Living Hell(Analogy)

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Written by
2 years ago

I want to clear one thing at first. I am not a religious person. I am a believer but not religious. I have seen people who are religious and I am not even close to what they have achieved. I have a lot to learn from them. But one thing I believe, heaven or hell, are things we can't even imagine. So, that's why I used analogy here. Cause I can't even imagine how painful it is. It's not even close.

So, cutting to the chase here, yesterday has been a hellish experience for me. Because Clover didn't return home for almost 30 hours and we actually though we lost him. Many new users who will read the article doesn't know who Clover is. Clover is my cat. He is almost 9 months old and has been with me since he was 1.5 moths old. I brought him to give him on adoption but anyway, I kept him with me.

Many of us owns a pet. It's not an easy responsibility. Specially for a student who doesn't get enough support from family. In another word, my mom doesn't like cats. Dad likes him but never touches. He is the reason I have been able to keeping him but he doesn't get in touch.

Basically, I have to study to pass. And so, I can't keep my eyes and attention on him all the time. Besides, my house is still under construction and the gate always remains open. And cats are playful, they want to get in touch in human. May be not all the cats but Clover does. I am writing this article and he is still having a nap on my lap. Adding a live photo here.

Anyway, so I remain busy, he wanted to hang around my mom at kitchen and she didn't like it. Also the gate remains open, so he started to get outside, in our garage, then he made some new friends, played with them in our garden. Whenever I finished studying, I would find him whenever I go out. So, I was okay with it. In fact I was happy. It's his right to play with his kind. But alas! suddenly all the cats around my house died of flu. They were not vaccinated.

So, clover became alone. To find new friends, he started to go far. Also, heat is an issue. But he was coming back home daily. Like, he goes out at 6 am and returns at 10am, then again at 11am, returns at 2pm, again at 6pm, returns at 9pm. All by his own. So, no problem what so ever. I had one thing to say. He is enjoying his life and remaining safe. Also, I am getting spaces. It's best. But for some days, he doesn't come home timely, at night. He just wants to cat rats outside.

I am not against his act. It's his nature. But I don't want him stay the whole night at home. There are many dogs that enters our area after 12am and also foxes are also there. Then snakes. I definitely don't want him to pass whole night outside. So, I made a decision not to let him go out after 6pm. First of all, he is not coming home, secondly I can't even find him around the area. So, definitely he is going far.

The day when he got lost, I mean, the day before yesterday, he came back home at 2 pm. He ate, slept. I had to go outside at 5.15pm. So, I told them not to let him out but they let him out anyway. Probably he was playing with them. I came back and and heard they let him go. I went out and searched the area for six times almost but couldn't found him. I last went out at 12am but there was no trace. I thought he would come back in the morning.

But in the morning, no traces at all. I saw some dogs in the area and I actually thought they killed him. Besides, he was given deworm medicine which makes them weak for 2 week. So, may be he became so weak that he couldn't return and dies somewhere. I asked people around the area if anyone saw him or not but none saw him. A caretaker of a house told me that he saw him at almost 2/3 am. He was trying to enter the house but he didn't let him. I came home and waited for him. Tried to sleep but couldn't even sleep. I was certain of one thing that no one caught him because the caretaker saw at 3 am and we went to look for him at 5.30am. In between this time, no one would come out and catch him. Me and my dad went out to look for him again and again. I went to look for bodies in dustbin and also search on main road if he had any accident but no trace at all. I shared it with some of my friends and they told me he would come because he would be hungry. My friend wanted to buy some t-shirts and he was telling me to go with him fora while now but as I was sick, I couldn't go. So, yesterday, I didn't say no. While I was with him, I consistenly called my dad and asked if he had returned but always negative answer. Actually me, my family members and friends agreed that he is not alive cause if he was, he would come home. I just waited patiently. At last, he returned home at 9pm. Almost 29 hours without a single trace.

We don't know what happened. He got lost? or got captured? or just didn't want to come back? we actually don't know. He comes back home after leaving for 1/2 hours but he remained outside for 29 hours. To be honest, I thought we lost him.

This gave me a experience of how people feel when someone close dies or goes missing. I think, when someone die, it's over. No hope. It's painful. But it's more painful when someone close to you goes missing. Because you don't know if he/ she is alive or not. If alive, how he/she is being treated/tortured. You would find the body or not. There is hope and it gives you more tension and pain. It's the worst thing. That's why I mentioned hell.

Anyway, we are more alert and concerned. We don't want to experience this kind of things again. I strictly told my family not to let him out after 6pm. I will take him for a walk whenever I get free time at night. He is free to play outside on daytime. But after sun set, it's home time.

Pray for his long life. All animals deserves to live long and happy life.

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Written by
2 years ago


Clover, you're grounded :D Good to know that he came back. He must have found someone or something interesting.

Indeed losing someone is never easy.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's hard to keep him confined at home at night. He wants to catch all the rats in the world😑

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gosh Jihan, you'll be a strict daddy for sure. But anyways, if you remember our Cat Banban, he never really get home ever. He's gone for good. We don't even not sure if he's alive or what. He just vanish. He's in heat always that's why he loves to go somewhere far to look for a mate and sometimes he get homes after 2 or days but, it's been months now already 5 or 6 months? It's really sad. Tsk

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Actually the 2/3 days eventually become 1 months and then 5/6. But I have a cousin hows cat has this freedom and he comes home after 10-12 days/1 months. I don't think if he would ever come. Either he is lost or not alive. But most probably, not alive. Flu season just passed. If he is not vaccinated for flu, he is sure to die actually. Almost 7/8 cats in my area died of flu

$ 0.00
2 years ago