The Kama Sutra - emotional fulfillment and pleasure-oriented life

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2 years ago

The Kama Sutra has been considered an exclusively sexual guide for years, and in fact it is much more than that. This literary work of the ancient Indian people is of great value when it comes to understanding the nature of love, family life and other aspects related to the abilities of human life oriented to pleasure. The Kama Sutra not only contains a description of different positions during sexual intercourse, but also contains useful tips for male-female relationships, and provides a basis for understanding the behavior of men and women on different occasions.

The Kama Sutra was written in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language. The author of this work, Vatsyayana, considered sexual poses to be art. It is undeniable that this book has helped many couples around the world to improve their relationships with this "art". But that will not be the subject of this article. The subject of this article is the harmonization of mind, spirit and body in order to achieve pleasure and well being, which the ancient Indian people knew very well.

The Kama Sutra has always been a controversial work and subject of numerous criticisms, but that does not diminish its value. Most of this work is dedicated to providing advice on emotional fulfillment, maintaining love relationships and marriages, choosing a partner, social engagement, courtship and flirting.

What deserves special attention is the Indian ancient concept of life, based on four goals. This concept is called Purusharthas. The goals, which are at the core of this concept, are considered to be the main goals of human lives. They are: dharma, artha, kama and moksha. According to the ancient Indians, life must be in accordance with these principles in order to achieve harmony and satisfaction.


Dharma is a complex concept that is not easy to interpret. Dharma is the right way of life in which we listen to our feelings, but also help others. I understand dharma as something that preserves and sustains life, as a natural universal law that we must respect if we want to be happy. Dharma is closely related to religion and is considered a duty and religious merit in the religious sense.

In practice, dharma would be nature whose requirements we must meet. If we are hungry, we will eat. If we feel tired, we will rest. By postponing these activities we work against nature and against ourselves and take a step back in achieving happiness.


Artha refers to wealth and prosperity. According to this principle, the acquired wealth should be preserved.

Material wealth is something that everyone needs to provide a quality life for themselves and their family, but here it is important not to be greed, but to have as much as is enough to meet basic needs. Also, artha includes having everything that makes us happy and it is not only material wealth but also friends, knowledge, good health, love, career.


Kama is a goal that refers to pleasure and not only sexual pleasure, but also music, art, beauty, affection. Life without pleasure and desires makes no sense. We should always try to find time for pleasure in addition to work, because it is necessary for both the mind and the body. Kama is the enjoyment of things that all our senses can feel.


Moksha is liberation. I understand moksha as freedom. Freedom in this sense means complete liberation from everything that creates a burden in life. This also means getting rid of desires. A liberated people know who they are and how much they are worth and do not need praise. Their behavior do not depend on how others treat them. They are always kind, well-meaning, helpful. They are also able to achieve happiness, even if they are alone.

Closing thoughts

The ancient Indians considered these principles to be the essence of life and people during their life should always strive to live in harmony with these goals and not their conflict. If today, after so many years, we were to try to apply these goals in our lives, we might be surprised by the results achieved in terms of happiness and satisfaction.

The harmony of mind, spirit and body is something we should always strive for.

Thank you very much for reading.

Article is original and mine.

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Written by
2 years ago


Truly is. It guides and gives information to many. Aside from that you said it, well-versed the other side of the Kama Sutra.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

this is probably based on the teachings of the beliefs of the Hindu religion because it has the nature of one's satisfaction that must be experienced according to the books I've read. and indeed desire and desire are part of this work of kama sutra. Satisfaction and happiness are life goals, because these ideals are a form of human nature that must be achieved so that inner peace and pleasure belong to someone who is in a relationship.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kama sutra. I think the word sounds familiar. I have hears about it before in a music track bbut never knew what it meant. Thanks for the enlightenment.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is known that the Kama Sutra refers to sexual positions, but in this article I have explained the other side of this ancient work. I'm glad you found it interesting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jeli, you just made me stunned. Never expected that from you. This is an ancient art & you just talked about it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I always expect the unexpected from myself. My inspiration is unpredictable, it goes in different directions. 😀

$ 0.00
2 years ago