Do you believe in their existence?

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2 years ago

Hi everyone! What's going on? I have just finished my dinner, which was prepared by my cousin, and she personally come to handover me.

Own photo

Actually she has passed her exam few days ago, so she prepared this delicious Biryani for her whole family, and for me..Lol. It was good in taste, and better than the one we buy from market.

Own photo

Anyway, in the afternoon, I was out with my mom for shopping, and we also bought the most famous fruit of summers which has just arrived in the market. Its price was higher than the one we usually buy, but as its the start of season, so they are selling it at double price. Mango is my favorite since my childhood, specially its shake can work better in the breakfast.

Anyway, let me share with you something horrible which I heard today. Usually I don't believe in the existence of any witches or devil spirits, but what I heard today made me scary. There is a building in our town, which was locked for few years, as its habitants were living abroad. But now they decided to visit their homeland, so they asked their bodyguards to hire some labors who can repair it before their arrival.

So for few days, they have started working there. But a day before tomorrow, when one of labor was working on the roof of the building, something dragged, and dropped him below. His back was badly hurt, and he couldn't move. Doctor has informed that his backbone is damaged, so he wouldn't be able to walk for few months, as he needs a complete bed rest.

When everyone asked him the reason, he told them the whole incident, but no one believed on him, and considered it his illusion. They hired a new labor, who can complete the remaining work. But today, the same incident happened to him, as something dropped him below, and one of his leg is fractured.

He also said the same, and now they have believed on his words. I was frightened to hear this, it must be some spirit, which is staying there. If they have believed on what the first man said, the other might be saved now. But now he is also on bed for few weeks.

Throughout my whole life, I haven't heard or experienced any such incident, but today I was frightened to hear this. I pray they both get well soon, and Almighty keep everyone save from such spirits. Do you ever passed through such incident in your life? And what was your reaction at that time. Share with me.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago


We are really not sure if they exist or not. But for me? They really do exist. We may not see them but they can see us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I was younger, I used to believed that they existed. Well, honestly, I still believe that they do. I may not see them, (I don't wish to see them) but somehow, there's a part of me they really do exist, among us or not.

Anyways, I like your meal my dear. Can I have those mangoes? HeheπŸ˜…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do not beleive in ghost because I did not experience anything weird but I am hoping not to. But I respect people who believe about them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think there really are spirits around, we're just lucky that we are not the ones who experienced those kinds of things as mentioned by the article of yours.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Personally, I believe they exist when I was a child I already know co'z my sister and mother can see them and luckily, they won't hurt unless you harm them. Anyway, it's only depends on what to belief and not.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg Mango's, I also love that yhe sweet smell and the taste.

By the way, I'm still not sure if I will believe to that kind of thing but I haven't experience it so I dunno πŸ€”

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow finally mangoes are in market I will gonna buy them tomorrow I also didn't believe in witches until I saw my friend lol πŸ˜†

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They do friend, i believe on those it's like nothing could goo wrong if we just believe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The existence of Jinnaat , Shiyateen and other unseen creature is proven in holy books. Sure they have residency in that building.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe it. Infact you should dear. They do exist.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't had a first hand experience but I have seen a lot and Nigerians believe in the existence of spirits.

I once saw a video of a masquerade that was set on fire and never burned, it is devilish for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago