We all face a lack of time, especially a mother, And somehow our day is too short to achieve everything we imagined we could do in one day. If your day is too short for you, then we share the same problem, and I solved it myself with a time planner. We must make the best use of time. In order for all our tasks and plans to be successfully realized, we really need a planner in which we will write all our obligations and ideas.
Svi se suocavamo sa manjkom vremena, pogotovu majke, I nekako nam je dan previse kratak da bi postigli sve sto smo zamislili da uradimo u jednom danu. Ako je I Vama dan previse kratak onda delimo isti problem,a ja Sam svoj resila planerom za organizaciju vremena. Vreme moramo da iskoristimo na najbolji moguci nacin. Da bi svi nasi zadaci I planovi bili uspesno realizovani zaista nam je potreban planer u koji cemo upisivati sve nase obaveze I ideje.
Make a simple planner / Napravite jednostavan planer
For starters you need to buy one nice notebook. At the bookstore, choose the one you like best. Let it be a notebook with several sheets because the planner should last us a year. The planner should be offered created according to your personal choice and adaptable to your needs, so there are no specific rules for it. They should not even offer a complicated one, it should help you write your daily schedule in it and motivate you to do all the tasks.
Za pocetak treba da kupite jednu lepu svesku. U knjizari izaberite onu koja vam se najvise dopada. Neka to bude sveska sa vise listova jer planer treba da Nam traje godinu dana. Planer treba da nude kreiran po Vasem licnom izboru I prilagodljiv vasim potrebama, tako da za njega ne postoje odredjena pravila. Ne treba ni da nude komplikovan, on treba da Vam pomogne da u njega upisete svoj dnevni raspored I da vas motivise da uradite sve zadatke.
The possibilities for making a planner have no limits. You can be creative at will ☺️
Mogucnosti za izradu planera nemaju granica. Mozete da budete kreativni do mile volje ☺️
Daily planners should be put into the planner. You can print pre-made and designed planners.
Dnevni planeri treba da se stave u planer. Mozete odstampati vec napravljene I dizajnirane planere.
This is followed by chopping and gluing / Sledi seckanje I lepljenje
Now it's time to create the contents of the planner. Chop, glue and shape. Making a planner is a lot of fun, and you'll see for yourself. The planner will help you be more productive and get everything done on time.
Sada je na red doslo kreiranje sadrzaja planera. Seckajte, lepite I oblikujte. Pravljenje planera je jako zabavno, u to cete se I Sami uveriti. Planer ce Vam pomoci da budete produktivniji I da sve poslove obavljate na vreme.
It is advisable to use notebooks without lines. You can adapt any idea you like to yourself and your needs. On YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest, you can find creative ideas that can enhance the look of your planner.
Savetuje se da koristite sveske bez linija. Svaku ideju koja vam se dopadne mozete da prolagodite sebi I svojim potrebama. Na YouTube, Instagramu I Pinterestu mozete pronaci kreativne ideje koje mogu da poboljsaju izgled Vaseg planera.
And lastly, don't forget to add a mountain of cute stickers that you can also find for free on the internet Or you can make them yourself ☺️
I za kraj, ne zaboravite da dodate brdo preslatkih stikera koje isto mozete naci besplatno na internetu Ili ih mozete napraviti Sami ☺️
Make a planner to your liking. Napravite planer po svojoj meri. 🥰
I made planner before, but been using for first days only after few weeks, became lazy following and doing planner anymore. 😂 btw, what language is that?