Do not tell others what they can't fix within 10sec. Is this true to you?

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1 year ago
March 26,2023

Annyeong Chingus! How are you? The weather is so hot. I want to sleep and I feel tired but I don't have space at home. I decided to not go to work for today because I thought my mother need someone to take care of my nephew since she was about to go out, but then my sister, who is the mother of my nephew went home after work but it's too late to go to work.

I'm putting my blurred face here, just in case you miss me!!

What I did, instead of feeling bad, is yo clean my surroundings and wash my bags. Now I feel tired and sleepy but I decided to write here instead.

Have you heard of the saying, "Do not tell others what they can't fix in 10 secs"?i remember this saying or statement and it comes from my former manager.

What are the things you can fix in 10 seconds or more

A bogger in your nose that is showing.

A food stuck in your teeth.

A dirt in your face.

Uncomb hair

Mucus on the side of the eye.

A lipstick on your teeth.

White hair

And lots of lots if you come to think about. Above are things that you can fix in 10 seconds or more.

Above are the things that you can say to people and you can even whisper it to them. Once you say it, surely they will easily remove it and it is done within 10 secs. Everything is fix, however,

What are the things you can't fix in 10 seconds

Being fat

Being ugly

Being not fair in skin color

Your attitude, (it is always require a decision)

There are things you can't fix or solve in 10 seconds.

Like being fat, you cannot just say to other people that they are fat. Maybe you can say it as a joke, maybe the other person will just accept it when you say it because you are a Close friend, maybe some will not take it seriously, but what if someone could really be depress just by hearing that?

Like me for example, when I am in a group of people or in a gathering, when someone said I look old and fat, I do not take it personally but I kept thinking about it. For sure little while I will go in a ladies room and check for my wrinkles or if I really look old or how fat I am. I will be bothered if I am ugly that day because I was told to be old and fat.

However, on the other side, that person didn't say that I am ugly. She might just told me I look old and fat but because in our present time, being skinny and youthful looking is a standard of beauty, I might not look like beautiful. I might fall somewhere in between the average and the ugly isn't it? So she indirectly said I'm not beautiful at all but she never told me I'm ugly.

See what happened to my brain about that scenario? I began to overthink what I looks like. I might not ask a question to that person of what I really look like because if that person will go direct to the point, I might get hurt, or if she makes me feel okay, I will be in doubt.

Okay, that is the thinking of a person with anxiety by the way so don't tell them what they can fix in 10 seconds or more.

If I have a food sticking on my teeth, I will just gargle with water and not even 5 secs I can end it. If I have bogger I will use a tissue to remove it. If I have a mucus, then I wipe it with someone' s hand, lol.

But being fat and looking old, I cannot fix that in 10 secs. It requires time and mind setting. I rather accept the word "you look okay, or you look fine!" than hearing that said by even the most favorite person I have in my life.

If by any chance you see people, compliment them even if they don't look good for you, because you never know what is walking in your brain after you said those things that can't be fix in 10 secs. However, it is all in the mind and this kind of situation doesn't hold true to other people.

All images are mine

All Original Content by @Grecy095

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1 year ago


Totoo sis kaya dapat mag ingat kung ano sasabihin sa ibang tao kasi iba-iba ang story ng tao. Meron sensitive meron hindi.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Another thing that can't be fixed in 10 sec is the pain/damage to people who are called ugly or fat or old by some people who are insensitive and so full of themselves.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Masakit nga pag sinabihan kang ganun sis, I'm sorry that happened to you. Its just that some peole are so inconsiderate and insensitive of other people's feelings to say things like that. Pero paki ba nila kung ako nag katawan ko, edi it means di ko ginugutom ang sarili mo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Tanggap ko na sis na pangit ako kaya hindi na ako masasaktan hehe pero nung kabataan ko iniisip ko talaga paano e fix pero pagod na ako hahaha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

May magagandang approach sa mga ganyang linyahan. Pwede naman sabihin like, 'samahan mo ko magjogging' char

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang sakit nong you are fat, tamang tama ako dun ah lalo na yong "u look old" qguy. Kaya ako pag lalabas naka facemask at jacket ee haha kahit kainitan, lol. Wala lang na share ko lang, lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago