The rain that conquers and captivates...
The week is long and longer as rain continues to pour, ceaselessly. At 1st I was grateful because I couldn’t water due to my illness but the weather has become so cold as it continues to rain this weekend.
Feng shui. I have tried to integrate feng shui into our home, especially on the location of the plants. To best suit our needs and security. And discovering that cactus and succulents should be located far left, well, of course, I am transferring them on the rooftop, -far left! Still not done with the transfer as there are still some left. According to feng shui, there is no problem keeping the plants almost everywhere but the spikes of the cactus are like a thousand needles, best if they will be relocated somewhere where it can provide protection to the family and don’t interrupt the flow of wellness, thus, far left.
My addition to the collection are the orchids, as I have longed to integrate them into my garden. Luckily I can place them anywhere in the house especially the brightly colored ones! Right now, I can only afford keikis of dendrobiums and vandas, I decided to place them on the stairs going rooftop. Though not yet permanent but already have them on their soil mix, cocopeat with charcoal and eggshells, hopefully when the mesh wires arrive, I will be able to complete all and make the orchid tower. I do plan to add some more to the collection, slowly while I am still trying hard and adjusting to my current scenario.
Oh! The grapes, a pair, is one of the good addition I have. Planning to prune them short so they will be dwarfed. Oh! How I would love to pick and feast on the harvest soon! While the lemon seems to love flowering, placing new fruit display on its little and tiny limbs because they are dwarfed. While the strawberries kept on producing some runs making it an all-time high, 10 runners and on the counting. The rain sustained them and now encouraged more to grow. The cucumbers have 2 fruit displays which I am just as glad as anyone else, at least I get to see them flaunt their assets. While tomato seedlings were transplanted successfully into the box I prepared. Sayote seedling is flourishing but still reluctant, hopefully, this time. I picked up some bitter gourd seeds from the neighbors so I get to plant them on the roof deck.
While the portulaca just flowers especially the pink ones, prominently. While I have whites and yellow colors in addition, plus a white/pink that I picked from somewhere. Hoping to make the scene more lively than ever. The hydrangea seems to like to flower as well, and I’m glad that they are a good addition to the flora above. I’m just really waiting for cymbidium to flower too, not the hybrid type though.
There are some succulents really looking forward for a real good bloom, the month of august is truly a blooming month I should say! Hmmm, the aloes are flourishing together with the stinkies, while the strings of banana is also flowering. Supposed to be its 2nd flower but the workers dropped it and it destroyed it. I was just glad that it didn’t stunned the flowering but it flourished instead, now shy in showing me their flowers!
Oh! I have some few additions in the coming seasons, so, this is it for now and til the next update. Thank u for taking the journey with me!
August 08, 2022
Images: mine
Wow! you have a collection of cactus, I only have one in our home haha. Isn't hard to maintain that kind of plants?