God's Blessings In Disguise.

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2 years ago

A great morning greeted us again this day and upon opening our eyes we saw the beautiful creations of our Father God. As we see and stare at them, we realize that we are still breathing and alive. It's really beautiful to be alive and witnessing the blessings created by our creator and enjoy them. Sometimes I really wonder why some people hated their life just because of their mistakes in the past. Then I come into conclusion that maybe there's no one telling them and reminding them that life is worth living.

To all the audience out there in various walks of life, if you're reading this I want you to know that your life is valuable and you are loved by the King of kings. If everyone arounds you says that you are just a problem in their eyes, always remember that in the eyes of God you are His child and important to him no matter what you've done in your life.

This world is full and overflowing of goodness back then but as of now it seems that it's slowly dying and fading away. I observed that too many people are hating each other just only because of some misunderstanding that can be resolve in a good way. Some bonds that was molded by times are now breaking apart just only because their beliefs of something are not thesame. Why should things ends like that? Can't you set aside your beliefs for the sake of your friendly relationship. Especially in political beliefs because this past weeks I saw a lot in social medias wherein their relation as a friend ended only just because what's their ideal president are not the same. Oh come on. It should not be like that ok, you can believe whoever your bet is but please don't let it ruin the bonds you've made over the past years. It's just a little rant haha now letvs go back to the main point of this article.

Have you ever ecounter some stranger in your life that actually became a blessing or it help you in any ways?

This is a true to life experience and I know that you have experiences like this too. If I remembered it clearly it happened back 2015 and I was 14 years old at that time. We had a problem in our family that time and it's all about my lola. She was sick at that time so we went to a hospital and she was diagnosed with the condition called Appendicitis. Wherein her appendix are not functioning properly due to some reasons and it's needed to be remove or else it will get worse.

So we got worried and we talked to our family members especially my lola if she's willing to take the operation and I'm glad that she's willing. Now since the operation was ASAP, we are not sure where to get the money. We talked to relatives but some of them didn't give because they don't have money and it's just funny because they have a big house and professionals. We are really worried at that time and some neighbors said that maybe we can seek help to our mayor but our mayor is out of town at that time for work.

I'm with my aunt and while we're walking going back to the hospital to relay to the doctors that we don't have yet the money needed. So we we're walking and walking while the sun is buring hot up there then suddenly I saw a pouch, not a fancy one but just a simple one. My aunt look what's inside and it's full of money and other important Id's. It's around the hospital ground so we thought that we should return it to the management of the hospital and the rest is up to them to page the owner of the pouch.

We didn't stay at the office and to see the owner because we are worried about the money. The pouch was full of money but we didn't want to steal it from the owner so we return it. That's the lesson my lola taught me. Even if the situation is desperate don't steal that is not yours. We go and see lola to her room, so we said that the plan to seek help from the mayor didn't succeed so we are down. But despite that my lolo and father still insist that lola should take the operation and they just said everythings gonna be okay.

We have just a little amount but we told the doctors that lola will take the operation so they prepared her already. The management paged our names so we got worried so we rushed to their office and upon arriving there a man was waiting together with the staff. Then the man thanked us, we wonder so we asked why then he said that he's the owner of the pouch we found that morning. We are really happy that the pouch was returned to it's owner so we bid goodbye to each other and went directly to my lola who's been in a gown that time. They're just waiting for the time to go into the operating room.

The time already came and they went inside the room, we are not permitted so we waited outside. As we wait, we went to the chapel for us to pray for my lola's safety and that God will guide those who will operate her. After that we patiently waited in the chair outside. The operations takes hours and maybe because they are cautious because of my lola's age.

After a long time of waiting, a man came out of the room. It looks like the surgeon who operated my lola and unexpectedly he was the guy before and the owner of the pouch. So we are shocked to see each other then he said that the operation was successful and lola just need to rest for several days then she's good to go home. We thanked him for taking care of my lola.

When we went to get the bill for everything, we we're shocked and surprised that our bill was zero balance, mind you we don't have Philhealth that time so we wonder how. We asked the counter who payed for it and they said that it was the man who operated my lola. We go back to where's my lola and a man was there talking to my father. That man was the man before, he prescribed some important medicines fo my lola. After he talked, we said to my father that our balance is zero and it all thanks to the surgeon infront of us.

My father and lola cried out of joy and thankfulness because we are short on money that time. The big guy thanked us again and that's the only thing he can do for us for what we did. Well for us it's too much and we don't know how to repay him when the time comes. The awesome guy just said that there's no need for that he only did what's the right thing to do and he also said that if feels like someone pushed him to help us and he know it that was God.

He only said to us that no matter what we should always do good things just like what we did and surely God will bless us, not directly but He will use other people to help us. When we went to the hospital again the staff said that he already transfered to Manila. He's originally from Manila so it's good for him that he's close to his home.

From that dire situation in our life I learned a lot from it. From that point we continue to do good things in our fellows even if we are being downgraded by other people because we are poor. Being poor is not a hindrance for us to do good things, always remember that friends from all over the world. Always do good things from the bottom of your heart and I'm sure God will make a miracle.

That's my article for today and see yah next time. If you experience something similar from this one kindly drop a comment below. Thank you for reading this far.


Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

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2 years ago


My eyes were already watery just from reading the first 2 paragraphs and even until the end I am in tears. God bless you and your family. Your lola did a good job in raising you. Yes, we should always remember to never take anything that is not ours. (hahaha. Ang lakas ng loob ko magsabi na huwag kukuha ng hindi kanya pero may ninenenok na mga gamit sa inuman. Hahaha) 😄

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is just what I needed to read as of the moment. Indeed, God is faithful and Good. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We are a treasured possession.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm glad to know that somehow my article helped you to what you're going through right now. We do good in the name of our God and he will surely bless us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God is good all the time! And for people like you who have been so kind, God will always provide. I hope your lola will stay healthy and well for years to come.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks po ..Lola's doing great po . You're right about it ..that when you're kind to your fellow no matter what ..He will provide even the impossible. ones.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's an amazing story you just told. Good works will always bring good results for those who practice it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree to what you said.. It really is . that's why I'm. hoping that if maybe we can all practice good works to make this a better world to live in.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naimbyerna ako sa kamag anak nyo. 🙄 Jusmiyo di rin magtatagal kayamanan ng mga yan kasi madamot sila. Ay ambot buti pa yung doctor eh napaka bait

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ay sinabi mopa po..hindi naman kami humihiram ng fixed amount noon kundi kahit magkano sana malaking tulong na yun..talagang once na nakahawak ng pera ang tao nako ubod na ng damot ..dina alam kung saan nanggaling .. Buti nalang may blessing talaga non..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Word was true "God will provide". I'm happy for your Lola's recovery pars, ang ganda ng nangyari.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oo nga po ..sa simpleng pagtulong lang eh anlaki na ng naging reward po .. kaya doon ko napatunayan na gumagalaw ang good karma..😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a beautiful story!

That comes to show that good deeds like the one you did always get their fair reward.

May God keep blessing you!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This one really showed me that when you do something good to your fellow there's always a reward ..but it's not an instant but when you need it the most..when the time you least expect it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true, not only when you least expect it, but also from whom you least expect it. God and his wonders!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope everything improves soon friend. Keep the hope. Everything will be fine! 🙏

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes my friend ..there's nothing to wprry aabout my grandma..she's okay ow and it all thanks to Father God who helped us when we are so down..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope your grandma is doing a lot better now :) And God bless that man who helped you with the bill.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

She's doing great now..sometimes she still feels that her wound is still fress so she's not able to lift anything heavy.. That man was a big blessing to us ..I hope he's doing fine now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pahinga lang si Lola..And that Mr. Good Samaritan too sana ay okay din :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Opo ..kaya madalas ako naglalaba para di mabinat si lola kahot matagal na ..yung opera niya.. pero pasaway din siya minsan..hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago