I've read a lot of July recaps and reports about their earnings and update about goals whether they achieve it or not then some are moving to make new goals for this month. While I on the other hand, nothing much to share but I still like to share haha, I am stubborn lol.
Exactly in July I turned one month, and my journey is not that astonishing like others but I believe that beginnings are always hard. For me it's a little bit hard because I got noticed by random rewarder exactly when I am already a month old user.
I earned a total of $40 within a month
I read an article where mostly users store their earnings and it's in Bitcoin.com so I also downloaded it.
I also have noise.cash account but I am not active in there, I don't know but I am more comfortable here than in there. I only earn $0.20 in there haha! But whatever I like read.cash than noise, so it doesn't matter.
I remember Eirolfeam2 told me that the price value of BCH flactuates from time to time, I checked it as of writing this article it's $39.80 but I am not worried because I treat it as my savings account.
My plan for my earnings here is to donate it with my granny, she needs money so I am doing my best to earn some extra online to give her. My needs are still provided with my parents so I don't have to worry on that.
But I plan to save some for myself as well, like a savings for my future in case I need money or I need something to buy for myself I don't need to ask money anymore from my parents.
My August earnings are still on the site wallet, I didn't transfer it yet in Bitcoin.com and currently it is worth $10.35 as of writing this article.
My earnings is not much compare to others
My earnings is a bit small compared to others but I am not jealous or envious of what they have because I believe they all deserve it as it is equal to their efforts.
During my one month journey I didn't write much as I am not used to writing yet, I don't know what should I write but upon reading others articles, I've got an idea what to write. It is indeed that we can learn and get ideas from other people's works if we make a reading habit.
Goals for this month
My goals for this month is not to earn a lot but to build my good standing in the platform;
Read others articles as much as I can and leave comments if I can relate or I get what the message of article at least 5 or more articles per day.
Publish article daily, as in 1 article per day. I wasn't able to publish article on August 1, as I was inactive so my goals now is to write 30 articles within a month as we have 31 days for this month just like July.
Try to tip others and comments in my article just a little as I don't earn much maybe $0.02-$0.05 depending on how much I like their comments or articles. I learned this from old users who keep tipping my comments to their article, so might as well do that. I also read Eybyoung, Jane and bmjc98 article that it's way of giving back to community.
Try to engage more to increase my subscribers numbers
Maybe that's all for my goals in the platform this month, if I earn better this month then that would be a great bonus for me.
I was inspired by users who post their achievements and progress in their journey, it is motivating to see that most users are diligent and hard working, it's a good influenced to all newbies especially like me.
Until next time, thank you for your time.
Scanned via Duplichecker;
Congratulations for a great start here in read. I hope you will achieve your goal this month.Keep going.