"I can't kill Myself"

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago

People occasionally experience difficulties in their careers, relationships, professional lives, and many other areas of their lives.

What counts is how you deal with difficulty and recover from it. When we strive against the natural forces of life, we engender some form of opposition and resistance, which fuels other struggles. People face difficulties repeatedly while maintaining a positive attitude.

β€œThe struggle that you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up"

That's a quote by "Robert Tew" that has always given me strength. Life's straight paths are simple, but its twists that provide intrigue. There are numerous methods you can overcome your obstacles. Everyone experiences some sort of adversity in their lives, regardless of how different it may appear on the outside. It could be something simple like a cookie policy or something difficult like deciding to break up with a close friend.

Instead of working hard to achieve something, people frequently avoid doing so out of fear of what the community would say and how to handle it. Always make sure that you overcome any obstacles in your path and accomplish your goal as intended. Even the most successful persons had to overcome challenges to get to where they are today. Stop attempting to avoid the battle and let it go; it is working to prepare you for a better tomorrow. Accept it, grow from it, and learn from it.

This is my first time posting since this week because I have been struggling with lectures and time. It has never been easy for any student I know since they called off the strike. In less than a month to finish a session is just mad and stressful for both the lecturers and the students. A week if class has come and gone, so is the week for revision and now this week is for a test. Something I wish I had graduated to be free from all these bunch of stresses.

Just again since last weekend, I haven't been eating much as my body needed just to avoid sleep and be in good shape to read and follow up. I know the goal is to make a happy ending with struggles as the process but I'll not give up on it.

Yes, I could say it's not easy with me as a student but still the same with other students. Even the lecturers who embarked on the strike are still not happy with the system. Some of them are in need of financial support and this is the time they strike on students as their prey and source of income.

There's this popular saying in my country "I can't kill myself" that originated from a pop artists by name Timaya. In that song, he expressed himself saying that "in this life, he can't kill himself". I think he means he has achieved all he can achieve because he's successful in his music career. He might mean not to own an island while he already owns an estate. I think the story behind his song was that he has gone far with success and even as though there are people who are living larger than him, he has gotten to his limit and is not worrying about pushing further. That is the message and meaning I get whenever I listen to that song, but people are getting the wrong message out of it and taking it seriously in application to their life.

Just this tough semester that we have a month to conclude the session, I have heard so many students saying "I can't kill myself". Well it is true that nobody would kill him or herself for anything in life but on the other hand, I think that's a wrong notion to cling to. The timetable has been drawn and it is so clear that whether you kill yourself or not, exams will hold.

I have been killing myself for days now and I know it won't last forever. The goal is to make it out successfully and not "can't kill myself but still die later".

The truth remains that there is a rush in academics now and it's also an opportunity for the rich students who don't want to kill themselves to sort things out by bribe. Good for them though but I wouldn't do that with them. The next trending gist in this university will be "payment for grades" which I know is on the way. I am out, I signed up for this and here I am passing through the process. May our sacrifices be rewarded abundantly.

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Thank you for your time once again. I'll try to make time no matter how little to be active here on this platform. Have a nice day lovelies

@Gianna-B , 2022.

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Avatar for Gianna-B
1 year ago


In the end, it will be worth it. The sleepless night, the burnt candles and all the sacrifices will be a story you will tell.

I wish you best of luck in your test and upcoming exam.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you from my heart πŸ’•

$ 0.00
1 year ago

All the best to you as you work on to complete your semester. It can be tough but I believe you can do it :) Cheers!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Cheers with a big smile dear friend. Thank you so much

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're very welcome :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's demanding how you are faced with so many task with limited time but the best thing you could do is to keep on doing what you can. Rest when you are tired because a sick body can't study .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Absolute truth. Thank you so much

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The life of students now are being rushed and pressured as if they're robots, but who to blame? It's well.

My dear, just keep it cool while striving. Success is sure at the end

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much for that'

$ 0.00
1 year ago

For us to achieve our greatest desires in life, we have to fight all the difficult parts that leads to our success. I want to tell you to never give up on your dreams and wish you all the best of luck in all the tests you would be writing ✍️ πŸ™πŸ˜Š

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Beautiful 😘. Thank you so much I wish every best too

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In our life, challenges and struggles are weapons that make us stronger than ever. In order or us to achieve something, we need to take some rough roads that will lead us to success.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So true, nothing good like that comes easy. Thank you for your words

$ 0.00
1 year ago