Life as it goes!

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2 years ago

A blessed day everyone! Thursday, 2nd day of the month, and today is mom’s birthday. Another start of the month that I am quite thankful for!

May was a month full of “sorrow, regrets, depression…”. And I believe writing something about it in response to regrets has caused me a subscription. Don’t get me wrong, I am not worried about losing one or two or because joining that platform that needs proof of 100 subscriptions to join is not on my list. My goal in joining this platform was really to write my head out. Sharing my different point of view is some perspective that other normal people don’t have! Take it from someone with autism, our way of thinking is different, so expect something really out of the normal reactions you get. Oh! Please, forgive my fixation, it’s a comfort zone!


The truth about life is not really about the wins you have because if it’s all about the wins, then nobody has to lose? Right? Some win, some lose? The general thing about life is most of us are poor while only a few are rich and even rich people undergo the same emotions as those of us poor. The only thing comforting in their situation is that they have money for convenience while the poor have to make do with what they have!

They too have some wins and some losses. Have anyone thought that anytime business can go crashing out of nowhere? Like what is happening right now? Markets go down, even spiraling down for months and running for a year now. Many, we never really know went bankrupt and who knows, are already part of the poor society. And when that happens, you think, there will be no regrets? Sorrow? Depression? Oh! We all have our demons to fight every day! Even saints have demons. But, honestly, turn back the time? This is reality and not the dream world. Just because MARVEL is presenting a time-traveling concept doesn’t mean it can be in this reality? And if that were true, well, only then we can start looking back and changing. Even MARVEL time travel suggested, “never tamper with time” it has serious consequences like what happened in “SPIDERMAN 2”. OMG, people get real. Start thinking real and don’t dream. Yes, dream of the future that is.

The truth

Life… the truth is everyone is subjected to mistakes especially if you had a very stubborn heart and refuse to obey the elders! Comes with great sorrow. And if you are the kind who are proud at heart, yes! What’s the use of having daily quotes about life and its misfortunes? It’s there because it’s real. And the one writing it is passing on the knowledge about life, helping you navigate through storms. And the storms in life are like the storms we physically experience, just like the storm last December. Many made it but there were casualties. Those who made it, are struggling to live.


We all have regrets! Some small, some big. Even Einstein regretted signing an agreement on the “use of atomic bomb”, realizing its massive destruction… That is Einstein, all the more for ordinary people such as us! All the more should have regrets, as we often rush to make decisions without calculating the consequences before doing it. I mean, true, people are more risk-takers these days than before… so, why fret about regrets? We should be able to cope well with it, accepting that it was either to go south or not! Right? The past? is the past, past tense... is something to reflect on to better ourselves!

Like a tree. Wow! more anecdotes... ok. A tree grows taller each year until it reaches its heights. So! it doesn't grow if nature was not nurturing it and won't grow strong if storms hadn't passed by to train the growing trunk. It'll grow weak and will easily uproot. So everything that surrounds us has its purpose. Yours and mine are different but still serve a purpose.


We make the future. We dream about it. The mistakes done are supposed to be our guidelines for a better future and not something to sulk about. The mistakes are supposed to be stepping stones that life ahead is harder as we grow older and more challenges to face. It is supposed to strengthen the character in us, willing to admit mistakes or losses at some point but knows how to fight a good fight and surrender when necessary! Mistakes are there to humble us at times when our heart has grown so proud. But what can I do when arrogance fills your heart! It’s your life. You live it.

We get to choose how to live our lives! But please, don’t look for blame outside yourself! Because our life is our reality. We live for our purpose. If you put heavy weight on people’s thoughts of you, then, go! If that made you happy... Thank you for the read and a blessed June to all of us!

June 2, 2022
Image: pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


This is amazing

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Felt like one of those TED talks :D Indeed life is all about learning and moving on.

Happy birthday to your mom!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Life is simple sometimes small details could cause happiness to someone or somebody.

$ 0.01
2 years ago