I am afraid of acceptance

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Written by
1 year ago

If I admit that I am afraid to accept, maybe that is the first step that will lead me to acceptance. I am aware of my fear and I would like to get rid of it, but I am still trying to find out how. That's why I'm writing on that topic today, to find out your opinions.


I was asking myself again and again what will happen if I accept. The thought of it makes me anxious. But I'm not the first one who had to accept something. You also had to do it once, didn't you? Or more than once. Many have already done it before me and they survived. That is how I try to console myself and get rid of the acceptance fear.

Many people resist acceptance and live stuck in suppressing everything that bothers them. They live in spasms and pain that lessens due to suppression but never goes away. I too have been living in pain for more than a year, since I found out that my father died. I still haven't accepted that fact. I live from today to tomorrow, refusing to accept it and suppressing the thoughts every time during the day they overwhelm me. The fact that we are losing our parents is terrible and I am afraid to accept it, even though I am aware that it has already happened to me.

Everything we refuse to accept is a part of us, and by suppressing it, we don't solve the problem and it gets bigger. By rejecting the painful reality that has already happened, we reject a part of ourselves. The pain does not go away and continues due to non-acceptance.

Recognition and confrontation

The first step to acceptance is recognition and confrontation, but it is important to be aware that acceptance comes from inner feelings and not from rational thinking. I am rationally fully aware of how wrong and harmful non-acceptance is, but deep down I don't have enough strength to face and accept my painful experience.

Patience and understanding

After recognition, we must stay long enough in that phase, giving ourselves patience and understanding. The longer it lasts, the more comfort and gradual acceptance we feel. I felt this but out of fear I quickly jerked away and stopped the process. But I'm ready to try again.


Acceptance is a long and complex process that requires self-examination. We have to become aware of how we really feel about situations and people around us. We have to know if something hurt us, how much it hurts and why.

During self-examination, changes occur in the body. Memories and thoughts hurt us and again lead us to stop the process, but here we have to be persistent until the final acceptance. It's okay to accept the pain too. Everything we feel is us. By running away from those feelings, we are running away from ourselves. When we accept the pain, we should stay in that stage as long as necessary. I will try not to run away and to find out how to be well again. But I'm still afraid to accept. Maybe I'm one step away from releasing that fear or maybe I am still far away, but I know that acceptance must happen if I want to be well.

In conclusion

Acceptance is the key to change. Once we accept ourselves and everything that happens to us, no matter how painful it is, we will live in peace. Acceptance is the path to positive change and life without fear.

Thank you very much for reading.

The article is original and mine. The lead image is from unsplash.com.

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Written by
1 year ago


It's hard to accept the reality, but as for me, we can't do nothing if things are happenings already, especially when it's out of our control, then we have no choice, we just make our life struggle when we keep on resisting to it.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You have discussed it by bit; I am glad you did elaborate it. I'm afraid most people are afraid 9f acceptance and chose to live with self denials through their life

$ 0.01
1 year ago

There just things that hard to accept at first but eventually as the time goes by, you will just find yourself being healed already and accepted what had happened. Of course, in God's time, it will surely come. It maybe hard for the first time though.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes, I agree, when we accept ourselves we have a long way to go.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

What you are going through, my friend, is denial. You know that you lost your father, but a part of you wants to act as if your father is still there, rejecting the idea of ​​accepting the loss. When you come to terms with this part of yourself and accept reality as it is, you will free yourself from this pressure

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I would like to free myself from that pressure because it is getting bigger and bigger. I agree with you, you are right.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Some people confuse acceptance with resignation. And it's not the same, it's not giving up as a loser, it's going further, filling in, understanding how life goes... and being more in harmony with it and how it flows, without exhausting and frustrating resistance. Don't be afraid.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I wish I could re-establish the balance and harmony I've always strived for. Resistance is really frustrating sometimes, it takes energy. Thanks my dear friend.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Sometimes it's difficult, in bad times it seems almost impossible... but time is a good teacher too. So sometimes we just can breath and let it go when possible to rest and get energy too.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's really hard to accept. I always choose to resist, not to accept. but after this article my resistance will break a little bit

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hello, how are you? 😊 I usually easily accept any change, but I have a problem accepting the loss of my father. I am glad that this article meant for you to think about your resistance.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hello there Thank you, I'm better today. so, how are you? It is very difficult to accept the loss of our dear loved ones. I don't think we can accept that for the rest of our lives. because we always feel their shortcomings throughout our lives. I'm sorry about your father. God bless you. I love you😘

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hello there! Change is constant, we have nothing to do but accept things that are not under our control. And when we get used to it, everything will go in the flow, and in the end, we will be comfortable with all the things that happened.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hello, nice to meet you, thank you for the advice. You are absolutely right. I would like to be comfortable with all the things that happened, that is all I want but I find it very difficult.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Acceptance is also hard for me because I get disappointed most of the time and it takes long time to accept the things. We must accept things to bring the positive changes in life.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes exactly. Acceptance leads to positive changes.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Acceptance not an easy task. Specifically when it relates to someone close to you.

$ 0.01
1 year ago