Love in 2 ways

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Love is one reason why people fall. May it be true or not at all..

They say it's real even though it's not true at all. They give you flowers, gifts, invite you out on a date. They even promise you everything. And then when you finally fall, things change. They begin to be demanding and more and more demanding each day. To the point when you can't breathe anymore. To the point when you question your ability to think. To the point when you just wanna go.. far far away from them... There are also times when you give them freedom but they answered with boredom. You feel unloved, unwanted, alone. Then you're slowly falling out of love. You try to find ways on how you can get out of the relationship. You cheat, you ignore, you distance yourself. Then everything will fall apart.

There's also unconditional love. From the day you met till the end of time. You both are still in-love. You still love each other's smile, scent, and you still laugh together. You become the strength and weakness of each other. You imagine growing old by each other's side and can't imagine life without the other. If that so, you're both lucky having each other. People look up to you as a couple. People try to emulate you- how you handle the relationship. Then everything is in place.

Love is overrated and underrated. It's a gamble you have to play.

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Love is all about gambling.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

true. sometimes you gotta wear that poker face when you gotta do. LOL

$ 0.00
4 years ago


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4 years ago

ভালোবাসা মানুষের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ভালোবাসা ছাড়া মানুষ চলতে পারে না। মানুষ অন্যরকম হয়ে যায়। ধন্যবাদ বিষয়টি তুলে ধরার জন্য।

$ 0.00
4 years ago

i'm sorry i don't understand

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4 years ago

ভালোবাসা প্রত্যেকটা মানুষের জীবনের অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ন একটা জিনিস কারন একমাত্র ভালোবাসা দিয়েই একটা খারাপ মানুষ ভালো করে তুলা যায়।

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sorry i don't understand

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4 years ago

Experiencing the values in one other and drawing this ones' attention on those values, that is what LIFE is all about: LOVE: L(ife)O(n)V(alue)E(xchange)".

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4 years ago

wow i haven't think of about that but that's nice. :)

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4 years ago

Yes, that is the painful truth in love. If you love, you will need to prepare for pain. Because it is not always rainbows and butterflies in a relationship. You also need to go through the storm to test if you can surpass it together.

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4 years ago

True. and to make it work, there are many things to consider. respect, trust, faith and appreciation. how can someone love without respect, trust, faith and appreciation? struggle is part of love. the best part is when you fight together (not each other lol) and get through it all.

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4 years ago

Love truly is a gamble. You can never really tell how it would turn out in the end.. some even end up get married to their true love only for the person to lose their life after a short while... So we just have to do our best and cherish those who love us while they still are around to do so

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4 years ago

Love without any expectations and doubts. Overthinking too can kill a relationship. so keep it simple, keep it light and you will be happy..

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4 years ago

Great article... really look forward to experiencing the unconditional love from my partner

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4 years ago

You will when the time comes. You don't need to rush in finding love. When you have God you have love. I wanna share something i learned from my friend but I am afraid that my commetn or post might be tagged as plagiarism. Cause I think he got it somewhere in the internet so i'll just keep my comment that way haha.

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4 years ago

find someone who can love you unconditionaly and never replace.

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4 years ago

When you find that person you should never let go. it's hard to find

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4 years ago

right dont let him go

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4 years ago

Your articles are very nice and unique. it's soo ver much

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for appreciating. Such comments motivates me more to write more articles hehe

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4 years ago

Unconditional Love, everybody want this kind of love but it is really hard to find one true love. You will experience failures first before you meet that one person with unconditional love. to add some mothers have an unconditional love for their children.

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4 years ago

that's life. people need to fall to stand up. we all need to see the worst to see the greatness. and we need experience rain to see a rainbow. :)

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4 years ago