Know your grounds!

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2 years ago

There is a huge gap between CHILDREN and ADULTS. That’s why children should remain as children and wait for their turn, they grow in time while adults FADE in time.


Adults. Obviously, got their time learning a lot of theories and got to experience them over the years, and applied the simplest to the most complex theories in their lifetime. Time is weathered and mastered. Most especially the old ones!

Children. They are still babies. They grow old fast without adults knowing it. And most foolish when they let their heart rule their minds, most often forget to think that they are still growing and learning. They also forget to know there are reasons and observe the proper time. Most of the time they think they’re all grown up but deep in their hearts and minds they’re really just kids.


I’m a mom of two boys. It’s true that there is the knowledge they bear that we adults have a hard time understanding, especially the contents on the web that they are so savvy about while many adults are off. However, there are real-time hardcore lessons in the world common to us and has been for decades, century and millenniums.

Adults = responsibility. Simply by being an adult, it connotes responsibility. Even if you are single. You are responsible for “taking care of yourself” until you decided to grow old alone! That is on a daily basis, it doesn’t wear out, to the last breath. This alone is something heavy on every adult I know. Why? If it was easy to “take care of ourselves”, many adults have been happy? Don't you think?

No! On the contrary, it’s difficult to be an adult. Many of us failed to “take care of ourselves”. And this is speaking from experience. It's a 50/50 chance and it solely depends on the individual, others seek help when they know they’re not capable of it. We continually ask ourselves questions, evaluating the core existence of our being. We frequently ask questions hoping to know the direction we’re heading or simply asking for directions. “Have I done it right this time?” “Where did I fail?” “why?” “How come?” “What happened?” “Where did I go wrong?” These are retrospective questions and the most basic is “What’s the deal for this month?”, “How much money do I need to cover for the month?”, “income?” and a lot more basic than you thought that actually are making a lot of stress and headaches. Many of us adults are already half scared of tomorrow as you ever thought because tomorrow you will never know if the market crashes further or if a miracle happens! It’s never easy to accept all the hard-earned money slowly turns into dust because the market is down. … that you are half broke today than you were yesterday!

Now, for a child to become an adult… all moms worry about them taking hold of their life! Setting them free knowing they have to go through all I have mentioned and this is not even half of everything an adult face or faces, is already troublesome. There are a lot of pluses! The medical and the law, are some complications a child has to learn while growing up. Why? Ignorance of the law excuses no one! The horror of false accusation and being imprisoned for something you didn’t do and a whole lot more!


A lot of new/young adults thought they were ready to take on the stage! Unfortunately, only a few succeed. Half were already gone for so many reasons including recklessness!

Ahh! For a child to hurry up to be grown up already just because you have a mind of your own already is… Yes, we all pass through that stage when it’s too good to be true to finally have a taste of what we all call “freedom” but yet, it has its own predicament that is sometimes more harmful than not.

Take your time while you are growing and the adults are really trying to protect you from the world. Once you feel it in your heart that you are ready, we will definitely let you spread your wings and let go! Though your security is always and has been our concern, our doors will always be a shelter for you whenever you feel like in need of a shelter! It’s simply just “knowing your grounds and keeping yourself grounded”.

Thank u for your time and the read! Just sharing...

July 13, 2022
Images: pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


That is the lessons that our youth should realized. Parents are always there to guide them and make them ready for the struggles they are about to face.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Just like a butterfly who undergoes different stages to become a beautiful colorful butterfly as it is, children must be guided until they have strong wings capable to fly. Due to social media influences wherein it seems like living in our present world is as easy as one click or swipe away. Young gens of today thought they can do everything on their own. Parents has added responsibilities of teaching their child to face realities and keeping them away from the perfect illusions virtual world portrays.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

A lot of children this days wants to attain adulthood by all means. When when they don't understand the basics of adult life. And it is always disturbing to see young people take up roles not suitable for their age

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Responsibilities comes with being an adult. Being a child makes us someone’s responsibility. Most people anyway.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

So many responsibilities that come as a growing child for me, I have a lot as if I am already an adult even though I am at some point. Both children and adults have their responsibilities but it differs greatly from each other.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

For me sister, childs have no responsibility while adults have responsibility. Adults are conscious about things happening in their lives.

$ 0.01
2 years ago