Mastering The Art Of Resiliency.

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2 years ago

Our life is full of various obstacles and day by day we are being challenge by them. Sometimes it gives us a lot of troubles to the point of losing our morale in moving forward to our goals in life. Others may see obstacles as a hindrance to their success but for me I see it as a double edge sword. Why? Because it can make me bleed a lot of blood but at the same time it can serve as my weapon and protection in the near future.

In my opinion I think we should face a lot of obstacles in our younger years for us to be molded into a human with a proper mindset in combating those ahead of us because we don't know what they got in bringing us down. So don't think that those obstacles you are facing right now are a hindrance to you. That's a wrong mindset. You should take advantage of them and use them to become more resilient. By having and by practicing the art of resiliency we see paradise at the end of our journey. We Filipinos practiced it for over thousand of years, it's in our blood so why don't we execute it in our daily lives.

In this article I just want to point out what I learned on how to become more resilient in our life. Let's see how we can master it so come on and let's encover these five things.

Number one, Be Authentic.

First of all the definition of authentic is being genuine or real. Why's that? Because in our life we are dealing with real things, real problems so we want to deal it our real self and not a fake one.

It's important to be authentic in order to create real solutions towards our real fights. Don't be a copy cat and just copying everything of what you see in your surroundings. Find your unique styles in conquering those walls. Also the key in being authentic is be true to your self, express what you really feel towards things and all. It's really hard to fight in our journey if we fake everything. There's no guarantee that in the end we can get authentic results if our actions are not even real. So always keep in mind to be authentic at all times even if sometimes we are so down and crying behind the shadow.

Number two, Stay Calm.

Life will surprise us in every way it can in order to make us surrender in our fights. It will throw everything it have to make us confuse and to lose our focus. With this kind of strategy of life we need to remain calm at all times in order for us to make rightful decisions. Being calm has a lot of advantages in our life so we should practice it at all times.

Number three, Be Grateful.

In life despite the things we encounter, even the worst things still we should be grateful with the things we have now and for the blessings we recieved. Sometimes we forget to be grateful because our minds is occupied with a lot of things especially problems in our life and it shouldn't be. In our journey we can lose a lot of things and we shouldn't be down with it instead we should be still grateful because there's a valid reason why you lose it. Be grateful for everything we gain and for everything happened in our life.

Number four, Trust In Yourself.

In fighting our battles we should keep in mind and we should always execute what we need the most. You can't do a single thing if you don't have a trust in yourself. The trust in ourselves is the thing that drives us to achieve spectacular achievement in our journey. You can't become a strong individual if you doubt yourself. So please don't ever doubt yourself because yourself is your only ally when everyone turn their backs on you. Your trust in yourself is the main key in unlocking those gigantic doors of success.

Number five, Find Your Purpose.

We exist in this wonderful world because for the sole reason that we have a purpose to fulfill while we sail our journey. In becoming more resilient we need to determine our great purpose in order for us to transform into a person that fits for it. Having a purpose drives us to be better in many things and achieving the impossible tasks. We need it to keep going aside from our goals in life. If you have a purpose I'm sure you can sail your journey smoothly.

All those five factors really helps in mastering the art of resiliency. If it is executed properly I'm sure it can result to great things.

Thank you to these awesome people and my avid readers out there. Godbless us all.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


I'll remastered these 5 factors so that I will be able to achieve better endeavors.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Always inspiring article! love to read always your content sir. Thank you for this!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm glad that you found it inspiring and I really hope that this inspiring article will help you in every ways especially when life throws big stones at you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think most people are struggling now in facing their own problems in life, and most are having problems about having trust within themselves as well as finding what their purpose is. Personally I feel like copying others which does not help at all.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I can observe that also and other people tend to copy others because they think of themselves that they are not competent enough to achieve impossible things and it should not be. The ignition of the fire must start within ourselves in order for us to make a great fire.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes! Very true and nice article. I love it. I like the five factors you explained and that is so right. Write for more friend

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm glad that you liked it and I hope that you practice those five factors I've mentioned for you to master it even more because we don't know what might happen next ahead of us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Obstacles come in many ways, but finding ways to overcome them is success. As you said remain calm, be patient,trusting ourselves can bring in good result.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's really a huge success if we find ways on how to deal with our real problems in life because we just stepped up a little bit in the stairs of success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just in time for us to be reminded to practice self-awareness. All the things mentioned aboved are designed to help people slow down and appreciate the things in life and guide us to for us to do what we really have to do. It may take us a long time to discover our purpose but circumstances will surely take us there.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I just thought kasi na as of now that this pandemic is ruining all of our plans in life and somehow our morale in moving forward is getting lower so it's great to publish somethng like this to power up our minds that there's still hope despite what's happening now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nothing beats trusting in your own abilities, the moment you lose that, the battle is completely lost

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is really true my friend. If you lose the trust in yourself it's just like you give up even before the battle begins.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me in my opinion, finding purpose is the hardest among given LOL. It's hard to know why we lived and why we still living hehe. Maybe some could do but for me I still and honestly don't know yet my purpose. 😬 Maybe I need to dig out more.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree din po na it's really hard to find our true purpose here but at some point and turn of events lalo na pag bongga yung pagkakapihit ng life malalaman mo talaga ..just like what happened to me last year na sobra yung nangyari then afterwards po parang yung purpose ng buhay ko is naging straight na.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

lovely article, you really hit the mark with the whole be the authentic thing, it's indeed so very true, sometimes we get caught up with everything that we fail to know be our real selves and have real solutions just like you said.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah. there's an inspiration behind this article of mine today because I've experienced faking who I am in the past and also I know that there's a lot out there who are doing the same thing as I did because they're scared of the real world..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

sorry to hear about that, actually I find that most people never really get to understand who they truly are because they have never been alone with themselves and actually learn what they like, what they dislike, and their moral standpoint but I'm glad that you know your authentic self because once you know who you are, they universe becomes yours.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeahh it's really great to know our own real self because it opens big doors and opportunities in the outside world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago