My Lovely Home!

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2 years ago
Topics: My home, My life

November 22, 2021

Greetings Everyone!

In everyone's life, a place has a very important role and no one can live happily without this important place. Actually, I am talking about home. Home is such a happy place for everyone and nobody lives happy in other places as their home with all family members. My home is my paradise. Seriously, this is a very relaxing and pleasant place in which I feel so comfortable, peaceful, protective and happy.

Our homes become stronger with our close relationships like mother, father, sisters and brothers. Actually these are pure relationships which love together without avidity. The love in these relationships comes from blood and this is pure love.

Siblings Life

Hahaha... Seriously, siblings' lives are very beautiful as well as so much fun. At least me and my siblings' lives are very funny because sometimes we fight with each other badly and within five minute of heavy combat we sit together and discuss anything with peace🤣. Often my sister disturbs me again and again without any reason and ultimately, we are beating each other badly.

Similarly, often me and my brothers have a big battle and after some time of our battle, we sit together peacefully hahah. The reason for the fight between me and my brother is that he always intentionally said that you made very tasteless food, on the other hand food is delicious, but he always says these words to burn my heart. So our fighting starts then I say go to hell, and I will never iron your clothes and will never give you any food that I made, we all will eat, and you just sit and will see us.😅

From Unsplash

Mom's Scolding

This is another very beautiful scolding which often we face daily due to our mistakes, I tell you something very interesting about why mom scolding me, actually I work in kitchen hurriedly, and broke down many utensils like cups, glass and plates, and I ruined a lot of tea sets and cake sets. So mom always scolds me, why don't you work in the kitchen with your full intention?🤭

From Unsplash

Happy Dining Table

The time which I spend at the dining table with all family members is the most pleasurable and valuable time because, at this time me and my siblings become so happy to see different delicacies. Mom always made different foods because, sometimes my brother showed too much attitude in eating, he didn't like certain vegetables like cauliflower, okara and bottle gourd. So when mom cooks something from these vegetables then mom always cooks something different as well for brother.

From Unsplash

My father always says we should eat everything, and always thanks God for these blessings because there are a lot of people in the world who have nothing to eat. May God help all needy people.

Peanuts at Night

I enjoy these moments so much when we all family members sit together in front of the fireplace in winters and enjoy peanuts. My mother likes peanuts so much, and moreover peanuts are so delicious to eat in winters. Mom is always trying new varieties of peanuts because some types of peanuts are tasteless, but some are slightly sweet in taste, so we love sweet type peanuts.

Own photo

One very important identity of sweet type peanuts is that they are always four in numbers inside and the shape of peanuts is rounded to oval and the inner thin peel of the peanuts is sharp maroon. So always try these types of peanuts, because they are so delicious.

Own photo

Closing Thoughts

So dear readers, this is all about my paradise, and seriously a home is not less than a paradise because, a home is full of joy, freedom, relaxation and happiness with all our pure and strong relationships. Give me your feedback and tell me something about your best moments in your home with your family.

Thank you so much ❤

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2 years ago
Topics: My home, My life


Siblings are our favourite enemy , we all know that. We can't live with them for long and on the other hand we can't live without them for long too. I got a little sister, sometimes we fight , argue but the most important we are sharing a very profound and beautiful relationship between us.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahah, yes you are right my friend, subarea our favourite enemy and seriously we can't remain angry with each other for long 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I grew up in two totally different but equally charming homes, my mother instilled in me rules and responsibilities and my father to enjoy the beauty of life, I love my two homes

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Greetings. This is also a very good and lovely experience of living in two homes.😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Do you know that siblings fighting, settling for peace, play and all sorts of things in the home makes it more interesting?

Without them, the home is quiet and boring. My home is my paradise too especially having my family in there to make it lively.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Seriously, there are lot of quietness in home when siblings were angry😅. Of Course mother is a paradise ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago