How my 4 hours would go
I was wistful when I found that I had just 4hours to live on Earth after battling with sickle cell for the past 23years of my life that always gat me in serious pains in my legs, arms and chronic chest pain. I knew it was going to end someday because I've always heard sickle cell patients would definitely die early so I was prepared for this.
It's was just 6:00am when this sudden crisis came upon me that hooked my legs with unbearable pains. My shout from the extreme pain woke my friend, she hurriedly dressed up and put a call through to the ambulance. I was rushed to my usual hospital. I was injected with pain reliever but it was like the pain was increasing. They conducted tests and scans where the blood percentage read 12% and legs were paralyzed too with partial stroke. Normal blood percentage reads 35-45%.
My friend was already wailing outside when she heard the limited time given. She was dejected. She doesn't know the next thing to do. I called her through the window she was trying to clean up her tears so she can look good. I told her to help me with a favor by going to our room to pick up my phone that I have some vital information to give to my family. Took her 40mins to return
I managed to pick up my phone, dialed my sister's number. She's expecting her first child and her expecting due date is here already so I won't get to see my sister's baby😔. She missed her call at first then she picked;
Good morning Niffy, how are you doing? How's your husband and how's your baby kicking? I was like when will you born what you want to born and I tried my best waiting to see your baby o...chaiii she laughed and said I'm even tired of the whole thing. As for me and my husband we are very much prepared. I'm ready to push. My husband even swept and prepared the house to welcome the baby but I didn't fall into labour. I told her when the baby comes out she should name the baby after one of my names. Fuuny you how will her baby bear my name she said. She asked about my business. I told her I got new designs and materials for my bag business and it's moving so fast. She was really happy to hear that. I have to go small Mummy...... later. The call was taking too long.....35mins gone ahhh.
Quickly called my Elder brother I call him my Dearest;
Hello Bro, how are you? He said he just finished a lecture. I told him I haven't seen his call for the past 4days now so I said I should check on you. The next he would say is I'm broke I was thinking in my mind. He said My surest sister, my rich sister howfar I don't have any money with me infact I have not eaten. Send me some money ...we both laugh and I said I was already waiting for that. I will send you money keep calm. He asked about my health I told him I've had no crisis lately that I'm very fine. I swiftly chipped in that ahhh as we are family we shouldn't be keeping secrets or our password I told him let me tell you my password to my details(32311) ought to know Bro. He laughed and said he would be expecting the money. We ended the call that took 35mins.
Without delay I logged into my Bank app to transfer all the money in my account to my brother since our parents died he has been the head of the house obviously ...his account number as been saved to beneficiary list. I just clicked on it ...ooops couldn't send it immediately. Network was messing with my patience. Took it 10minutes for the network to cooperate with me. The pain became more aggressive but I wasn't giving attention to that I was just living my life.
Engaged a call with the love of my life;
His first statement was I miss you so much babe. I'm studying here to give us a future we've planned for. I'm all yours Babe. I was just blushing I told him I miss you more Babe, it's been months now I've not seen you cuz of the distance. He told about his supervisor and his lecture so far with the undergraduates. He said work isn't funny...things are getting tedious for him in the USA. I encouraged him and prayed for him. I jokingly said Babe get yourself another Babe over there that can rub your head with her soft hands after a stressful day....he laughed and said if I bite you.....I ended the call unexpectedly and offed my phone. 1hour gone
Since I'm a foodie. I gave my friend some cool cash to get me a Brown cake, chicken, chips with Pulpy Orange in the town. She took the money and ran so fast like Sonic🤣 while I was waiting i was reading my Bible and praying for forgiveness. I was just reading Psalms and enjoying the passages.
30mins later she returned sweating. I thanked her for all her effort, we ate together but she couldn't eat. I kept on tearing the food in front of me with painssss. After my food....laid on the bed and went into deep sleep. Rested in Peace
The end!!!
Thank you for reading!!!
Thanks to @FashTioluwa for his motivation on this topic. I couldn't believe I could make an imaginary story out of the topic. I love his own side of the story. I hope this is enticing like his.
Thanks to all my subscribers, supporters, role models, upvoters, tippers, commentors. I'm grateful
Thanks to @Fexonice1
You did well, honestly, I enjoy it, so you had to finish a mountain of food before you rest in peace. Nice one