My Sunday when I was a kid

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Sunday was the best part of every week for us, or at least for me. The whole family go to church every Sunday morning. After that, we go to the beach for the rest for the rest of the day. And there we meet our relatives... cousins, tito and tita (uncle and auntie), lolo and lola (grandpa and grandma).. There we eat lunch and go swimming the whole day. We play games, laugh together and the adults. they drink together as they sing at tops of their lungs at the videoke (karaoke). I was always looking forward to Sunday. I sleep early on Saturday night to have a full energy on Sunday. We are close as a family. We love to get together. A simple lunch together at one's house will do every now and then. But Sunday get together became a routine. But then the elderly dies one by one. We are beginning to be not complete anymore. Then some got married and moved to another city far enough to not join. We are beginning to have our own Sunday in a different event. We grew apart. But we still have get together. We still talk, we still party. Just not the usual Sunday we used to. This started when our lolo dies. Then the aunties and uncles... Then we kids became adult and have a life of our own to different cities.

But I don't think that this made us cold to each other. I mean, we still are family. We still love one another and we still support each other. But I'm not gonna lie. I miss the old times. I miss our bonding. I miss our "family day". I miss my lolo and lola, my dad.. I miss everyone. If i can go back to one of those days, I will laugh like I haven't laughed before. I will dance like I haven't danced before. I will sing my heart out.

Memories make it feel like they're still here. So I am passing the memory to my kinds, my husband and to everyone reading this article. We all have family member/s that is already at peace but their memory still lives and will never leave our hearts.

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I love this article, its all about love of a family. Bondings and care to each other. I know someday I will have this kind of family, a happy family bringing joy together. Creating happy memories and some such things.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You deserve a happy family. Happy family starts with a happy parents, at least that's what I think. Wish you all the best!

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4 years ago

Totoo to hehe. Sunday ang bonding time ng mga mag papamilya e hehe tipo g magsisimba kakain sa labas ganun. Nice article po!

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4 years ago

oo kaladalasan talaga Sunday eh noh? sama sama pag sunday eh

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4 years ago

I loved Sundays when I was a kid cos I knew I'd receive money for enough goodies 😂😂

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4 years ago

hahaha that's cool

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4 years ago

Ako Yung Sunday ko ng Bata kami tamanglaro Lang sa kalye maghapon. Probinsya kase eh kaya masaya maglaro

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4 years ago

when I was kid My Sunday was very enjoyable. I could waiting for Sunday. because this day is only day for holiday in a week.

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4 years ago

same as me... I miss that day. when we all gather up to have a good time. If only I could turn back time.

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4 years ago

reminiscing good old days makes me really emotional, specially when i think about my late father and grannies. we had a lot of memories worth keeping

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

my father is already in heaven too and he's on of the reasons i miss our sunday get together more. If only i can hold or even talk to him just a little while one more time, i would tell him how much his absence affected my life.

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4 years ago

I have lived in a gulf country whole my life. Sunday here is a working day so for us Friday is equivalent to the sunday you had as a kid

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4 years ago

wow. well that doesn't differentiate the joy though. it's just a different day but same... uhnm same happiness.. hehe.. but it's interesting to know that in some places things are different. i state this in a good way.

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4 years ago

Exactly. They name of the day doesn’t matter, what matters is the fun we used to have as kinds and that remains the same

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4 years ago

and pass it on to our own kids as well and future grandchildren. so they can also pass it to their next generation. or so i hope haha

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4 years ago

Hahahah. True very true. This has to be done to keep the legacy . Lets hope they have better future and have more fun

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4 years ago

they'll have fun with something new. they'll have their own definition of fun then. it always upgrades. hahaha

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4 years ago

Hahah. Exactly the new generation has its own definition of fun and as the world moves this will keep happening.

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4 years ago

that thought keeps my mind excited to think of ideas that might define their new fun haha

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4 years ago

Hahaha. Yes it could me anything. It could be things we cant even think about. Lets hope they don’t fall into any trouble

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4 years ago

now im getting worried. ugh this
2am mind is twisted haha

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4 years ago