Will you be the one?

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This world is full of doubts, full of pain and full of uncertainties. Even the blue sky will burst in tears so as I will feel the blue when I am far away from you.

Will you be the one to sit right here beside me when I needed a talk? How I wish it's you whom I can talk my good days and bad days that come along daily. I believe that my heart will be at ease whenever you're here.

Will you be the one to hug me when I need comfort? At times my life isn't always sunshine, it has it's teary moment that only a hug can ease it.

Will you be the one to walk with me in daylight or even in the middle of the night? I just need a walk to take a break from my crushing world. I need a walk to make my feet feel the ground and be reminded of the reason why I must live this life.

Will you be the one to back me up? To cheer me up? I want you to be that one. But if you can't be, then please let me be and stay a little until my heart forgets the pain and be free from the burden within.

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Hope you can find that someone whom you can talk to and will.never leave you no matter.what. i guess you have problems now, right?

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4 years ago

I'm alright. Don't worry about me. Those were just writings out of the blue. Sometimes it's the emotion that leads us to write it all through.

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4 years ago

The decision is on his side. He is a fool if he doesn't chooses you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Maybe even if he sounded like a fool, he has his own reasons too. Sometimes, we don't understand it, but we just want to hold a little time to spend in our little world.

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4 years ago

Holding on to uncertain possibilities though you know what is the outcome is a torture.

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4 years ago

You got it right. It's a torture and sometimes sounds pathetic, but sometimes that what our heart dicates and it's not easy to argue with it.

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4 years ago

Yeah, I can feel your agony. I hope you find who deserves you.

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4 years ago

It's okay. People come and go. You can't force things in this life. Be grateful to those to stayed, and be glad to those who left. Only the deserving one can last till the end.

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4 years ago

Ayie!!! Do you have someone that stays already Ansherina? I doubt you had it. Be happy too. Ayie! Hahahha

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4 years ago

Your articles always have a deep meaning. Please keep on sharing.

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4 years ago

I will keep on sharing because I know there are many of you who loved my writing pieces. I am glad that you like it.

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4 years ago


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User's avatar Win
3 years ago

really poetic... another wonderful piece... Whenever I read your write ups I always feel the emotions in them... you tend to always capture your reader's attention.

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4 years ago