No One Knows When Our Time Is Up

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Reflection

February 6

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." - Matthew 24:36

I was planning to write something else today. However, I had a call from my brother a couple of hours ago bearing bad news.

A former colleague of mine passed away today. He was eight years younger than me. We worked together in the last full-time job that I had.  He was very friendly and liked by most people in the company. He died from gastric cancer.

After I left the company, he also left a few months after. But we barely see each other then. The last time I saw him was last December when I walked passing outside their house.  We talked briefly. I never had the slightest hint that he was already suffering from cancer. I don't remember if he mentioned he was ill at that time. All I can remember is, he was looking for me to consult about an IT-related matter.

On Facebook, I saw a couple of posts from our former colleagues about his passing. Then I saw our former teacher (we came from the same school) posted that three alumni passed away just today. One died of a vehicular accident 

No One Knows When Our Time Is Up

No one knows when our time is up. We don't know when the angel of death will come to take us. The question is, are we prepared to leave this life? How can we prepare?

Life is not like an hourglass. You can see how much sand is left on an hourglass. Perhaps life is like a candle. Surely, you can see how long or short is left of a candle. But a single whiff of wind can blow the flame off. 

Personal Reflection

No one knows when our time is up. The question is, how are we living our lives? Are we living our lives to the fullest? Are we making every day count? But How?

For far too long I have been a drifter, going through life without direction. Not until lately. I have been trying to get my life in order. However, I know I need to double my effort. Not only for me but for my family.

Make Everyday Count!

This is what I should think about every single day. I must make every day count! Meaning, I must live each day with a purpose. To live my purpose. I think this is the only way we can prepare.

Life is precious! Let's not waste a single day. Live each day to the fullest. Be grateful for every single day that you wake up. Only God knows when our time here is up.

Thanks for reading.

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Lead Image by Rocco Stoppoloni from Pixabay with modification



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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Reflection


That is why we must always live our life to the fullest. We don't know how much time we have so let's just be happy and make every day count..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really hard to predict what will happen next in our lives that's why we should always do what we what and enjoy our lives because we don't know what will happen next.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is true that no one knows how long we have to live. It is also good to have purposes in life. Because it drives us like an engine to move. Life is short and we have to live it to the fullest. But in peace, in that spiritual peace that gives us communion with our Heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing your reflection on life and the time we have left.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, you beautifully likened life to a candle. May your friend's soul be at peace. Sometimes some deaths shock us. We must make the most of every moment of our lives...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We don't know when our clock will stop moving, so we should live the best out of our lives in every second of it. We should not live with regrets, but to live life to the fullest. Love the words that you shared imdeed.

Anyway, my friend j, I'm beyond grateful for the act of generosity you did for me earlier. I'm grateful for your support. It means to me a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, sad to hear the news exactly no one knows when we die that's why always be kind to others so others will remember you in good words 🤕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to hear about your loss, you are right that these unexpected passings can remind us to make the fullest of every day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No one knows except for the father he is the one who knows the future. There is one friend of mine who scares about the concept of life after Death. I told him that we must not fear cause the above is always on our side he is willing to help us. We must put on Trust in his son and Father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago