Depression, is it a disease like any other or an incurable parasite?

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2 years ago

Short answer: No, it isn't like any other disease but it isn't incurable either.

Have you ever lived your life without planning because you dread the future more than anything else?

Have you ever woke up just desiring that you could spend more time in the painless emptiness of sleep?

Have you ever desired to just feel something besides a constant and chilling cold? 

If you answered yes, it's ok, thousands of people from different backgrounds feel the exact same way, no one should ever blame you for feeling those emotions, no sick patient should ever be judged by the symptoms he carries. 

Why depression isn't like any other disease? 

The first reason is on how it's perceived, tell me do you think anyone would blame and insult a blind person because he can't see? 

Then why do we do the exact same thing for depressed people? why we judge a sick person as if it was her own fault? 

As if having depression wasn't difficult enough, you also have to hide your honest feelings and pains, can we even be surprised by the number of depressed people if we treat then the way we do? 

The second reason is how it affects those who have it, it is a mental illness but acts exactly like a vicious parasite, draining every single bit of hope and happiness from it's host. 

Eventually you lose the desire to fight, becoming an empty shell with no joy or motivation to remove the parasite, seeing him and you as an inseparable entity. 

No other condition makes it's patient work against the cure unconsciously, that's why it's so powerful and difficult to deal with. 

With all those facts listed you may start to feel despair and imagining that nothing can be done right? but in truth, there's hope, and I will show you why. 

Does depresion has a cure? 

Yes, giving my personal example, I had struggled with it from the beginning of my childhood until I was 16y old, no amount of words can describe how it's to grow while fearing each tick of the clock, the feeling that each moment will be worse than the last one.

I didn't had any hope at all of ever being happy, and my deepest wish was just to vanish into nothingness.

That was until I discovered a book, it's content wasn't important on itself, but it provoked such an strong emotional reaction that for the first time ever in my life I felt truly alive.

The book was my catalyst of change, it broke me down, made me cry and smile like nothing else had before, and this single event made me believe that there was hope for me, that in the future, I would have a chance of actually having a good and satisfying life.

And with time, that belief shaped my reality, nowadays I'm not depressed anymore, I feel 100% satisfied with the life that I have built and the person I'm.

So don't lose hope, life is unpredictable and absolutely nothing is set on stone, it may take more or less time than it took for me, but you will find your catalyst, you will find your cure and share this message of hope one day too. 


If you think this post can help someone find faith to belive in a better life for themselves, please like and share. 

Any feedback is deeply appreciated, and if you want help or share your story feel free to comment below. 

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2 years ago


Depression has claimed many can't tell if someone is suffering from this. Many of them are going through the days like nomal people do....but on the inside they are not okay. You'll just know when they snapped or has taken away their lives. I know coz we've lost one of our dearest cousing because of depression. We didn't know he was suffering inside coz he laugh a lot, always happy and he's always making everybody around him happy, he's loved because of his kindness and jokes around most of the time. Not until he decided to put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, killing him instantly....and he did it inside a church.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depression is NOT A DISEASE. Its just imbalance in the mind due biological changes / hormonal changes in the body.

The world over medical fraternity refer it as a Disease. Because then only they can make money. More than 90% of people just blindly follow the medical fraternities terms.

It does need drugs but for correcting the imbalance in our body biology and not for curing it. By correcting the imbalances DEPRESSION vanishes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, but I actually disagree, depression is a mental disease because it's combination of damaged beliefs system, distorted self-image and biological imbalances, I would actually say there are two different kinds of depression, the biological one, most commonly cured with medicine and surgeries, where the only problem is a hormonal imbalance caused by different factors, and the psychological one, caused by damaged belief system and self-image, this one can't be cured with just medicine, and in some cases it has no effect at all, like mine, I was cured of my depression after I started to fix my self-image and system of beliefs. In conclusion it's a mental disease considering it has clear symptoms and affect a specific part of your body (your mind).

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2 years ago