Tally Hoo is in the Town to Dethrone Metamask Wallet

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Avatar for Idksamad7869
1 year ago


We're living in a Web 3.0 and DAO Era and Now Metamask have a tough Competitor in market which will sooner or later dethrone it.

Tally Hoo is Future just like everyone else believe in web 3.0 or Dao. Tally Hoo is the wallet from future lead and operated by it's Community.

Tally Hoo is still a work in progress (Beta). Available on PC (desktop) Only (for now). This community edition includes limited features to try out and May still have some bugs so try wallet if you find out bugs so it's responsibility as a community to report bugs to tally hoo. Team will fix bugs to provide a better user experience. 

Why Tally Hoo wallet is future?

Lets Talk about some Facts, Web 2.0 is old fashioned and Now it is Web 3.0 era where people have full freedom or control in the space.

Web 3.0 Blockchain i.e Hive Always Needs a Wallet owned by community - Tally hoo wallet is exactly what it is and will be needed for the whole web 3.0 ecosystem.

Tally hoo is a Dao!

Dao is us, we own Tally Hoo and Full responsibility to build something on this wallet through voting proposal.

Take this as an example to understand Dao. proposal Accepted by community through votes a d Ledger integration implemented and it's Live.

community will vote either, accept or reject depends on people and if it pass, Tally hoo will make it whitelist or reject if the proposal is being rejected by community.

And all the profits Go Straight to the Community.

More facts everyone should know about web 3.0 and wallet are it is accessible to everyone, 100℅ Open Source, 100 ℅ transparency and fully owned by community.

Roadmap of Tally Hoo wallet

I've Read Roadmap & Did My whole research on #TallyHoo wallet also been using it till now and this can be my favorite wallet when the complete (Alpha) version will go live.

Let's have a Look at Tally hoo Roadmap

Roadmap is a game changer for this Wallet. They've pretty much everything in roadmap to dethrone metamask.

I really appreciate how the whole roadmap is so clear what they're working at the moment and planned for future or what is live already can be seen clearly.

1. In Progress - Work in progress | Roadmap

As of now they're working on some important stuff for wallet and some of them are mentioned below

  • Polygon Support ( Currently in progress) 

  • Tally Hoo Smart contracts 

  • NFT Support (View only)

2. Cool stuff Planned For future

Also Cool stuff is already planned for future ill share some of Good things  down below

  • Optimism Support , Wallet connect, Arbitrum support, Custom RPC support

  • Referrals, Earn, Token claim flow

  • POKT Network integration

  • Swap Rewards

This all stuff is already planned for future and after finishing one in progress they'll start working on the planned one - Lot's of effort being put into this to make Things happen at Right time.

Ways of requesting Feature - You want to see in Tally Hoo wallet

Perks of community owned wallet, we can request for feature and (maybe) I'm sure the proposal will go live depends on community to decide whether they want to see the feature suggested by person or not

Theirs Two way of Submitting a request for your Favorite Feature


You can request Going through their official website > Roadmap section > Feature requests >Submit by signing up.

  1. Second way of requesting favorite feature is by joining official discord of Tally hoo wallet.

I Suggested/requested Tally Hoo Wallet to add my Favorite feature's

I Used the 2nd option and Requested to add some of my favorite features in future updates of Wallet

Suggestion from my side, Domains integration will provide a better user experience and while sending or receiving assets.

I've seen there's an option To Edit Name in wallet.

But changing profile isn't an option so i thought to request adding a NFT profile support in wallet. Oh i missed the part of adding custom profile - if any dev of wallet is reading this please consider adding both NFT support and custom profile.

How To Download & Set up Tally Hoo wallet

Firstly Tally Hoo is available on Desktop version (only) at the moment. Browser like Chrome, Brave or Firefox

All of three are popular and well known browser's and because majority of people in crypto use brave i decided to try tally hoo on Chrome.

1. Downloaded Tally hoo wallet extension in Chrome

file size isn't big, it took less than a minute to download extension and setting it up was easy and fast too.

2. Setting Up Tally Hoo Wallet in Desktop

Plenty of choices from importing seed phrase to connecting to ledger or making a new wallet

I choose "Create New Wallet" For myself and you can choose whatever you like.

It took me less than 2 minutes to setup wallet on my desktop "Do not forget to Save or write Seed phrase somewhere safe" because you own the wallet and key's.

A Quick Overview of Tally Hoo Wallet

There's quite many exciting features and opions available in Tally Hoo wallet. I personally Liked it's UI though Dark Mode like one in the website is what i want to see in upcoming updates.

Let's have a quick overview of This wallet

1. Creating Multiple Wallets with one click

This is the coolest and one my favorite feature in this wallet. creating multiple wallet is too easy with one click and also editing Name is mentioned above.

2. Support of Ethereum & Polygon network

As of now it support ETH & Polygon only and still many of #DeFi sidechain are missing also because I'm into SmartBCH DeFi sidechain would love to see this wallet supporting it so i can move my funds from SmartBCH easily.

3. Swapping of Assets

One shocking thing about swapping is Tally Hoo wallet swap fee is only 0.5℅ which is 50℅ cheaper than metamask (1℅) swap fee.

Swapping rewards is planned in future so this is something I'm excited for and eagerly waiting.

One of Reason why i believe in this team and wallet is it is being supported by Biggest DeFi & Web 3 projects Like - Curve, Uniswap, Synthetix, Balancer.

So, Tally Hoo will definitely flip The throne of Metamask Very soon .

This is the meme From future

Remember the meme and words - Facts Don't Require Faith. Tally Hoo is Future!


Thanks For reading.


Also Must drop your feedbacks, Hit the like button if you enjoyed & DYOR. 

Tally Hoo hub!

Official website | Discord | Twitter

Until next time take care and see ya again!.

$ 2.19
$ 1.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Arslan0007897.
$ 0.05 from @Alther
+ 9
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Avatar for Idksamad7869
1 year ago


This is the first time I heard about Tally Hoo, in this case, I will look forward to it. Good evening :0

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I forgot all about metamask lol! I have some tokens there I think but they have no value at all. Sad. Good luck with tally hoo!

$ 0.00
1 year ago