Marites ng buhay! Norms in life!

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2 years ago

Whether we liked it or not, marites ng buhay is really part of our daily existence! Oh wow! Even wall street had them even from the time it was still growing. I mean, aren’t they the ones who spread unprecedented news about stocks going to fall or not? The ones that haven’t hit the news! Where do businessmen scout information relevant to investing? Do you think they will risk it without the information at hand? Oh! No one! Yeah! Narrow it today to ENews? What are they about? Aren’t they marites?

How foolish, for many trying hard to define the very existence of a marites! I mean, every now and then we talk about somebody else’s life! Me and my eldest, talk about the guy across the street flaunting his Chihuahuas right in front of our veranda. While we talk out loud about his dogs and all he can do is smile because he heard all of my descriptions about his dogs! And he has been doing that, flaunting his dogs every day, enjoying our talks about his dogs, while he smiles, I laughed out very loudly. I’m not afraid to be honest about it.

I mean, why is it so hard to acknowledge that we sometimes if not often talk about another person’s life! It’s not that it’s a crime… We’re just plainly talking. Unless of course, you spread hellfire about him/her and all of it is not true and created a scandal for them… well, that’s beyond boundaries! You are definitely the kind who should know your limits and boundaries! The kind who creates malice and havoc on someone else and that's bad.

I’m new to the neighborhood but people seem to know me and my boys! I don’t really mind, at least I don’t have to introduce myself and do a lot of explaining! And we are no longer treated as strangers and sometimes I may not like it but feel like we are close, which is not very good for me!

Our official marites in the neighborhood, her name is Ate Bilma… is a kind of marites that when you ask for a reference, she can give you one good reference! Like last week, someone asked for the location of a doctor who can help them with a medical certificate, and our place was given as the reference. So I happily pointed him in Ate Bilma’s direction because I am confident she can answer the question, which she did! Isn’t that amazing! For someone who knows everyone in the neighborhood and who can easily identify strangers, that poses danger to our kids! I can appreciate this kind of marites and am glad to have her in our lives! Honestly, yes!

I am not really the kind who judges people, just take them as they are and appreciate the worst in them even if it means the worst of them. I mean, I am human too, not void of emotions and prone to mistakes. I can be foolish at times and make stupid decisions, which doesn’t make me unworthy! It’s a matter of accepting our flaws and living with it. Change for the betterment of our lives and learn from it.

Judging these people doesn’t make us saints, just because we know how to write and got a better life than theirs, doesn’t qualify us to make a judgment. You’ll never really know, when the time comes, they’re the ones who extend help at times you need it the most! And the most discriminated people in society! Not that I am encouraging but you see, live your life and they live theirs.

Those being labeled or named as Marites, in my neighborhood, acknowledge it and don’t get mad or disappointed. I mean, it’s really a matter of acknowledging and knowing what you made of, makes up your confidence! Denying, masking, giving the “best foot forward”, pretending something you are not, hypocrisy, false pretense, is really a misconception because, in the end, you are the only one who suffers from all these! Why? Because, you’re putting up lies to cover your pretense, and all those lies piles up until you “the inner self” can no longer cope, so everything collapses! Haven’t you thought about it? It's a simple reflection on how you view life and yourself! A simple retrospection that nothing about your life needs to be covered up, not even your own happiness!

That’s why we are all messed up because… we don’t acknowledge ourselves and try to live in someone else's shoes, in all those pretenses! In the end, we still get to ask ourselves “why” when all we needed to do was simple. Trying to live a movie-like life? Hahaha! How pitiful! hey! You watch too much t.v.

You know, these marites… often helpful sometimes in giving references, what do you think journalists are for? They’re one of the greatest marites of all times, the sources they have collected over the years! OMG! How’d you think the news was formed? They are marites themselves, they’re just paid and sosyal because of the title “journalist!”. You think! ??? Now, you think highly of yourself, yet there are a lot of things you don't acknowledge! I mean, what do you get in pleasing other people? Do you think you get connections because of that? Hmmm… most connections I know that last a lifetime, are built on character!

July 20, 2022
Image: pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


Better study well and be a journalist so you'll be paid for being inquisitive, lol! We can't avoid talking about other peoples lives may it be famous or just simply our neighbors or relatives but yes we should know our boundaries. Talking about them is fine but making judgement and meddle with their life is different thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Knowing about people's personality and capability will really help us to know, how we relate with such people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some are even proud and loud for being Marites, kahiya!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wonder how people named Maritess feels whenever their name is referred to as gossipers and tattletales. Hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh! She knows, and she laughs at it... She knows she is... She didn't deny which is why I can appreciate her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some neighbors are good and others are bad but we have to handle situation each time frame.

$ 0.00
2 years ago