Fear, a natural phenomenon...

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2 years ago

@Olasquare, an interesting article he wrote “Fear is a choice”. It’s Sunday, and its Easter, happy Easter Sunday everyone! Check out the articles of these fabulous sponsors of mine, very interesting. @Olasquare , I hoped you don't mind. Just my understanding of things.

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Well, fear is a natural phenomenon I would say! We all are build up with this as a natural survival instinct. It is designed to protect us, especially from danger. Like the intuition that “SPIDERMAN” has whenever imminent danger is at hand, his warning signs. Although this is highly fictional but this is an exaggerated description of it. Even God, Jesus Christ, fears death as he faced it – as he became human and was naturally equipped with fear like we are. Well, naturally Jesus conquered it as he undergo His passion.  We are all subject to fear, and just a matter of how to handle it.

When I say a natural design, meaning it’s in bedded in our genes. Its instinct, a build-in natural defense mechanism, most of the time unconscious reaction on things – involuntary. The more exposed, the more repetitive, the tighter the grip… When people are traumatized, many are crippled with fear, instinctively they ran away from it. Protecting the self from further damaged, either physical or emotional or combination of all. Avoid it at all cost.

Like people who went through nasty driving accidents, many of them do not drive anymore or worst refuse to get in the car or any vehicle for that matter. People exposed to danger, like those soldiers sent to war, are highly experiencing PTS (Post Traumatic Stress). Their reactions to people screaming or fire or anything in danger is imminent and involuntary, which is why they are highly reactive. It’s not a result of a thorough thought process but rather an automatic response to danger, subconscious. Like security personnel, the highly trained ones, are those with highly repetitive exposures and their training became their reflexes. The moment they sense danger, they don’t think, they just react. As one movie of Tom Cruise “Knight and Day”, would put it “its just reflexes”, his defensive stance. The firemen, police, rescue teams, nurses and doctors... The dangers they face when they encounter accidents, catastrophes... It is supposed to be a guide to keep ourselves from danger or alert us from incoming danger, but sometimes the experience is so bad, can't help but be overwhelmed.

Say, my cousins, a family of them… I accompany a cousin to retake the university entrance exam because they are had bad experiences with taking exams – all exams failed. I make it a point to be there, to assure them it will be ok and we’ll get through it. Because the 1st time, they refused because they were already thinking they’ll failed. It’s a fact because they’re not bright and even due diligence still wont – acceptance? Perhaps. Same, a cousin took Doctor of Medicine and failed in the exam, refuses to take the exam again. It’s not really out of fear but rather they recognize it already that its not their thing.

Mama… fears death at the face of death. “I fear of dying alone!” she said, but all of us dies alone. Well, mama always feared to be alone, which was why I couldn’t leave her. Me, enabling? For mama to get out of the house again and mingle with the crowd, it was a decade before she can do that. Death, perhaps she thought that undergoing such and no one is there to hold her hand while she go to eternal rest is something unsettling for her.

While it is true we are exposed to different realities in life, there are common denomination. Like we are all subjected to fear, and not all of the things we fear we are able to conquer. Let's reach out and help. People who experience crippling fear is very heavy to bear and it will take years before they can overcome it –others never had or never found an opportunity. I’ve been there with my mom, it wasn’t easy. But, it can be a choice but please take note, not everyone has the same strength of facing fears! Take it from me, they are looking for opportunity that some came all too sudden, others never. There are really fears that are rooted deep down and many actually failed to overcome it that’s why many went depression or committed suicide. But once its conquered, the relief it brings. Splendid.

I would say, these are journeys by many of our fellows that are having difficulties to tackle. Hmmm, sometimes really we ran out of patience but it helps a lot to help them once in a while when we reach out to them. It’s heart-warming too to help someone cross the bridge. One prominent problem though, many of them has no one to talk these things about without being judged or criticized. Sometimes it pays a lot just to be heard or sit a while and listen to their stories. Unfortunately, many of us doesn’t have the time to just sit and listen, too preoccupied with our own lives. Thank u for the read. God bless.

April 17, 2022
Image: Pinterest


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2 years ago
