Little Advice To Keep Your Babies Safe from Accidents

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Written by
3 years ago

I haven't wrote in some days. Actually it's still hard to believe for me that I was having so much free time last month and now it's so hard to get a free time to relax. I was giving tution 4 days in a week but now I have to take care of one more subject and have to go there 6 days. And also need to prepare the lessons and my study,class, course. That's why I am a bit irregular here. Anyway, hola everyone. Hope you all are doing very well.

This post is specially for the moms who are writing on Read Cash. Also it's a good and important advice for the one whose relatives have babies too. I think it will be helpful for everyone.

Recently I have been reading lot's of accidents and death of babies. Specially three stories triggered me to write this article. So here they are.

Throwing babies into air

It's a very popular game and enjoyable for kids. I have niece and she likes it a lot. Though don't throw her up. Still I didn't know it can be dangerous for her.

Many of us can't deny that we enjoy playing it with our kids and they also enjoy. In the end we just want to the smile on their face and as they enjoy, many of us play this game. Some throw them very high and some just don't release like me.

Now, most of the accidents occur then you can't catch the baby and he/she can't catch the baby and the baby thrashes onto the floor. It may cause series injury as the bones of babies are not that strong. They are delicate and it break easily. In most cases, the babies gets hurt into their knee and back of the head where the spinal cord joins the brain. This can cause severe damage as the joint is very delicate.

Many of us aware of it. Some may say we don't release the baby in the air. But do you know it's still now safe for him? Let me tell you a little story I read on facebook.

Someone went to his brothers house and was playing with nephew. He is moving his nephew high and low in the air and his nephew was laughing too. But suddenly it stopped laughing and lost his sense. Immediately they took him to a doctor but the doctor found him dead. He told the movement of head caused a pull in an artery of the brain and it ripped and the haemorrhage in the brain was the cause of his death. So, you see, a head of baby is more delicate as the veins, artery and bones are not that strong. When we do this, a lille mistake can take the life of a baby. So, I belief you got what I want to day here.

Leaving Charger Plugged in while the switch is on

You have noticed in thing. Babies have a tendancy to put things into mouth. They don't get what it is or what consequence it might bring. So we should not keep anything that is harmful within the reach of babies and children.

We take care of these a lot. We keep our sharp thing and chemicals within the reach of kids. But one thing that sometimes we forget. Leaving the charger plugged in while the switch is on. The pin doesn't have electricity but it you touch inside the pin, it has electricity. And when it will obviously contain electricity when it will come in contact with water type liquid. So when your charger is plugged in while the switch is on, if your baby puts the pin in mouth, electricity will be passed into the whole body and if not noticed immediately, it will e dead in a while. This kind of events happed a lot.

Even sometimes I forget to turn the switch off. It is harmful. And also consumes a bit of electricity. So I hope you will keep it in mind and unplug the charger after every time you charge the phone.

Also I want to add here to make 100% sure that every switch of 3-pins or 4-pins are off in your home. If your baby puts his hand in a plug while the switch is on, you know the rest. So take care of these delicate matters

Pulling child carelessly

Sometimes we pull the hards of child carelessly. Suppose you are on a walk and see something interesting. Become excited, you can pull her hard a bit harshly to reach there. It's dangerous. It may tear ligament of elbow.

Kids are reckless. They tend to run here and there and to stop them sometimes we have to catch their hards suddenly. Most cases are when you are feeding your kid and they are not willing to eat. They run here and there and you try to catch their hands. This can even dislocate your kids hand too. I am saying from a personal experience. It happened with my sister's kid. One of the hands got twisted while she tried to catch her kid while running away. It's can be fatal and even dislocations and fracture may occuras they are very delicate.

Sometimes moms go to shopping with their kids and they are not tall enough to reach their mother's hand. In that case the mother pull their hand so that they reach her hands. It hampers a lot. Also sometime we hold their hand to swing them. This form of play can turn harmful for them too. So we have to take care of these.

There are lot more delicate situations like this. These situations seem so simple but just see how much deadly they are for your children or nephew. As they are delicate, you also have to be a bit more careful while we are taking care of them.

That's for today. I know every moms are very much careful of their babies but still this post is a reminder to them and also for others. Hope it will help us a lot. Thanks for your attention guys.

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Avatar for Jihan
Written by
3 years ago


Very useful tips. We must take good care of children. A moment of inattention can be fatal.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very helpful Jihan, I wish this reached to other mothers out there. You know I am So afraid to hold a kid or carry them because I don't know how to properly hold them and i'm afraid that I will accidentally released them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

informative.. yet parents or any baby sitter should make use of their common sense..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Children should be monitored always

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Harmful objects should be kept away from children's reach at all times

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great way to disseminate information for parents who have little ones. Prevention is always better than cure.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And so here i am, very happy i don't want kids so i don't need to be this cautious and accidentally kill a baby ;;-,; it's scary when they reach that toddler phase and they just run around everywhere and eat everything

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, read well and donbt kill* neighbours kids😂😂😂 and also toddlers are brat😑😑

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes- toddlers are brats that just pull on everything then cry when they hurt themselves :< i don't like those evil creatures ;;-;;

$ 0.00
3 years ago

soo much negative energy🤣🤣🤣🤣 man you really hate them a lot😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Not my fault, all the kids I've met are pure evil, i tell you! My cousins and nieces and nephews broke a lot of my glasses :<

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😂😂😂 but my cousins and nephew niece loves me a lot.. too much love is irritating.. even they want to go to washroom with me ... they want to play withme when I am around😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well you're a nice uncle UwU I'm a bad aunt that runs away from them because i don't need to buy a new pair of hlasses when I'm trying to actually save up for something

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😅😅😅 I don't have no worries. And I am also childish myself. that's why they like me😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ohhh so that's why. The kids around 5-8 like me because i can make magic when I'm just using basic chem 😂😂😂 it keeps them distracted and far away from me because it's bad to crowd around during an experiment

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well they know I have dogs and they are afraid of dogs.. so if they bother too much. I just say I would bring my dogs and they would bite you... It's my magic trick to control them

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Orz those kids love dogs too so i don't think that would work on them. They don't want their faces to melt though so i scare them with acid and stuff

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for this. It's very helpful to me since I have 2 nieces. I should be aware on this. Thanks a lot :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

share these knowledge with your brother/sister too as tgey take care of them most

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A lot of people don't know about this so they tend to hold their children carelessly not knowing that this could affect them, I mean their children in unhealthy ways.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly and accidents my occur anytime. That's why I shared this story so that everyone can be aware before any accidents occur

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You really said it's well, this is a nice article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow it is exciting we will try to avoid that

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Better to avoid as it's can turn out to be dangerous for child. By the way, nice to meet you @zuli

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow this is great. Couldn't believe that throwing a baby in the air could affect the brains of the baby. I've done this a number of times out of ignorance. I've learnt today

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We all have done it. Accidents are very rare but we don't know when and with whom the accident will occur.. So it's good if we are conscious from brfore

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I got goosebumps reading the story.. Many are really doing that. Throwing babies in the air... Mommies should read this... I mean all should know this since we also have nephews and niece... But I wonder why the legs of the newborn babies don't break when the doctor hangs them up after delivery 😅 Every time I watch this kind of video, I feel worried about the legs of babies....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

the weight is very low then..around 1.25-3/4.. that's why..they have a reason to hold them upside down..mau be blood flow into brain and they 1st use their lung then..that's why they cry

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh yeah.. That's the babies cry when they hang upside down..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it's a good sign that they are crying... that means they are using the systens quiet well

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's doctors are tapping baby's butt to stimulate crying... Those who don't have disorders right?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tapping and both rubbing they don't son't cry by their own. tapping and rubbing in but stimulates their crying. It's very important

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly what i mean.. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

These are really scary and it takes some caution..I actually thought you a mom anyways I wish you luck in your studies

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am a boy😓😓😓 I am only 21 years old😓😓😓

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh's just that you have much knowledge 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I just read journals to gain some. Not much. need to learn a lot😓

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is good rather than not reading at all

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am guilty with the first one. I did that when he was 1 year old but after I read that it's harmful on the brain I stopped it and also told my husband and my relatives not to do that.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
3 years ago

kids enjoy it a lot and as we dn't know the consequence, we do it. Accidents are rare but we dn't know when and with whom it may occur. And kids are precious and delicate too. We should not put them in danger

$ 0.00
3 years ago