Broke up with somebody's son

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2 years ago

As I woke up today and picked up my phone to write, i had no idea if what to write, I guessed I also reached the writer's block😁, well my mind hasn't been stable since the incident that happened on Sunday, I've been feeling so insecure about it maybe that's the reason I couldn't even think of what to write. Thank God for this prompt I saw on @Aimure page some days back which I took permission from him to also answer it, according to him, it was first answered by @Kushyzee so I will be jumping on it today since I have no idea of what to write about.

Let's get started 💃

Ever been in love?

Yes I have been in love and I can tell you that it was such an amazing feeling to love someone and get loved back just the same way. The only problem I had then was controlling my emotions because I let my emotions get the better part of me but I thank God I quickly realize myself and since then I've promised myself that I will never love with my heart alone but also with my head.

Ever felt lonely?

Yes, a couple of times. Mostly it's not because there's no one around me but because their presence is just as the same as their absence or maybe they are not doing anything to help me at that time. Sometimes too, I feel lonely because there's no one beside me and it looks as if I'm the only one left in this world. I remember when I lost my dad, I felt so alone and everyone else around me look like nobody, I didn't care if they were there or not, all I wanted was for my dad to be there.

Trip to overseas?

No no no 😁 I've always stayed in my country, it's not like I don't want to leave to another country, it's just that I'm not yet capable. Sometimes I just wish to travel out if not to live there forever, just for vacation at least but no, it's not so easy to do that not with the way everything is costly but I'm working towards it and I know one day, my dream will come to realization.

Talk to a stranger?

Yes I have talked to a stranger countless times, if you didn't want to talk to a stranger, how will a student make friends or how will you get acquainted with your church members the first time you attended the church, at least your friends were once strangers to you before they became your friend. Talking to strangers is quite inevitable in life infact your spouses were once strangers before you became a couple.

Ate a lot of ice cream?

Well not really, while growing up as a child or teenager, I fancy ice cream then and I take a whole lot of it then but while growing up, whenever I take too much ice creams, it always worry my tummy and that was the reason I had reduce my intake because I discovered that too much sugar isn't good for the body. Instead of ice cream, I prefer yoghurt because it contains less sugar and it's healthy for the body.

Siblings fighting?

I and my siblings quarrel sometimes especially my immediate elder sister, she can be so annoying and awesome at the same time 😁, I think it's impossible for siblings not to quarrel at least once in their lifetime because that's how humans are created. There's this popular saying that "even the tongue and mouth fight" and that's why close friends quarrel and even twin siblings, it's nature but resolving it quickly us what shows that you truly love each other.

Been dumped?

I know dump is another word for break up in my country, hahaha, the way some people use the word ehn, you will pity the person dumped but can I blame them? Some guys feel like they've dumped their girlfriends because she has already been explored, used the valuable thing in them and now they've already become like a piece of trash. As for me, I haven't been dumped before.

Dumped someone?

I have broken up with someone's son before, lol. I've only been in one relationship before and I was the one to end things between us because I couldn't keep up with the change in his behavior anymore. I wouldn't say I dumped him because we both reached an agreement before I left the relationship do it was a mutual understanding.

Make a joke?

As much as I'm not a sanguine, I still do make jokes sometimes but a very few times because I'm the always serious type, I just sometimes apply the quote "all works and no play makes jack a full boy".

Unplanned stuff?

Do you mean if something unplanned happened or maybe I didn't plan something before doing it? If it's the first option, well their are quite a number of things that happened to me but I didn't plan for it to happen. For the second option, I usually plan my stuffs well before doing them but still, there are some that I failed to plan and I later regret it.

Watched a movie alone?

This is literally me, most of the times I watch movies alone because I'm majority of the movie I watch is always on my phone, the fact that I love kdramas and Filipino series but majority of my family does not especially my male siblings, I knew I had no option but to just watch it on my phone or buy the disc and watch on laptop. Sometimes I also watch movie with someone but on few occasions.

Felt confused with life?

There were number of times that I've felt confused with life probably because of the situations happening around me or whenever things are not going the way I wanted, even now in this kind of situation my country is in, there's every reason to be confused about life.

Thank you friends for stopping by, I'm glad to have you here, please subscribe if you haven't and I will see you in my next post and in yours. One love ❤️

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Copyright 2022. Honey_bch. All rights reserved.

$ 0.85
$ 0.73 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Kushyzee
$ 0.03 from @Tomi-Ajax
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Avatar for Honey_bch
2 years ago


I've missed my picture displaying on your sponsors block, 🥺 the platform just left my payment on pending since last week. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I hope this gets fixed real soon.

But seriously, I had no idea you were a girl, not until I read this; breaking up with a boy. All this while, I thought you were a guy. Lol, yes dear. It's really impossible for siblings not to quarrel, i also quarrel alot with my brothers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even me, some of my payment too are pending since weeks back.

I don't understand why some people on this platform thought I was a guy, it's so funny 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Been dump by someone before and it was so painful. But all the same, 2 yrs later, I also dumped someone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is literally tit for tat, it's okay 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Looks like majority of us watch movies alone 😆 most of the movies I watch are also on my phone, so I mostly watch them alone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nah majority of Nigerian youths do that o😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I enjoy talking with strangers, although most of the time I do so to ask for directions when I am unfamiliar with where I am.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't like asking strangers for direction because they can be deceiving

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do ask a lot of people, I'm not just depending on one stranger's direction because I am also thinking the same way as you. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You do have a point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You do have a point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Have you read the book WHY YOU ACT THE WAY YOU DO?

If you don't mind, I'd like to know you better, any social media handle or better, WhatsApp number?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No, I haven't read that book, what's it about?

Let's connect on IG @slimydee__

$ 0.00
2 years ago