What A Terrible Sleepy Monday And I Hate It!

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2 years ago

 January 10

 I had another bout with my allergies this morning. I started sneezing about an hour after I woke up and wouldn't just stop. So I took a dose of antihistamine. About an hour after, my sneezing finally stopped. But antihistamines have one terrible side effect. DROWSINESS!

Hello, again dearest BCH lovers and fellow read.cash writers. It's Monday and it is already 10:17, and I started writing this article five minutes ago while watching the latest movie of the Ghost Busters on my cellphone beside my laptop.

 Anyways, how is your Monday going? I hope they are much better than mine. That's what I am going to share with you today.

Sleepy But Productive Monday!

Yes, antihistamines can make me terribly sleepy. I was fighting drowsiness the whole day. Even at this moment, I am still sleepy. Nevertheless, I tried to make it as productive as I can.

 I was supposed to go to a client to fix their computer. But with my drowsiness, I decided not to postpone it for tomorrow.

 In the morning, I wasn't able to do anything because of my consistent sneezes. Before I knew it, it was already almost lunchtime. After lunch, I watched an episode of The Deputy, After that, I watched Black Hawk Down on the Lotus channel. Until my two sons started bickering.

 My afternoon was not a total waste though. I was able to upload two of my lessons to our school's online learning platform. However, at four PM, I can no longer resist my drowsiness and fell asleep.

 I woke up at five, still sleeping sleepy. Since I wasn't able to jog this morning, I decided to take a jog. Hoping to shake off my drowsiness.  Moreover, I was hoping to catch my first sunset photo of the year.

 And I was not dissapointed.

During this time of the year, the sunset moves slowly from the west towards the northwest horizon. If you remember your high school science... or was it grade school? It's because of the orientation of the Earth's axis. Around March, the sunset will be fully visible on the right side of the hill.

Here are some of the photos I took earlier. I hope you enjoy these.

Of course, I would not jog to the beach without bringing my glassball. This is the first time that I used it in the dark. It was quite difficult to take a good shot with it.

  I love to see the upside-down version of the world.


 I think I overdid the HDR toning in this one. I used SnapSeed to edit this.

In Closing

It may have been a sleepy Monday for me. I wasn't able to do a couple of things I was supposed to do today, but I don't think it's that terrible.

Thanks For Reading

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Lead Image: Created using Pixteller

The rest of the images are mine.

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2 years ago


Those are wonderful shots! There are worlds within that ball :D Drowsiness is also my concern all the time. I think those days of working nights or lack of sleep when I was younger is catching up with me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, I sometimes have to take antihistamines, and that's exactly how I feel. Wow, what beautiful landscapes you have recorded, Good for you that you live somewhere so beautiful. Don't worry, by taking these photos, I think it has been a fruitful Monday for you...

$ 0.00
2 years ago