The perfect gift 2021

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Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago

Today I have the special pleasure of taking part in #ThePerfectGiftChallenge2021. I was in the shopping mall and I chose some gifts for my family, and of course for my friends. It is so good to be Santa... I really enjoyed the role and I must say that this moment really makes me happy and excited. I would like to thank very much @CoquiCoin for inspiring and creative idea. This idea brought great fun and happiness among all of us, in upcoming Christmas days.

I wish I could really give these gifts to all of you. I paid attention to the choice and I hope that you will like it.

Girls have an advantage, so I will start with girls... 😊

The first virtual gift I would like to give to the creator of this challenge @CoquiCoin . Since I know that you love to travel a lot, my present for you is Belgrade guide, written in Spanish language. If you decide to visit my city, Belgrade, I am sure that you will spend a great time with unforgettable moments and come back home with nice memories. I would also like to wish you a happy birthday in advance! 😊

One special virtual gift I would give to one beautiful momma @tired_momma who enjoys spending time with her kids and who always has some creative actions. This gift is my small contribution to your beautiful Christmas decorations. I am sure that Tia and Jigz would be delighted with this snowball. 😊

The most expensive gift and on the other hand the most useful gift, one of my favorite machines, without wich I couldn't imagine my life, I would like to give to one superwoman @Chelle18 . I would like to make your life easier with this washing machine, which will allow you to have more time for yourself. Every woman deserves all the facilities with the house work. I also chose one delicious chocolate for you and your kids, for sweet life. 😊

The next virtual gift I would like to give to one brave and strong momma @elana who doesn't have time for herself, because she is dedicated to her beautiful daughters. I chose for you one special scented candle for relaxing moments. There were a lot of the same candles, but only one was different and I chose it for you, because you are also special and unique. 😊

For one interesting girl @LykeLyca who always writes about interesting topics, one special virtual bag, because I know that she loves bags very much. I hope that you will like my choice. 😊

One lovely dress for one lovely girl @Lovelyfaith . When I saw this dress I knew that it would look fantastic on you. You are very kind and positive person like flowers on the dress. 😊

Now, men... 😊

For my fellow citizen @Musician , who always has original articles, one coffee cup with a note design. Since I know that you love coffee and music, my idea was to find a cup that already has note design, but I coudn't find it, so I improvised. I hope that you will appreciate the idea and not the final product. 😊

I would like to give one special virtual gift to my special friend, a mad Scotsman @TengoLoTodo . Since I know that you like to plan your activities and make "to do" list, I would like to give you a planner. One special detail is Broxi bear, mascot of your favorite Football team Rangers. 😊

One more special virtual gift for my friend @ErdoV . The book from our childhood "Aladdin's Magic Lamp." My idea was to remind you of your childhood and your beautiful library.

Thank you very much for reading. Spend beautiful Christmas moments and enjoy giving and receiving gifts. And remember, the most beautiful gift is love.

Enjoy the love.

Article and photos are original and they belong to me, except the Broxi picture, that was downloaded from the

$ 5.00
$ 4.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @CoquiCoin
$ 0.10 from @LykeLyca
+ 10
Sponsors of Jelena
Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago


Ahhhh like that dress jelena so cute i think it fits to me. Thank you so much

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am so happy to hear that! Enjoy the Christmas time😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My God! It was a long list hahaha Santa finished all the savings here.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oh yes it is a long list... It should be longer but I had to finish... πŸ˜€ Thanks for reading.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg! How did you know that I love bags?! Yes, I do and I love black, it fits in any outfit, haha! Thank you so much for this gift and Merry Christmas!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You said once that you love bags and I remembered that! Merry Christmas too and I am glad that you like my virtual gift. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Diamond Christmas gift giving ideas you can think of. Christmas is getting closer we have to prepare a special heart and share it with others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Christmas time is very special, positive emotions are everywhere inside and around us... Giving and receiving gifts and love are precious moments.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much, Jelena. You've totally nailed your friends' taste. And I love my Belgrade travel guide. I would love to visit Belgrade someday. I wish you have a Merry Christmas and a stunning season. Thank you for joining the challenge β™‘

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you so much for this wonderful idea. You motivated me to enjoy this Santa moment. I had a great time in Santa's role. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm very happy you enjoy it. t's nice to pretend we can be Santa for a moment, hehe :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those are wonderful gifts for your friends,I hope they like it and appreciate it, let's share love this season of Christmas.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I also hope they like it, I really enjoy the moments when I choose presents for dear people. Yes, let's share love! 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A wonderful and creative article.I am astonished by your ideas and wtiting style.Thanks for the beautiful gift you have dedicated to me.It Is a treasure,I will keep it forever.You are great person and writer.So the Magic of the Christmas Is near a d it started with you.Thanks a lot.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am so happy that I made you happy whit this little attention. You are professional English speaker and when you tell me that I am a good writer, it is a really big compliment. Thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awwnn... another beautiful one from Jelena. This is really awesome. Makes me want to try it sooner.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks. I encourage you to try and I am sure that you will have a great fun. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sure will. πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow ithink I'm gonna join this prompt and I'm so excited to give gifts to my virtual friends here on

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am glad that you will try. I was also very excited and I am sure that you will enjoy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hvala Jelena , I love this and love the attention you spent matching gifts to what people need or like. Yes I can plan my activities now and be reminded of Rangers at the same time😁

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Nema na čemu - You're welcome 😊 I really enjoyed choosing the gifts. Little things make life better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wowww. I know they will be happy for having someone like you a generous friend for everyone😊 God bless you jelena! You are so sweet.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you so much for nice words. I had in my plan to choose present for you also but in the end, I forgot, I don't know how. I wanted for your present some nice picture because I know that you love photography. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aweeee😍 its okay jelena, Knowing that you remember be as well. Im actually feel the love from yours😍😍

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ohw! Your so sweet my friend πŸ₯°Thank you for including me this special gift .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It was my pleasure to include you. You, re welcome and thak you too for amazing gift you gave me. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, it is my pleasure to be in your article. I would write a song for you, but it is not easy to write it in my language and translate it into English. It is possible, but then the rhyme is lost 😊 As you said, respect the idea and not the end result

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The pleasure is mine. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago