Made Fake Excuses for Being Late..

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2 years ago

Shout out Readland. Greetings to everyone. How was the day and I hope you had a good one. I enjoyed my day and I feel great in this weather. It cold and raining since evening and I love when the weather is cool liker this. Am happy also because the Power holding company gave us a surprise light today while we were not expecting any at all. I give them that credit and hope they keep surprising us because we love such surprises. Anyway, after having a day, I was READING and got to see the article of @Itsfarah who gave answers to the questions originally created by @bbyblacksheep . It a series of Q/A about school and that got me a throw back pictures of those days in my mind. It so much fun as I read and I couldn't wait to give my answers too. Check them out as you read my answers too. Let's have this fun guys...

Skipped class

No pretence here, I am guilty of this. I missed classes intentionally those kiddy days. I remember one year my dad paid my fees early, my whole classmates except one were all sent home for not having paid there fees, when I looked round and it was just me and this bully guy, I had no choice than to pack my books and join the charade. I left the class in pretence that I haven't paid my fees. That day was a play day because I didn't even go home directly knowing that dad will be mad at me. I checked into a friend's house and we both enjoyed the day till dismissal time before I get going. I remember that clearly.


Cheated on exam

It was this boring teacher that always frown at us in the classroom. She teaches geography and we disliked the course because of her behavior. So, during exams, we made a team that wrote some answers on a paper to pass round to everyone in the class. No one was interested in the course and as that, we couldn't give much time to read it. The only way to pass the exam was by team work and it was a success for us all. It was a team work perfect.


Forged my parents signature

Nope. I didn't even have access to their files, not even now. I wouldn't even do that. If I needed their signature, I had always let them know and they sign it for me. They are always happy signing for me. So, I had no reason to forge it

Bullied anyone on school

Well, I was among the weak those days. So, I had no choice than to side the strong and make their team. It was a thing of smartness for me not toughness. I wasn't bullied, not for ones by anyone but was so scared of that though.


Been suspended from school

I have seen my fellow students falling a victim of that, even with all their pleas, they still are sent home. I am so lucky to have never been suspect. Not even for what I did but even for not being mentioned among anything I didn't do

Hit someone with chalk

woo! yes I did and it was fun doing that as a chalk keeper. I use to open chalk throwing fire outside the class because I always have enough to defend myself and the chalk keeper. My classmates seeks my cover because I have more bullets in my rifle than everyone. It was a playing moment for us and I never lost a chalk throwing fight. Kiddies!

Make fake excuses for being late

For so many times I have. Even when I am caught, I still give this goddamn reason to defend myself. Being late at meeting sometimes when I am busy at home is like a normal thing to me, bit I have to change that anyway. In many occasions I come late, I use to imagine that maybe there are no enough people arrived yet and when I get there to realize that I am late already, I give unnecessary excuses and reasons for being late.

Been home schooled

That was at my very young age when I started school newly. I can't even remember that but was told so many times by my parents and Siblings. It was a class for all of my siblings but I continued the home schooling after they left.

Had a crush on someone in my class

I have always wanted to be like people who I think in one way or the other are better than me. I have crushed so much on this new guy in class. He seems to know everything and was so brilliant. His brilliance couldn't be compared to what we had those days. A very intelligent guy. Soo as I discovered that, I with my best friend in class those days started going more close to him and spending more time with him than others. He was a good friend and we wanted to be like him but, we all have our natural abilities and can't do pass ourselves.

Played in sports team

Very well. I am a star team maker. I played for the first eleven in my secondary school football team. My team was a success and we won a trophy for the school. I enjoyed playing with the team because we made name for the school and we are proud of ourselves. Till today, I still play and have been invited to join some teams, I couldn't just combine playing and schooling it a little difficult. I love teams port and I love my role as a goal keeper.


cheers to all my sponsors..

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Thanks you so much for reading, thanks to my subscribers and sponsors, I thank you all for your support and all the best wishes I pray for everyone. Have a beautiful week. Love ya' all

Copyright Gianna-B, 2022 and all rights reserved

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$ 1.78
$ 1.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @bbyblacksheep
$ 0.04 from @King_Gozie
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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago


Hi. Thanks for the tag Gianna-B. 😊 I was not the one who started this Never Have I Ever (School Edition) but it was kingofreview. I saw it from Eirolfeam2 that she also saw from Loveleng18.

I haven't tried football but I find it fun whenever I would see it on some Hollywood movies. I like the team effort for your Geography class. LOL. But I find it scarier to pass around notes during exams that is why I made my own cheat codes. 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sounds fun to throw chalks at others, but it may hurt too hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having a crush is quite fun and exciting

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bullying and hitting others may not good in terms of manners but school life didn't care it. Fabulous prompt response in questions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So hitting someone with chalk was also your favourite activity. Nice to hear your beautiful memories of school life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago