university, I always have to commute on a bus on my way to the university. I've gotten used to it already because I've been traveling a hundred times, but it's still too tiring for me to go out and ride on a bus, especially waiting for the bus to arrive. Aside from that, I hate waking up early. Lol. 


So yesterday I went again to the campus to participate in our training for our NCII, which is a very great opportunity for us because having an NCll is a great thing to have, especially when applying for a job. What we're training for is housekeeping, since I majored in Hospitality Management, and it will be a great benefit for me in the near future. We are trained on how to master bed making in a short period of time because it is the most important part of housekeeping in the hotel industry. And to tell you the truth, it is not an easy peasy kind of job, especially if you're a small person just like me. It is not easy to lift a bed all alone using only one hand because we're not allowed to help each other, so we have to do it all by ourselves. In a hotel room, the beds are always double, and they are quite heavy too, especially if you're lifting them with only one arm.


The bed is heavy, the blankets are heavy, and even the bed sheets are quite heavy, and we're not only using one bed sheet but we're using three heavy bedsheets. We also have to master how to throw the bedsheets properly so that they will perfectly fit into the bed in just a single throw. Last Monday, our instructor for that training was not around, so he told our department chairman to be in charge of looking for us. Our instructor and our chairman are literally the opposite, because our instructor is bubbly and easygoing and loves to make jokes at us, while our department head is very strict and very professional. He is handsome but very professional, as if it's too rare to see him laugh. He looks exactly like one of the artists here in the Philippines, Ronnie Alonte. If you know him, then you can probably picture what our chairman's face is like LOL.



After we were done with our training, we were about to head into our HM laboratory for our food innovation performance, where we have to perform what our food innovation is. We literally are not ready to present to everyone what our product is because we're not yet ready and prepared. Then, thankfully, our food innovation instructor was also not around because he's not feeling well, so he moved the date to Thursday, and that gave us time to prepare our product and make everything ready. We went out to the campus at exactly 12pm. Usually I would always go home after the training, but I chose to stay at my groupmate's house for a while to think about our product, but I ended up not doing a thing. We bought the ingredients that we were supposed to make that day, but we didn't because we were too busy strolling around the street and buying and eating foods that our eyes craved.


I stayed at my friend's house until 4 pm, and we literally hadn't done anything for our product because the three of us were just chit-chatting all day. I decided to go home at 5 pm and I arrived home at almost 7 pm because there were a lot of passengers all the way that made the bus stop for like every 5 minutes. But I was able to arrive home safely. 

And tomorrow, I'll be going to the campus again, and again and again and again. Urgh!

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Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate your presence here.

Stay hydrated and stay safe always!

See you in my next blog!

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2 years ago


Na try ko na din mag-ayos ng bedsheet and yeah, ang hirap nga. It always took me 30 minutes to finish one bed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Busy days for you sis! Fighting!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bshm kaba sis?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great opportunity jid nimo dae,akong classmate pag highschool toa na sa jaoan ing ana trabaho nija ,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Goodluck on the tasks you need to do this coming July :) It will be a busy week for me too. Hell week nga eh dahil exam week namin hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago