Random Questions Recipe

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago
Topics: Answers

Good morning Readland and happy Sunday today, an interesting day to relax and enjoy life with some little questions and answers, lol! That is what I feel like doing now and I hope you'll be fine with my answers from this post I saw from @Itsfarah . Questions are part of our daily life and I know we might have asked up to ten times today alone, just for a start. Let's see what I have in store for us..

Everyone of us must have had a first job, how did you spend your first job income?

That year when I got a job at a cyber café, I was so young though matured enough. It was a good experience to wake up every morning and leave the house for a little office. I loved the job and also my pay which comes every week. I could remember clearly how my first week's pay was spent, it is a little funny to remember but that was how it happened. "That day, it was through my mom's bank account that I received the salary. When I got home, I was celebrated for the little success, eulogies from my family made my head grow like I was a celebrity. The next thing I did was to tell mom to buy a drink from the money, keep some for herself and the rest to me. Lol! I was happy to share my first salary with everyone but after that first time, I think I remember opening a bank account which is still in use today."

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If you were made to, what topic could you give a 20-minute presentation on without any preparation?

I might not be so good with words in public but not scared of talking or presenting to the public. This can be difficult but, if I should be in a twenty minute unprepared presentation to the public, I guess I would be so random with topics. I wouldn't focus on one thing and believe me, I would make it so interesting and interactive. It would be like a discussion between two friends where each other communicates and airs their views respectively. By this method, twenty minutes will be like a two minute talk. It could be "the reason why we're here and how prepared we are for what we came for and ..." Just a random topic and summarizing with some motivational speeches. Hehe! That would be me if I borrowed courage lol!

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We do check our WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and many other social media for stuff to laugh about, what was the funniest thing you’ve seen recently online? ( Let's laugh with you😂😂😂)

Before answering this question, I have to commend my country Nigeria for being such a lovely and funny place. Having thousands of comedians with extremely funny content every minute. Just today on my cousin sisters ticktock, we saw this funny video of a man asking two boys if they would sell their destiny for ten billion dollars? The next scene of the comedy was where the boys were already spending their money and chilling with food and wine, 😂 this made me laugh out so loud, even till now as I remembered.

Who in your family are you most like?

Hehe, they say I took from my mom but I have my dad's legs but let me break it down. I have my mom's skin color and face. My height is cool because my parents are tall. All my face except my nose are from my mother's while my legs belong to daddy. Lol!

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What is the most challenging job you can think of? That job that you don't want to do ever!

Generally, doing any job has to do with courage and loyalty, even when the job doesn't give the necessary freedom we would want.

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I wouldn't like to do the kind of job where I would leave home very early in the morning and come back late at night. A job that makes me not have time for myself shall never come my way because I won't like to do what makes me feel bad just to get the money.

Thanks for reading lovelies, I wish everyone a safe and happy Sunday from here. See you in my next article and bye for now.

Lead image credit: taken from unsplash.com

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago
Topics: Answers


You are an interesting person

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks sis

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can talk in public but only if the crowd consists of friends and colleagues. However, if they're other unknown people, then I will surely tremble while discussing, lol.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I can't think any job that is not challenging though, as you said, it needs courage and loyalty, and those are difficult to practice and give...

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Face like mom and leg like dad, that way no one can question where you come from lol. And a 9-5 job is a No no for me too...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lol, thanks for your comment dear

$ 0.00
1 year ago