The bridge of locked love

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Written by
2 years ago

It is truly amazing how many people want to lock up their love. In one spa town in my country, there is a bridge of love where couples lock their love on the bridge fence with a padlock with their names written on them. They throw one key into the river and keep one for themselves. Every day new padlocks shine on this bridge fence. Young but also older couples come here to buy a padlock, write their names and lock their love in the hope that their love will be happy and last forever. But is it enough for a long and happy love to buy a padlock and lock it on the bridge fence? Certainly not.

The bridge of love, Vrnjacka banja

While there are more and more examples of disrespect between love partners, on the other hand, there are more and more padlocks. The padlocks have begun to be a serious burden on a bridge that is in danger of collapsing. When the architect designed this bridge many years ago, he did not even dream that the bridge would have this purpose. He thought that it would only connect the two banks of the river like any other bridge. But over time, this bridge became very special.

We live in an insecure world of insecure people who doubt themselves and others. That is why we feel the need to make things safe. I wonder what it would look like if the feelings were really locked? Would we be calm, happy, and content? I'm not sure. I think that everything that is locked can be unlocked too. There is a couple who locked their love with a lion's claw. For those who don't know what a lion's claw is, it's a mechanical car security device, a protection system. I guess their love is so great that a simple padlock was not enough for them. 😊

Since the bridge is overloaded, a certain number of padlocks are removed from time to time. They are not thrown away but kept so that one day a bust of the famous poet who wrote beautiful love poems could be poured out of that bronze.

The bridge of love, Vrnjacka banja

It is not known how much love has been preserved and how much has been "unlocked". Some couples came to this place to unlock and remove the padlock because they were no longer in love. It’s fascinating that people act as if they really have locked something in. There is a well-known case of an old man who asked for help in finding the padlock with which his granddaughter locked the love between her and her boyfriend. He intended to unlock the padlock because he thought that boy was not good for his granddaughter and that they should separate. 😊

Despite the unlocking and removal of these padlocks, their number does not stop growing. There are more and more of them every day.

Respect your partners. It is the only way to lock your love, and you will not need a padlock.

Thank you very much for reading.

The article and the images are original and mine.

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Written by
2 years ago


I saw many bridges like this, it's very trendy... all that comes from an Italian novel, where the protagonists go to a bridge to lock "their love", after that best-seller (more for teenagers) it came very typical in Italy and around the world. The novel is "Tre metri sopra il cielo", or "Three meters above the sky" by Federico Moccia. (I confess I read this novel, even the second part and I watched the movie too! jajaja)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

These are superstitions of people who instead of dedicating themselves to cultivate their love with their partner seek to demonstrate something just to please the other. I think that at some point they should remove that bridge fence because it is already rusty.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I can't help but think how many couples who locked their love there have split already and how many are still going strong

$ 0.01
2 years ago

what an alluring name , it is similar to Paris. i love this. how i wish we have this too in my place.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

"Bridge of Love". Hmm. It has a nice ring to it.

Perhaps we'll have a place like this someday in my country and we can get to use locks for our loves too. Haha.

$ 0.01
2 years ago