I Found Solace in the Rhythm of the Sea.
Hey there, my lovely read-cash buddies! How’s it going? You know what, I missed saying these lines to you. It’s been so long since I greeted you like this, which is my usual greeting every time I publish an article.
I’ve been so stressed out these past few days because there are so many things that need to be done and also with our thesis thingy, which I published yesterday about my rants. I’ll tell you honestly, I haven’t had a relaxing time with myself since the beginning of the year, because I was just staying in the house all day. I only get out if I want to, but most of the time I’m only staying in my room and lay in bed all day. Yesterday was the first time that I went to the beach in 2022.
Yesterday was my tito’s (uncle) 50th birthday, and they decided to celebrate it at the beach and just rented two cottages. I was hesitant at first to go with them because I was not feeling well and my head hurt so badly last night, but then the only thing that I thought about was the smell of the ocean breeze and the sound of the waves.
When we arrived at the beach, the weather was not really in a good mood and it was so gloomy that the sun hadn’t appeared or taken a small peak under the clouds. In fact, it was a perfect day to swim and dip in the salty water because you won’t have a problem with sunburn. Too bad for me, I couldn’t swim and dip my body in the water because I had a fever that day. All I could do was let the waves splash through my feet. But the funny thing is that I wasn’t able to swim because I got a fever, but then I ended up getting wet in the rain.
When I get close to the salty water, I feel like my mind was filled with happy thoughts at that time, like all of my stress and negative thoughts had been washed off along with the waves.
I feel the ocean breeze blowing through my hair, and I smell the salty air that wraps around my skin. I feel the comfort that the ocean has given to me. The soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore. There’s nothing way more comfortable than nature’s warmest comfort.
The rain doesn’t stop me from taking too many photos of the sea. Luckily, it only rains heavily once, and then small rain showers.
I waited for the sunset, but too bad for the last time the sun didn’t show up, even for once. But I was still able to capture a peaceful sunset view. At exactly 5 in the afternoon, I stayed on the shore for a bit to stare at the calm ocean and listen to a soothing wave. It was so calm that it made me want to stay there forever. I don’t want to leave that place.
Sitting on the shore with a cup of coffee and an ocean view is perfect.
That day, my mind was only filled with positive thoughts and positive energy. All of the negative vibes and stressful thoughts felt like they were being washed off along with the waves. And I am so happy because, even just for a day, I get to rest my mind from the stressful week I had this year.
This is a recharge that I really need. and I’m satisfied with it. :>
And if you feel like you need some recharge too, here take a sip. (I know what you're thinking, but it's not what you think. This is a beer!)
Shot ka muna oh! LOL
All photos attached are captured and owned by the author herself.
Jini's Note:
Hallo, thank you for reading, I really appreciate your presence here.
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Arigathankyougozaimuch :>
It's good na nakapagrelax ka sis. Grabe kastress jud ng thesis. Pero go, laban lang. Mahuman ra na puhon. Makalingkawas ra ka ana.
Diri sa amo, wala juy undangay ang uwan. Pila na ni kaadlaw. Wala namiy gawas-gawas sa balay.