I Want To Skip...

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2 years ago
Topics: Daily, Life, Personal, My life, Lifestory, ...

There are days that we are just too lazy to complete something. We just want to move on or skip it. Sometimes it applies to everyday routine. We all have that annoying thing that we do every day that we do not like to deal with it. We just want to erase it from our routine.

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For me, there are a lot of things I want to skip every day because it is tiresome. Sometimes, it is taking away my energy. Well, not all of us can afford to skip things because it can benefit us but we have to do it!

Here is the list of things I want to skip every day!

1) Washing the dishes.

Maybe most of us want to skip this chore. I do not like washing dishes because of two main reasons. One, my shirt is always soaked with water, two, my hands are always dry after washing the dishes. I do not really complain but it is really a tedious job. I do not like a dirty or half-done wash of dishes. I do not like to eat on a paper plate too when I am at home.

In our house, we have a rotating task to do. When I am the one who is in charge of the washing of dishes. I feel lazy suddenly haha! Of course, when washing dishes you make sure that the counters and tables are clean also.

2) Blow drying my hair.

Yes, as I said before, I have thick hair and so I almost every day blow dry it because I do not like for the dust to stick on my hair. I usually take a bath at night because it makes me relaxed. When going to bed, I make sure that my hair is not wet because I will have a headache the next day.

There is a con to having thick hair too. No matter how many hairs fall, they will still go back, sometimes thicker. It is also in the case of my siblings. Our mother side has thick hairs, maybe that is where we got it.

3) Folding my clothes after laundry.

Can we skip folding our "pambahay" clothes? (clothes worn at home only). haha! This is torture for me because I do not like seeing my messy cabinet but the folding part is annoying because in my head, we will use it anyway and no one will see how you dressed, it is just your family. Normally they do not care at all. It is time-consuming for me because it needs to be perfectly folded. Maybe I have a mild OCD when it comes to folding? I do not know that for now but I am sure that this work annoys me. Well, not every day that we fold clothes but it is every other day.

4) Making my bed.

This is the first thing I do in the morning. I have to make my bed. I am always told by my parents to do my made every day because it is the least that I can do every day. At least I have an accomplishment a day. If my father saw that my bed is messy, he will scold me so better yet make it. It will take me 2 minutes in fixing it but I rather not do it haha! I do not know, it kind of annoys me to do it every day because it will just get messed up. But at least, it is clean and fixed!

5) Making sure our plants are watered.

My father is a plant tito or a plant fanatic. He started collecting plants years ago and then they grew. I am the one who is in charge of making sure that they are watered every day. Some plants need more water than others. They should be taken care of as a baby. In short, they are needy plants.

One time, I forgot to water the plants and the leaves started to be saggy. My father scolded me again for not paying attention to the plants haha! Some of his collection is expensive and not the normal price for a plant. It is a thing that makes him happy. I told him that I will buy a sprinkler but he does not like it because it is expensive. Well, he wanted a manual watering so be it haha!

Final Thoughts

The main reason for this skipping of things is because of my laziness. I am a human too, meaning it is not every day that I am enthusiastic about things. There are times that I am not in the mood to work which brings me to trouble sometimes. it is okay to be sluggish and lazy sometimes but do not make it a habit or else, it will be a part of yourself. Always remember that hard work will lead you to be a better person and into a better future.

Thank you for reading my article!

Lead image edited on Canva, Images from Unsplash

Opensea/Twitter/Noise.cash: @Jijisaur

My other articles:

🥳 Jijisaur's Learning Journey - Every Thursday! Blog #8 https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/jijisaurs-learning-journey-every-thursday-blog-8-00dd1615

🥳 How Much Was My Allowance($$$)? https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/how-much-was-my-allowance-c2c5cd67

🥳What I Do When I Am Down https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/what-i-do-when-i-am-down-567dcb1c

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2 years ago
Topics: Daily, Life, Personal, My life, Lifestory, ...


mabuti kapa makapal buhok mo, yung akin kasi sobrang nipis na, as in sobrang nipis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's what I like also, skip those things that are probably tiring, but I don't do it frequently cause I'm a human also. I feel tiredness and sometimes I feel motivated do such things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My sister and I had an agreement, she will do the dishes and I will do the the rest like cleaning the table, feeding our pets, refilling the waters, everyday. Coz I hate it too when my hand feel and look so dry after washing the dishes, di ako mapakali lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gusto ko lahat e skip sis para maka relax naman ako kahit ilang oras lang pero hindi pwede, kailangan yan gawin lahat lalo na yang maghugas ng plato.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can't just help the fact na gusto natin maging lazy at times haha. I think its perfectly normal to feel lazy for once, not lang everyday haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, totally! Hindi tayo robot para maging masipag everytime haha! 😂 You are right. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May araw lang talagang nakakatamad ,pero no choice kasambahay ako hihi kaya need kung gawin araw araw.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako naman sis pag di ko gagawin baka naman pagalitan ako haha. Baka oras oras akong bubungangaan hahah.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I usually make my bed when I wake up. Cleaning dishes is your daily job. watering the plants, is my hobby mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As much as I want to stop washing dishes, my mother will kill me hahaha dish are dish and they will never be neglected.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey same here! And I do not like bugs crawling in our dirty plates. 😳

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I relate regarding the fixing of bed sis. Early in the morning, mostly I felt lazy doing that. My mom scold me also. I always forgot it. I get up and went outside my room that's what I am mostly of the time.

The other one, watering the plants, I forgot it also but I love folding my clothes sis. I love it than washing the dishes because sometimes I felt lazy too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, it is normal to be lazy once in a while because we are humans hehe. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes that's true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those you mentioned above are the things that we shouldn't be skip doing hehhe. But we need though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. I do not have a choice but to do it or else my father will scold me., 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago