When was the last time someone loved you?

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2 years ago

I entitled this article with a question that has become very popular in my country these days. When was the last time someone loved you? It is not easy to answer and at the same time, it is. This sentence marked the movie that follows the story of a man who won the heart of an unattainable woman he liked, by asking this question.

Love is much more complex than it seems. It is not one feeling but two. One feeling of love is when we love someone and when we "give" or send love. Another feeling of love is when we feel that someone loves us when we "receive" love. The ideal situation is when you feel that you love and are loved at the same time. But there are also situations in which only one of these feelings appears. For example, when love is not reciprocated, a person feels that they love, but not that they are loved. Likewise, a person may feel loved by someone else, even though they do not love that person.

However, sometimes due to work or daily duties we forget to love and be loved. We spend time in offices, finishing work or in some other places finishing work again and that's how the days pass. Days without love. But remember to take a break and surrender to someone's embrace, to let the passion take over you, explode inside you and make you fly. Let someone love you.

For many couples, intimacy is often at the bottom of the list of priorities because during the day they are overwhelmed with business, housework, and children. For those who do not have a partner, engagement in finding a partner is also the last priority. And if we let someone love us from time to time, everything would be much easier. The feeling of being loved puts a smile back on our faces, we feel cheerful, full of strength and energy.

Butterflies in your stomach make you feel alive. We need that chemical reaction. We need it just like we need water. Don't be thirsty. There is a book by Laura Vanderkam called "168 Hours: You have more time than you think" . She tried to bring awareness to the modern problem of most people - the lack of time for everything they want to do without sacrificing anything. We often say that we don't have enough time, and due to devoting ourselves to others we care about, we usually don't have time for ourselves. But there are 168 hours in a week. If we spend 56 hours at work and 56 hours in sleep, we still have 56 hours a week to spend according to our wishes. In those 56 hours, we must find an hour when we will love and be loved.

So, when was the last time someone loved you? If the answer is a long time ago or you don't remember, work on changing it. Give yourself a chance to be loved. It will improve the quality of your life.

Thank you very much for reading.

The article is original and mine and the lead image is from unsplash.com.

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Written by
2 years ago


Am in love with someone but I feel the love is just one-sided from me alone, so I feel like letting go of the love. And having my life back to myself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When the feeling of love really does exist, it is done without much thought, especially if it is mutual. Being in the presence of a loved one alone makes us feel loved, without them or us having to do anything. It's all about the connection. I feel loved Everytime I wake up, for I believe in the Love of God which keeps us alive

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, it's all about the connection. There is nothing more beautiful than waking up every morning with the feeling that we are loved. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree, love is really complex although it should be simple... maybe for letting us to be loved we need to start loving ourselves first, it seems obvious but it's not unfortunately...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right, if we want someone to love us, we must first love ourselves. Thank you for always being there.🤗 I started working, so my activity here is a little less frequent than before, but I will try to change that and visit your posts more often.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Don't worry, it's normal and understandable, don't push yourself or get stressed, you have to manage your time as better as you can, I really understand... hope your work is going well and you can balance well everything, that's the big challenge. Although I want you to keep writing of course!!! Big hug and a lot of energy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago