When Was The Last Time I Did It?

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2 years ago
Topics: Situational, Life, Events, Cook, Food, ...

Can you remember the last time you did it? How was it? Did you have fun doing it or did you forget it already?

Personally, if that thing does not matter, I easily forget about it. Maybe because I am thinking of other things and then it piles up and forgetting petty things. In today's article, my memory will be tested. Waaa... Maybe I am getting old. I tend to forget things, lol. Questions are from this link. If you want to do this kind of article, you can check the link out.

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I will be answering five questions that will test my memory. These questions are related to cooking and food. Let's start!

1) When was the last time you cooked something for yourself?

Image from Unsplash

In my best memory, the last time I cooked for myself was two weeks ago. I cooked pancit canton, a popular instant noodle in the Philippines. Very quick and easy to cook. I just put hot water in a bowl, put the noodles, and microwave it for 3 minutes. The noodles will be softened and then add the seasonings. It is a popular comfort food or snack for Filipinos. I like the chili-mansi (lime) flavor.

2) When was the last time you had a tasty meal?


The last time I had a tasty meal was last night. We had a crispy pork leg, in Tagalog we call it crispy pata. It was Saturday and so, we served a good dish. Crispy pata is boiled to be tender and then we deep fry it in cooking oil. We are six in the family so one cripsy pata and a vegetable side dish are enough for us. We do not eat this kind of food everyday. We just want that the food served every weekend is delicious. It was filling and yummy!

3) When was the last time you spilled something?

Image from Unsplash

It was three days ago. I was trying to put my soup in my bowl and then while carefully transferring it, it splatter to the table. I am a bit of a shaky person. The soup is tinola (chicken broth). It is a very delicious Filipino food. Also, the chicken we use is a native one. A bit chewy but the taste is winner!

After that, I just wipe it with a kitchen towel. I mentioned in the last article that we do not use a tissue to wipe stuff because when we use a towel we can lessen the household expense.

4) When was the last time you went shopping for food?

Image from Unsplash

The last time I when to the grocery to shop for food and necessities was two years ago. I was in SM San Lazaro. I clearly remember it was December because, after my cousin's wedding, we bought some food and drinks for our house. Wow, the pandemic really is a bummer.

I am now currently in the province. We have helpers here that shops for us, or some of our good friends deliver some food for us. It is easier to live in the province because food is everywhere. We have a chicken coop, moringa tree, mango tree, food is everywhere! The air is fresher too!

5) When was the last time you made yourself coffee?

Image from Unsplash

I am not really a coffee person. I only drink coffee when I really need it like when I need to be energetic or have long work hours. The last time I made coffee was three weeks ago. The reason why I do not drink coffee a lot because I palpitate and shaking whenever I drink. I am more of a tea person. I drink green tea everyday. It is zero calories so it is a win-win for me. It flushes out toxins in my body, too!

Final Thoughts

Have you ever asked yourself when was the last time you did it? It makes me think about all the memories and events in my life. Kind of makes me reflect on life. There are things I am happy about that happened, some are really not happy about it or regret it later.

We have only one life to live. We should think about our choices and preferences. Life is short but make the right choices. I am in a good place now and happy that I made the right choices which brings me here where I am right now.

Lead image edited on Canva

Opensea/Twitter/Noise.cash: @Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

❤️ Answering Fun Questions! https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/answering-fun-questions-995d6744

❤️ Things I Do Not Buy Anymore https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/things-i-do-not-buy-anymore-cc2c793f

❤️ My Favorite Korean Dishes! https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/my-favorite-korean-dishes-f1c1b801

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Avatar for Jijisaur
2 years ago
Topics: Situational, Life, Events, Cook, Food, ...


I just want to say that I really like your articles and now I´m also in love with your new moving lead images. They are amazing! I would love them on my articles as well, but sadly I´m too lazy to do anything like this :D Good work ♥

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Aww, thank you, dear! I just made them from Canva 😊 totally free. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Affirmative to all of the questions. I have done all of this in one day, maybe. haha... I have a family to feed so I almost do these things every single day. :)

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I am sure your family appreciates all of your hard work and dedication. 😊 Have a nice day!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yung coffee ay palagi kung ginagawa sis , hindi kompleto ang araw pag hindi nakapag kape.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana ol hindi nanginginig pag nagkakape hehe! Have a nice day, dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

love to hear your story. I must say you have a sharp brain. And I am inspired by you and write soon on this as it feels like a trend to me. Hope you don't mind ;P

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, sure. 😊 And Id love to see your article! Really works out your brain. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I cooked everyday, sis at katatapos lng maghugas hehe. I love everything spicy. Meat or veggies! and Kape!!!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Pag ako nagluto baka masayang lang haha. Taga hugas lang po ako ng pinggan hehe. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really love coffee ,sometimes nga dalawang beses akong magkape in one day😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana ol Talaga di nagpapalpitate pag nag kakape hehe. Half cup ok na po sakin. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh I love Pancit Cantoon sis. Pero grabe nag crave talaga ako sa Crispy Pata.🤤😁Tagal ko ng hindi nakakain niyan. Ginutom ako sis. Last year pa ako nakakain niyan nung sa Cebu pa ako.

I'm not fond of coffee din sis. Same tayo nito pero yung mga ka workmate ko dati grabe gustong gusto talaga nila yung coffee sis.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Apir tayo sis parehas pala tayo hehe. Oo sis, minsan lang naman crispy pata. 🤤 Stay pretty!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo sis.. oo yung crispy pata grabe nakakagutom sis.🤤 Hehe thank you sis.🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago