Life is a seed (you'll reap whatever you sow)
Life is like a seed. If you take care of it, nurture it and plant the seed into fertile soil, then the miracle of growth will set in motion and that little seed will one day grow into something big and strong enough to support anything.
You'll reap whatever you sow. You can't sow an orange and expect that reap an apple. You'll reap what you sow.
You may have heard this proverb before but do you apply it to your daily life? Do you sow positive thoughts, words, and actions and expect the same in return? Or, do you sow negativity and expect positive results?
If you want positive results in your life, be sure to sow positive seeds in your mind first.
To get started with affirmations, take out a small notebook and every day write down 3-5 positive things about yourself and what you will achieve or accomplish. Writing it down allows your mind to acknowledge the truth of it and 'seeds' a more positive mindset.
You'll reap whatever you sow. For good or for bad, everything in life is a direct reflection of your actions.
If you want to make more money, you have to work hard.
If you want to be healthy, you have to eat right and exercise.
If you want to be a better person, you have to do the things that good people do.
There's a solution for every problem, but if you rely on luck instead of hard work, you're only going to be disappointed.
Sow the seeds that will produce the results that you want.
The first step is always the hardest, but once you get started, it gets easier and easier.
You cant trick the universe. There's no way to trick it into giving you more than you deserve. If you want to live a good life, make the world a better place and help people, then that's what you should do.
The way you make someone feel, is permanent. You are either a positive light in someone's life or a negative one.
It's easy to think of the negative things we say or do and not notice the impact on others. It's easy to only reflect on things that have happened to us and how negative people have treated us.
Why not plant an extra positive seed today? Why not choose a positive mindset and own it?
When someone says something to you and you're inclined to argue, ask them: "What would be a better way for me to respond to this?"
Maybe they're right. Maybe they're wrong. But if you go into your response with a better mindset, things can go from bad to better instantly.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Life always varies directly as we live it. And you’re very right what ever a farmer plants is what he’s going to sow because that’s how life his. Everyone will surely reap the fruit of their labor either good or bad.