1000 mark! Things I am grateful for.

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Avatar for Jijisaur
3 years ago

I made it to the 1000 mark! I am so thankful for noise.cash. It is a platform that you can earn by posting worthwhile contents. In 2 months, I gained 1000 friends on the platform. It really does pays the bills but I cannot consider this as full-time.

Image from Unsplash

I have 5 things that I am grateful or noise.cash

  1. Grateful for the financial help.

    Yes, this is an earning platform but it should not be abused. You can get tips from people who find your post interesting. Tips can be also given through QR codes. Because of noise.cash tips, I can pay petty bills such as delivery tips, water bills, afternoon snacks, anything that needs to be paid immediately. It is like having a petty cash fund. Though this platform cannot be considered a full time job, I am still thankful for the tips given to me.

  2. Grateful for the crypto knowledge.

    I am fairly new to the crypto world. I discovered it way back in 2017 but did not really spark my interest. Only this year 2021 did I have an interest in investing. Last February 14 (Hearts day), I invested in my first coin which is BCH. My first investment was $0.05 or PHP10 because I was too scared I might get scammed. It just sit in my wallet overnight. In the morning, I was surprised that my PHP10 became PHP11. I was thinking, what if I put PHP 500 or PHP1000? That is when I started to invest more and more but I have to be careful on just putting the money I am willing to lose.

  3. Grateful for my noisemates. (love you, guys)

    There are people that you feel like you know them long time ago even if you have not seen them yet. Virtual friendship for me is not weird as long as you benefit from them. I like that setup actually because there is no pressure. You do not have to keep up with your friends. You just have to have a nice conversation. I like noise.cash because people with the same interest have groups. So, it is easier for me to sort topics. Mostly, I post on groups of food, crypto, and random thoughts. For me, this is the best social platform.

  4. Grateful for @MarcDeMesel

    Ever since I started investing in crypto, he is the person I want to become. I want to become a Marc De Mesel one day hihi. I know it is very impossible because there is only one Marc, maybe a closer version. Hey, nothing's impossible, right? I am grateful for him for being generous and compassionate. He wants the world to know more about the opportunities of BCH to the world. He aims for a better world of crypto. He is seriously the best crypto geek I know.

  5. Grateful for the people behind the noise.cash.

    Without them, there is no noise.cash. I am grateful for giving their best effort to keep the platform alive and kicking. It is not just a simple task to make sure a platform is up and running. They dedicated their time, effort, and knowledge. Words are not enough to thank them for how much I appreciate them.


There you go! Noise.cash has a long way to go. I believe that this platform will be known as well as the use of BCH as a medium for buying, selling, and trading. I do not know much of the technicals of trading but I am putting my best effort to explore it better. How I wish I knew crypto way back before but I guess it is okay to be late trying and knowing it than never. Well, that wraps up my article. I hope you enjoy it! Stay safe and wash your hands. Peace!- Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

Sponsors of Jijisaur

$ 0.88
$ 0.85 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Sensaii
Sponsors of Jijisaur
Avatar for Jijisaur
3 years ago


Nice overview. I'd say that for me it's basically the same things. I don't get any money from my parents even though I'm still studying, so you can say that the money I make from noise are my pocket money :D And the fact that noise taught me something about crypto is priceless because it really is a future! Also... I was thinking about becoming your sponsor, but I can't find the sponsors box on your profile or any of your articles. If you can turn it on, I'd gladly sponsor you with a small amount because I find your content interesting 😊

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind words. It is really hard to make an article for me because I'm not really a writer but aspiring to. I just put a sponsor block hihi totally forgot about it. 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm the same. I enjoy writing but I still struggle with it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yaaay sanaol 1k in 2moths haha Congrats dear tuloy-tuloy mo lang yan. 🤩💙

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I havent reach that, but I'm happy that I able to increase my subscribers from 24 to 400+ in a week. Random tips are received as well and it feels good.

$ 0.01
3 years ago