My Boy Invaded A Cave At A Young Age.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago

Love affairs is very normal to us human beings and other people are not very knowledgeable about the love affairs happening in animals also. It may be sound weird but it's true and it maybe happening right now with your pets such as dogs and cats. Well not only them are having love affairs but also those other animals out there such as those ducks, birds, snakes, chickens and more. Sometimes people are laughing at those animals whos's having love affairs especially when they're doing it in a public place.

Maybe we can call that ignorance of what is really happening between these animals. Because of that sometimes, our fellow humans tend to hurt them for showing those kind of things in public but they forgot to keep their self in check. We are the highest form of animals yet we do things that are more worst than an animals do even if we know what is wrong and right. Why? Maybe there are really hard headed and can't absorb the things we called right and wrong or maybe they just don't have a heart.

Speaking of animals, my boy Blackie explored new thing and it made him to suffer for 2 days. Also it made me spend 1'500 pesos or $30 for his treatment. Last sunday evening my dog made an intimate contact with the girl here who's active. When the Monday morning comes, we saw his private part hanging and it's already swollen. We are wondering what happened but my father said that the same accident happened before with his dog. We are worried about him especially me because Blackie is too young for that but my father is smiling and he said that my dog is like the youths now who engage in intimate situations without thinking what might happen next..

Since monday was meant for election so my father was busy with his duties as barangay tanod. I worriedly told him about the condition of my dog and asked him to bring my dog to the vet because his private part is already turning violet and bluish. We don't know what to do about it so we are just keeping it out from dirt at that moment. He told me that we will go to the vet the next day, tuesday.

Tuesday morning came and we dress up early to bring Blackie to the veterenary clinic. I asked my father to stop by at the remittance center in town for me to cash out the money I just converted that morning. I prepared $40 for my dog because my father said that it may be expensive especially his medecines. It may be a sad thing to convert for the reason the price was to low around $200 but for my dog I just closed my eyes and converted it. I can't stand to see him in pain anyway.

When we arrived at the clinic, the doctor is not present yet and his assistance told me that he will arrive at 9:30 so we waited nearby. When it hits that time, I entered the clinic and asked again, it's good that he was already there. I immediately carry my dog and show it to him. He said that it was bad already but they will try bring it back to normal. Before they started the operation I asked him if how much it will cost and he just said he will see later on.

He injected sleeping sustance to Blackie then waited for him to fall asleep. He disinfect and clean it first with an alcohol maybe then proceed with the procedure already because time is crucial with the condition of my dog. He had two assistant with him who helped with the procedure. Without any unwanted problems during the process, they successfully brought back the private part to it's normal position but still it will not become soft, still it's hard.

After the successful procedure, the doctor told me that he needs oral medication such as antibiotic and anti-inflamatory. He gave me 2 medicines for Blackie and he said to me that we will bring back him after 1 week.

After that and Blackie took his medicines already, I was relieved that his swollen private part in going back to normal and he has the appetite again to eat a lot. As of today his anti inflamatory medicine will end and his antibiotic will have more days. I'm glad that he's okay already and I can see his continous recovery.

Author's note

Sometimes there's something that occurs unexpectedly and it may costs us any amount so what I learned about this incident is that it's good that we have some saving in our pocket so that when an incident will occur, we will have something to get and use. So let's start saving little by little. No matter how much is it as long as we do it consistently. I may not have real money in my pocket but I have virtual money so it's a blessing that I'm here.

I love dogs, the same with any animals out there and will spend any amount for them to feel better and to live a normal life.

Thanks for reading this article again friends and see you again.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

To all my sponsors and avid audience who always supports my works,Arigatouđź’š.

Sponsors of Jher0122

$ 2.51
$ 2.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


Good to know he is doing okay now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Opo. he already recovered napo and his private part turned back to normal again po.. Malakas nadin siya kumain di gaya noon .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yep save money so in case of emergency you'll never worry.

Jusmi kala ko anong love affair Yung sinasabi mo.hahahha mating pala... Actly common din Ang std sa hayop e kaya medjo ingat ingat kamo sabihin mo Kay blackie

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kung may ipon meron po madudukot diba po ..lalo't di naman natin alam kung ano ang darating...

Actually hindi po std yung kay blackie.. naforce lang po yung kwan niya kasi bata papo ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lesson learn: Wag atat makipag anuhan hahaha. Charr. Siguro na force yung ari nya after their sexual intercourse bro.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha..totoo yan kuys..paano nalang kaya pag ganun sa tao nako ..nadami na siguro naoospital dahil sa early exploration..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Magastos din talaga pag may aso. Kawawa din naman kung di natin ipagamot pagmay dinamdam sila.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kawawa po talaga ..kasi namamaga na yung kwan nya eh ..paano nalang kaya pag sa iba amo niya nako baka di ipagamot ..po

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Buti naman nahing ok na na sya kahit papano

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Buti nalang po talaga at my konting ipon kasi kung hindi baka siya din po yun kinamatay niya kasi nawawalan na gana kumain..

$ 0.00
2 years ago