For my heart to beat again!

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2 years ago

My heart longs to beat again! To breathe again songs that captivates the very essence of my being! Oh! How long must it be to wait in line for the agony to go! To finally breathe in again a lasting piece of life everlasting!

Decades went by so fast… faster than the express lanes could ever cover! And it only seems like yesterday I lost track… of things my heart ever long and crave for!

Now my heart is under stressed, the doctor says… I say “how come”?, when the very core being is being daunted through a lot. Drenched in surprisingly venomous pit that only few had the chance, I barely came out alive!

The wonders! Oh! How complicated it can be! For simple things to just live and continue to thrive… oh! why must we have to struggle and seek perfection? For all it’s worth, it all binds itself in admonition.

Nothing in this world lasts… like the “Tower of Babel” soared high up in the sky. The “Kingdom of Babylon” with its famous “hanging garden”, ever sought for perfection all turn to dust with only a few traces of its magnificence! Now only heard in the storyline that once was known!

The famous lines of Edgar Allan Poe, “to the glory that was Greece, and grandeur that was Rome”. All now in the ruins that was once magnificently grandeur! Go visit Italy and find the wonders that behold excellence and perfection that once was hold.

Venice, a floating city that is… for centuries it afloat and flaunts its beautiful uniquely marvelous city. Attracting lovers from afar, captivating the hearts that the gondolas will take the lovers into the beauty of the canals. While Maldives too… everly beautiful shores and the seas are bound to loss its ardor long before its time.

Oh! this life! A roaring wander! One heart that beats. Only one that last for a lifetime. Only once, not twice! Tracing it all back to history, nothing happens twice! As once city rose and fell, another one that build. Rebuilding is always an attempt to rekindle the spirit that once blossomed, but only to find out it wasn’t as it was!

To let my heart beat again, I wander…

July 25, 2022
Image: Pinterest
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Written by
2 years ago


Our life gives only one chance for success no chance for wonder. Yeah our heart beats with each new moment of life sometimes its beats are too faster.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Was lost in thought... You play around with a lot of are good with words...

$ 0.01
2 years ago