Change it While You Can.

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2 years ago

There is this common believe among people that all men for himself. This is always seen in a case where people gets faulty out of stubbornness or refusing to heed to advice. Things can really happen in the opposite expectations even when we are at people's direction, what would be will always be.

Few weeks ago a question was asked by @Methion . You can check him out guys. It was just a question that touches my heart and made me reflect on them for some while. I quickly picked interest and decided to put an entry to it.

Among these two couple of questions, the first one caught my attention the most and is probably the reason I have decided to write about this today. It means a lot to my understanding because it seems to be found daily around me and in my society.

Question I

  • Correct A Person Or Let Them Suffer Some Burn??

First of all, nobody is perfect and above correction. We make mistakes daily and will even more tomorrow. I think it is better to say that some good things exist as a product of mistake..

Correcting a person:

Hanna was watching her young daughter Ada washing clothes. Ada has her white singlet to wash and because of the color should be washed first. As a kid she is, she simply assumed that the singlet will be easier to wash and that she should start washing other colors which she imagined to be difficult..

At this point, a simple words of explanation with experience is needed to let her know that she has to wash all the white clothes before the colored ones. Looking at this scenario, Ada lacks the experience, this also means that she do not know she was about risking the purity of her white singlet.


This happened to me in my childhood days and because I imagined just the same way Ada has imagined, I spent more time washing my white top that the time it took me to wash all other clothes. Poor me , thinking I was doing the right thing..

As Ada was done selecting her white colored clothes, and was about to throw the colored ones into the machine, her mother Hanna called her attention and corrected her instantly. Now, she knows what clothes to wash first and the ones that follows.

A little review of the above Scene:

Ada was about making a mistake out of experience. She had though she was doing that right thing and on the other hand, her mother Hanna was present and was watching her. Her mother's presence made something fall in its right place. If she had not been present, Ada would have messed up her white's purity. Hanna's action saved Ada's mistake and thought her a life lesson for the future which she has known and could pass down to her junior ones; thereby solving a problem.

Our presence to some situations is likely for a reason, either by intention or by chance, our presence could be for a reason to make a significance or solve it.

Nobody is perfect, even after being corrected, some people still repeat that which they were cautioned for. This time around, experience which they say is the best teacher is needed. Times like this, it could be well to "allow the plantain that refuses to ripen because it doesn't want to be fried to be used as plantain chips". A word they also say is enough for the wise but when the wise doesn't want to listen to a word, he should be left alone to hear himself.

Anna's younger brother has severally be warned to stay off electronics and avoid connecting TV cables, the last few times he tried connecting TV cables, the last few times he attempted connecting the cables, it sparked fire and luckily for him, he wasn't electrocuted. This time around he went back to connect the cables again and got electrocuted, not just that, the television was burnt. Anna's brother lost his left index finger nails because of the electric shock. His parents bought another set and installed in Ada's room and the other in there own room. Ana's brother now has no index finger nails and no TV to watch, all because of his stubbornness and mistakes. Who is to blame?


Some burn we suffer is caused by us, it could be at home , schools, offices and other places of work. Accepting the fact that we don't know is a wise decision that pretending or self convincing ourselves that we can do it. This situation is outside motivation and can lead anyone to eternal injury. An African proverb says "when the ear refuses to hear, when the neck is cut, the ear follows"

Personally, I learn from my mistakes and other people's stories too. I think it is always better to correct a person than allow them suffer some burn. Sometimes, people who are allowed to suffer burns faces the consequences alone and realize themselves later and come back with hate to the people or person that was supposed to stop them. This situation always leads to violence and hatred and to curb that, we should do the simplest things required of us.

Question II

  • Same-Sex School Vs Mixed School?

From my own point of view, an institution for learning doesn't care wether it is used by same sex or mixed. It just a place people go to acquire knowledge and knowledge itself is for everyone and even other creatures. So, the question above might be out of humans curiosity for gender equality, I don't really know anyway. There are also people's choice to study in a same sex institution and mixed schools too. It all depends on what we like.

All my school days till present, I have been attending mixed schools. I am likely to say that mixed school is better because it has been a part of me. In the same way, anyone else who has been in same sex school would choose it as his/her best. All this to me means nothing as long as education is the same and come to think of that, I have never heard of boys university or girls university. Maybe they exist but to be honest, I haven't seen any.


Therefore, wether same sex or mixed up, education and knowledge remains the same.

Thanks for reading lovelies and have a beautiful Sunday

@Gianna-B, 2022 and all rights reserved.

Lead image credit: taken from

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2 years ago


Agree sis no one is perfect we made a mistake, beside learning should be for everyone it doesn't matter if it's all boys or girls

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2 years ago

I agree with you, it doesn't matter if it's mixed up or not, the most important thing is the way they learned individually.

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2 years ago