Happy Chinese New Year!

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1 year ago

Hello, everyone!

Happy Chinese New Year!

CNY is observed and celebrated across Asia, including the Philippines which where I am from. Though I do not have Chinese blood, our culture and tradition have bits of Chinese influence. It is evident in our food, beliefs, etc. After all, the Philippines was once a trading ground for both parties.

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This is how we "celebrate" Chinese New Year

1) Lanterns are hung on streets/malls


Fun fact, the biggest malls in the Philippines are owned by Filipino-Chinese tycoons and so, it is no wonder why there are decorations for the CNY. These red lanterns are said to bring prosperity and long life. It is better at night to see them glow.

2) Eating Tikoy

Tikoy is like sticky rice. I can compare this to mochi in Japan. Also, it can be in any flavor like ube (purple yam), pandan, etc. I just go for the regular one. Tikoy can be steamed or fried. I like the fried one coated with egg. It is better when it is thinly sliced.


What people believe is, when you eat tikoy, you will have a "sticky" relationship with your loved ones. Your bond with your family and friends will become stronger. Also, it is said that luck will stick to you throughout the year.

3) Be noisy and loud as you can on new year's eve.

I think this is not only applied to Chinese belief but as well to Filipinos. I am not sure if it originated with them, though. Be noisy as you can be in the belief of warding off evil spirits.

We usually use torotot (trumpet) because it is safer than fireworks. Also, we bang out pots and utensils in front of our house. Actually, it is only mom who is doing this haha. But there is no harm in believing right?

Do you celebrate CNY too in your country? I wanna know :D

Thanks for reading!

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1 year ago


True. Even here in Bacolod, we do celebrate it as a Festival known as the Bacalaodiat. Back then when I working for my Chinese Lady Boss, every Chinese New Year, we have abundant supply of different Chinese delicacies at home. Tikoy is still the tastiest for me, though.

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1 year ago

Kung Hei Fat Choi ate hehe. We celebrate chinese new year here in the house because my nephew is a half Chinese. But we only prepared a simple dish po hhehe

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1 year ago

Our country the Philippines actually influenced by a lot of countries, it was influenced by different cultures and traditions that we gained from the past since we had been colonized by different countries, and aside from that our country become a trading port back then of spices and different resources for nearby countries.

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1 year ago