Exposing Some Hidden Gems

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago

Ohayo Minna San!

Hola, cómo estás! I hope you had a great day. Good Morning to those who've just waken up, and Good Night to those who's about to go to their dreamland.

There is this new prompt that's been going on around the read cash community, and when it's about prompts, I'm always up for that, especially if it's an entertaining one. Thanks to kuys Kudo @meitanteikudo for initiating this entertaining prompt. Because of him, I was saved from a mental block and I was also able to save an article for this day. Thankies kuys for this prompt. You really are the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned. Chariizzz just stealing some lines from MCR's WTTBP, lmao. 


After reading some entries by other writers, I had fun reading all of your entries, especially with some of your attached photos that are also catchy. So, I have also prepared my entry for this prompt. I actually wrote this early last night, but I wasn't able to publish it this morning as I left it undone, and I just decided to finish writing it up late at night. lol.


Oldest Photo

Hi, lang! @Corpsekunno HAHAHA pag online na para makakita ka ani lmao. Don't worry, I covered your face naman so you don't have to worry hehe. This was taken last January 2019. This was the time when we had our group activity and it was about some cooking stuff. I forgot what it is but yeah we did some cooking as it is obvious to what she was holding. We cooked some bread rolls and some I don't know what that circles are, lol. But I guess those are hotdogs, I forgot the whole details. After that, we brought the foods at the bay and ate it there, and we all had fun! 


Latest Photo

This was my phone's latest photo, not literally mine. This was just some news online that I saw, and I took a screenshot of it. I got mixed emotions after reading this news, I was shocked, amazed, and laughed at the same time. Because just imagine posting your emotionless selfies as an NFT for fun and because you're bored, but then later on, someone buys your photo and it blooms! He really is a lucky guy, lol. 


Funniest Photo

This is literally the funniest moment of this one. This was the time of year when we did our family thing. We were giving gifts and having some feeding programs for the kids at that time in the mountain area. This photo was taken at the time when we took a break and decided to take a photo of us, cousins. I put my phone on the ground and only use a rock at the back to keep it's balance. So, we set the timer and, as we are all smiling, all of a sudden, one of our guard dogs, Ino, stops in the middle and stares at us. We all laughed at the situation because Ino just blocked the camera. I guess he also wants to be in the photo haha.


A place you have been to and want to visit again. 

This was before the lockdown happened, I guess this was two days before the lockdown in our area. This was actually an unplanned trip with just the four of us, and we only rode two motorcycles. One was me and my sister, and the other one was my cousin and his sister too. It was my first time at that place, and the view was fascinating because it's so close to nature. There were different kinds of colorful plants everywhere that would surely make you fall in love even more with the view. [Just don't mind the shirt] 


A food you want to eat again.

This isn't my own photo, but I only saw this on Facebook way back in 2020, and it's been in my phone for a year already. I just looked at it every time I crave this one. Lol. My mouth is watering while I am writing this one lmao. 


A photo you have no idea what it is about

It's just some random meme I saw on the internet. I don't know why I saved this though. But all I know is that I love different kinds of memes, especially the darcc ones. Jk. Memes make me feel alive, honestly, because they keep me entertained. 


A Selfie

I don't have a decent selfie, because most of my selfies are just me being a crackhead haha. All my selfies are just blurry or sometimes I make fun of my face. I always do dumb things when I take a selfie. Or if I ever take a decent selfie, I would literally delete it immediately. 

So, here's mine. I hope you guys had fun because I also had fun while writing this one.

You can always hit the Like and Subscribe buttons if you want to.

Arigathankyougozaimuch :>


$ 6.08
$ 5.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.09 from @meitanteikudo
$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago


Hahaa fun photos. Thanks for these. And those NFTs though.. tsk tsk.. kaya cguro bumagsak BTC. Lol

Also.. nice shirt.. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why naman ang gaganda niyo awitttt, natey ko din magshare nito kahapon eh nakita ko from 2023 to 2022 wala padin glow up hahaha. Anyways, grabe yung nagselfie lng tas meron na agad 1million dollars hahaha picturan ko din kaya sarili ko sabay imimint ko as NFT.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahha try mo chikuu mag selfie ka rin tas mint mo as nft HAHAH malay mo baka mag bloom

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yung indonesian student na sumikat sa NFT niya, hinahabol ngayon ng Gov nila para magbayad ng tax hahaha. Tignan mo nga naman oh, the government will always have a piece of your money. hayss

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ay hala gagi seryuso? HAHAH kainis namn, may tax na pala yan. Hanep, nakinabang yung mga walang ambag sa selfies mo hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakaktuwa namn si Inu ate, literal na photo bomber...

Cute ng selfie mo hahahaa so feeling ko mga nasa 20's ka pa lang ate no?

Manggaaa, malapit na ko magkaroon so ayan nahawa ako sa cravings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha oo katuwa eh, gusto sumali. HAHA oo nasa 20's palang

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You really are the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned.

Favorite line of every emo! 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well that's a lot of crazy pictures there. Yeah I think you had fun hehehehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

its so fun to take a look back at those old memories haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bat kasi nakita ko pa yung mangga huhu. Ayan tuloy nag crave akoo. Huhu. Magkakilala pala kayu ni corpse. ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oh mars, friends me ni corpse hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sarap naman at naglalaway na ako sa mangga hmmmm. Bat oarang wala kang damit sa photo mo hmmm hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Meron naman hahaha 🙂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Langga bat naman ganun. Parang gusto ko na talaga kumain ng mangga at santol. Kahapon pa ako nangasim tas lumala ngayon nung nakita ko yung picture mo.🥺 Hanap ako ng hanap ng mangga Langga. Sobrang sarap niyan.🤤 Friend pala kayo ni sis Corpsekunno. Ngayon ko lang nalaman Langga.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ohh ateee, nag crave sad kog manga, dugay dugay nasad ko wala naka kaon gyud. Labi na kanang naay suka nga halang hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo Langga. Kalami lang gayud kaayo. Haha naglaway na hinuon ko Langga.😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sapaw si dogie ehh. Gusto ata ng sariling shot para maging model Sya. Pero grabe yung indonesian student dahil sa boredom niyan yumaman Sya. Gusto ko nalang maging bored palagi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oo, gusto makisali sa group pics eh hhaaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nung nagpaulan yata ng swerte ang langit hindi lang siya naligo kundi ininom niya pa yung ulan kaya ayun, instant millionaire malala talaga LOL

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha kaya nga ehhh. Yung trip mo lang mag selfie kasi bored ka tas bigla mo nalang inad as nft pero bigla sumikat hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Funniest Photo is really funny mate. I really like the place you went to. I'd like to visit this place. Selfie is very beautiful. You are the photo Winner.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha thank you so much mate

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grabe yung 1M. Sino naman kya nag interes bumili selfies nya 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha kaya nga eh. Pero may nabasa ako na meron dawng famous artist na bumili ng Ilan sa mga selfies niya tas ni promote sa social media kaya nag bloom yung selfies niya haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago