Hives and Folklores

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Written by
1 year ago

My baby suddenly had hives 2 days ago and it became worst as it spreads all over her body.

She keeps on complaining that its itchy and was not able to sleep properly. Brought her citirizine and was advised to have her on a cold bath but was not able to do so, decided to just wipe her with wipes so those hives would cool off because everytime it itches I feel afraid that she may have wounds and it may get infected.

You may ask me, why did you not bring her to the Doctor?

It is really more on financial matter. My kid is supposed to have FREE check up but then my budget is really just thriving until my next payday. I am not even certain if how can I survive?

Surely it will be a never ending debt and I do not have the excitement to wait for my 13th month pay because it will only be paid to those people I had debts with. It is so heartbreaking but this is what I got from helping other people too much.

I do not know how to survive this year or if I ever will. Hopefully yes, but nah everytime I think of the daily needs and how much will I spend I get scared. I do not want to keep on borrowing but seems like the odds are all in me. I want to cry as I feel depress. Yesterday I even answered our survey regarding to our upcoming party that I won't be attending because it is much costly though my colleagues are trying to make me say YES just that I do not know what to really do.

I do not know how to deal with all these financial problems. I am on edge.

Anyway, so much for my financial stupidity. Going back to my baby's health. I just got no choice but to believe on folklores. I performed some eggshells then put it on a smoldering charcoal. Once the smoke would be good enough to smell like eggs then have the baby go to the area where the smoke is heading and let her be exposed with that smoke for like 3-5 minutes. It is like fumigation.

I was also advised not to bath my baby but it should actually be the other way around. They should even bathe cold water to control the itchiness.

I am confuse with what to believe because my mom would get angry if I do not follow what she got used to telling me that whatever happens to my children for not listening to her will surely make me regret.

So in case that this might happen to anyone you know, I have researched some details about hives. Kindly see reference below:

...end thoughts...

Some folks are saying this is caused by air it is like a sickness brought by the air. I do not even know if this is true but what I know is as a parent we really need to have a better judgement and weigh things as to what is good for our family especially our kids.

We often receive advise and guidance from our folks but what I can say is yesterday is way different from today.

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Written by
1 year ago


I hope your daughter is feeling much more better now, glez.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

she is doing good now Glen. Nag fade na yung hives and di n masyadong maga

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have financial struggle too this month, because of some illnesses with my family, and we need to be check by a doctor and had a proper medicine.

I hope your child will be fine.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope your struggle will be over soon too. God bless you dear :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Aguyy sana maging okay na baby mo, as in completely. Ang hirap pa naman kapag bata ang nakakaranas ng ganito no, nakakaawa talaga aigoooo

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sana nga madam. Grabi na pag-aalala ko T.T sobra

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh I thought it was a free check up, but anyway, despite it is a free check up there are still ointment and medicine you need to buy for her. I just wish the cold water will lessen the hives.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes medicine is another thing :'(

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Its free but way too far from our home.. we would need to commute.

$ 0.00
1 year ago