Rape does not exists

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4 years ago

The goal of this article is to empower men and boys against the oppression of the state. At first, it will discuss, what method the state is using to oppressing men. In the second part, it will discuss how to use Cryptocurrency to fight against this oppression. Lets see a few examples of this: Rape as a crime - and it does not exists. Rape is a social construct, to opress the male gender and male sexuality. This is why the title "Rape does not exists" was given to this article. Rape is an imaginary crime to demonize male sexual behavior.

The modern western state is oppressing men.

Men dont have reproductive rights, they dont have rights for they own children. Men dont have rights for self-protection, men dont have equality before the law. For example, laws for domestic violence only punishing men, and they are not real crimes (like, slapping someone). Slapping a women is a crime, meanwhile slapping a men is just a joke, at least according to the law codex of the opressive feminist law system. In the case of the divorce, a man loses all of his rights for his property, his money, and for his children. Men does not have rights to own money and property, and forced to pay alimony, child support for the rest of his life. Men does not have rights for the children, yet they bear all the obligations of having a children. (https://www.wf-lawyers.com/divorce-statistics-and-facts/ ) Even in the case of having a prenuptial agreement, its automatically invadated by the court if it favours the man. Boys are opressed in school system, girls get better grades even for the same performance, and the majority of college students are women. For the same crime, men get about three times more punishment ( https://www.huffpost.com/entry/men-women-prison-sentence-length-gender-gap_n_1874742?guccounter=1 ).

Based on this short but not complete list, we can identify that a typical western-type state is oppressing men on three main ways:

1. Sexual oppression
2. Social oppression
3. Economical oppression

There is overlap in this three main cathegory, some forms of oppression may fit into one, some may fit into two, and some may fit into all of this three category.

Sexual oppression: expressing male sexuality is criminalized

Men are not just stripped from reproductive rights, men are also subject of imaginary crimes, such as sexual harrasment or rape. In a western type feministic terrorstate, nowdays everything can be identifyed as a rape. Drinking alcohol in a bar and having sex? Rape. Rape, because you forced that poor girl to drink alcohol. The dirty men is having magic powers to bring the women to the bed, and when he does it, thats a rape. Having sex with a 17 year old girl? Rape. You maybe didnt even had sex with someone, but she says you had: rape. Or at least, harrasment. Slapping on the dancers ass in a bar is also a harrasment, and it costs you 20 months of salary, according to the oppressive feministic state of South Korea ( https://www.reuters.com/article/us-southkorea-club-idUSKCN1UN01B ), which has 0.9 childbirth/woman due to its extremeist opression of the male gender ( https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-11/forget-norths-nukes-south-koreas-other-big-problem-inevitable ).

Illustration: anti-male hate propaganda in a modern South Korean online newspaper. Portraying men as predators with imaginary crimes, and hiding deadly anti-male crimes on the side. By the next day, they erased it alltogether, and kept the imaginary crimes in the headlines.

The rape-myth is the foundation of the enslavement of the male gender

The feministic terror undermined the christian and asian society based on the demonization of male sexuality. One of the main tool to achieve this, is the rape-hysteria, and the second one, is the systematic undermine of the male reproductive rights. The key for totalitarian oppression of the male gender is to convience everybody about the inferiority of the male sexuality. Portraying men as violent rapists, stripping every basic human rights from them, including rights to own money, rights to housing, reproduction, sexuality, freedom, are the constructions that opened the path of enslaving the male gender as a whole.

Rape and sexual harrasment does not exists

The main problem of rape is that its canot be proven. Its not possible to prove if sex was happening with or without consent. Rape is not a crime on its own, to force down someone, the victim must be brutally beaten somehow, or the victim must be much smaller. Beating someone so much that the person gets brutal injuries, are provable, and its already a crime. If someone beats someone very seriously, its a crime, and if rape also happening, thats is part of this crime. However, the anti-male state sustaining a dedicated rape-crime to oppress the men. By making rape a specialized snowflake crime, these imaginary rape laws are being one of the most spectaular element in the list if the sexual oppression of the male gender. The potential punishment for these imaginary crimes are ramped up, sometimes the sentence is more than in the case of a murder. The real goal of these laws is to oppress and limit the male sexuality and giving no rights for self protection for a men. These laws (at least in some states) also covers having sex while the women is drunk, making nearly every sexual act as a rape.

Our current society currently views the male sexuality inferior, and view men as sexmonsters. If this is true, well then men should not be punished for rape, as its their code by existence. If this is not true, then men should not be punished for rape, because rape does not exists.

But it makes long lasting psychological damage

Psychological damage canot be measured, like breaking someone ribs and bones, which are already a crime. Laws canot be created based on how someone feels. Psychological damage is not a thing, if someone gets psychological damage after a minor crime (that does not creates long lasting damage to they body, such as rape) is just basically having a weak psyche to begin with.

What rape really is?

Rape does not have to do anything with protecting the society, its a form to oppress male sexuality as a whole. Rape is not a crime, as it does not causes harm of the body. Psychological damage canot be measured and someones psychological instability canot be used to justify sustaining imaginary crimes. If someone brutally beats someone, that can - and should be - punished by the laws.

A society which oppressing a group, will not stay democratic

Of course, as the modern society enslaved its men, it was not able to sustain its freedom. If a society oppresses someone, eventually has to opress everyone. Western democracy was replaced by socialist liberal dictatorships. In such a state, gender got detached from the biological sexuality, and it became question of choice. Due to the desintegration of the structure of family system, the childbirth rates are far below reproductive levels. This enforced western societies to encourage migration from foreginer ethnicities and cultures, wiping out the original ethnicities living in these oppressive feministic nations.

Illustration: child birth rates in europe

The tax rates and bureocracy are continously rising, its becoming nearly impossible to sustain a corporation under the market rules. As industrial throughtput decreases, people are forced to work more, and they are able to afford less items to buy. Due to the fall of the industrial throughtput, there is also a drastical drop in the number of engineers and workmans. The place of the scientifical life is filled with fake-science, such as liberal arts and gender studies, which catalizes the demise of the economy.

God annihilating cultures with rape hysteria

To understand how rape is actually a form of an anti-male oppression, we can observe the stories in the bible closely. In the Genesis, we can learn what the ancient egyptian society was like. Egypt slowly turned into a socialist welfarestate, where people living from the aid of the state. Egypt had no conception of capitalism, or accumulation of wealth. A famine later on finalized the socialist structure of the society, and every house and land became the property of the state. Those who were exception, were sent to forced labour to work for the society. These forced labourers sustained the society, basically paying 100% tax after they labour. In the book Genesis (39) we can read the story about how women terrorized men with imaginary rape laws. The prophet of god, Joseph, was sentenced to prison after he refused to have sex with a leader, and as a revenge, she accused him for raping her. As we can see, Egypt was a socialist-feminist terrorstate as well, similar to our current states in America and Europe, and nowdays, in eastern Asia as well.

Illustration: taxation in north europe in the last few decades.

Later, God summoned his people, to save them from this socialist-feminist terrorstate, and give them a free and capitalistic society, where the leaders was given specific laws and very small taxation by the God, as in the Bible, God doesn not tolerates dictatures, communism, or oppression of men. The rape hysteria is however, not yet ends in the Bible. One of the next scenes, a leader of a city rapes the daughter of one of the Israelites. The israelites kill everyone in the city as a revenge. Later on, God orders them not to allow hysteria: every person who attacks a practicular person as a group, will be annihilated by God. God will protect the person, and eradicates the attackers, does not matters if the attackers was right or not.

A few decades after the israelites settle, a group from the tribe of Benjamites are raping and killing a woman. The housband of this woman getting very angry, summons an army and starts a war against Benjaminites. The war causes big devastation, most of the Benjaminites are killed, and almost every Benjaminite women gets killed, so they have to found new women. After the war, they slowly got invaded by Philistineans. They have realized they was acting against the gods order, thats why they got ravaged by the God. They decide not to have similar civil wars every again.

In book of Eshter, which tooking place after the Persian invasion of Israel, we can observe that an imaginary rape crime by Eshter is used to start war among various ethnicites of Persians. Due to this success, the civil war weakens the Persian rule. Once again, God annihilates a nation with rape hysteria.

The last occasion of a sexuality-related crime is discussed in the Bible is, when a group of people want to stone an allegedly cheating women to death. Jesus does not allows them to do this. After this story, every sexuality-related crime is being non-punishable. Jesus renders sexual misbehaviours unpunishable by the state. Such crimes are still morally blameworthy, but laws does not cover sexual crimes any more. Punishing rape, divorce, cheating, sexual harrasment by the state, is denying Jesus Christ and christianity.

Therefore, states with rape hysteria are denying the Bible, they deny Jesus and Christianity as whole.

The birth rates in these countries are far below the reproduction level (2 children per women), only the foreginer migrants are having larger birth rates. As God promised, once again, eradicating all the nations with a rape hysteria.

Age of consent

As a healthy moral is dismissing the conception of rape, its also an interesting question to investigate, what having sex with a children is. On the world, almost everywhere, age of consent is 14. Some contries having 18 or 17 as the age of consent. Just a century ago, having a 12 year old wife was totally acceptable by the society. And so this was the case for the whole history of the humanity. For example, Mary gave birth to Jesus at age 13. Men are biologically coded to sexually like young girls, even if, according to modern research, the utherus is being fully developed only by the age of 18. Having a high age of consent has more thing to do with oppression of the male sexuality than protecting girls.

But sex with a 10 year old is disgusting!

A 10 year old girl is probably cute, and not disgusting. Maybe you are right, and having sex with a 10 year old is not appropriate, and its disgusting. What is the appropriate then? Well, maybe 14, but what is an appropriate and what is legal, that is a different question to begin with. MAYBE if somebody has a sex with a 10 year old, that is sick! But at the same time, having punishment is not the proper way to deal with somebody who fucks 10 year olds. First of all, because a christian society cant punish sexuality, and men are encoded to love young girls. Anti-male propagandists say nonsensual theories to justify punishment of pedophiles, such as: its a rape, because they ruining the sexual health of the young girl, and her ability to pairbond would be damaged. These kind of theories are however, unmeasurable, and not-existent. Laws punishing pedophilia are illegal, and products of anti-male, anti-christian socialist states.

For example, more than a decade ago in Hungary, the age of consent was 18, however, later they decreased it to 14. Before this, in Hungary, just like everywhere else, there was a lot of sexually motivated rape and murder cases against children, just like everywhere else on the world. Guess, how many of such cases were happened AFTER they decreased the age of consent to 14!

Thats right, there was ZERO cases. (Except one, but the motivation there hasnt anything to do with sex - the criminal was an insane paranoid skizo).

How to deal with pedophiles and sexual predators then?

Very good question! Some muslim and african country ignoring pedophilia and every other kind of sexual crimes. Anti-male hysteria should not be allowed, and as we discussed earlier, it disgusting in the eyes of god as well. However, even if the state is not allowed to punish these acts, some of these are still moral crimes. Historically, muslim states were forced the rapist to live with his victims, to remind him for the consequences of his acts. However, this is not a good approach, as it ignores the victim, and objectifies her. This dilemma is however, multiple tousand year old. There will be no good answeers of this question, and there will be none at all. Oppressing and demonizing men is also not an asweer for this problem.

Some country illegalizes the possession of child porn pictures and videos. However, rendering punishment for possessing these materials are oppression against men, again.

Men leaving the society

MGTOW is a movement that decides to liberate men from the oppression by propagating a new lifestyle. The MGTOW phrase means: Men going their own way. The followers of this philosophy are refusing to settle down and have families. A MGTOW follower refuses to work more than he absolutely needs to, and focuses on his hobbies instead. Some MGTOW followers having sex, but most of them refusing to have sex. They dont settle and dont sustain long term relationships.

MGTOW followers cease connection with women, and they cease connection with society as much as they can. They dont cooperate with state institutes, and they focus on having passive income sources, and they try to quit the job market alltogether, and trying to avoid tax-payments. They dont enter marriage to protect themself from losing all of they belongings. They also dont have children, as they dont want to become forced-labour slaves through paying child-support. MGTOW is a form of passive resistance against the oppression of the male gender. The movement is rising exponentially among young men.

How cryptocurrency can empower men and boys?

Back then, cryptography was barely usable to protect the rights of men. For example, if the child porn was stored on a Linux computer and saved only behind an encrypted TrueCrypt ( https://truecrypt.ch ) partition with a password that is not being entered anywhere else, then the partition is canot unlocked by the authorities. (Windows, Android, IOS, Iphone will send the passwords back to the servers of the authorities).

The situation was however improving as the arrival of cryptocurrency. The article has listed sexual oppression so far, but the cryptocurrency is here to aid men against economical oppression. MGTOW also focuses on the economical oppression as well. Western anti-male states having an invention called child support, some of them having a separate invention called alimony. The society uses men as slaves, in the case of divorce, men are forced to pay child support and sometimes alimony, despite of not even having any reproductive rights for they children. If the men refuses to cooperate in this process, the balances will be closed from his banking account by the feministic state with a bigger fee for collectors as well.

Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Monacoin, however can not be locked down. Beware, there are state friendly fake-cryptocurrencies, which support locking down the address of an individual. Bitcoin Cash also offers Cashshuffle, a feature that allows more privacy by organizing payment pools, and disconnecting the sender from the recipent of a practicular balance. Once the individual succesfully relocated his wealth to cryptocurrency, its not lockable by the state. Using Truecrypt to create a new encrypted partition, and putting the wallet files behind it, will also give the opportunity to deny the existence of any cryptocurrency wallet on a computer, if the computer is confiscated by the state.

Cryptocurrency takes away the financial hegemony from the state

Cryptocurrency of course can be, and should be used by anyone, not just men. Cryptocurrency can not be taxed. There is a lot of FUD going on in the community, spread by statists. However, if you dont have a signed contract with some exchange, nobody can prove how much cryptocurrency do you own. Even if some techie tracks your transactions, you can always deny the amount you have by simply denying its existence (if you have Truecrypt on your computer).

If they want to tax or take away your crypto balance, they cant do it with a few clicks (unless you are stupid enough to store it on an exchange). To force you to lend out your cryptocurrency, the state probably have to go to your place, confiscate your computer, which probably uses various methods of cryptography, if not else, at least your wallet is locked with a password. Then they have to break your bones one by one to force the password out of you, or so on - or they confiscate your $200 washing machine for your imaginary debit, and they sell it, but either way, the state will have to put in eronomous effort to try taking away your things, and at the end they will just fail in it.

$ 0.45
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Avatar for Geri
Written by
4 years ago


Rape is not a crime on its own

What would you accuse someone of, if they had sex with a handicapped person who fell of their wheelchair and kept screaming that they want them to get off of them? Assume there is no hitting or pinning down, just a natural inability to escape because of being handicapped.

If a huge guy with a knife came up to you when you are walking in a forest and asked you for your money and you said "please don't take my money" and then he asked you again in an aggressive manner, would you call that a robbery or a voluntary donation?

Physical damage is not a prerequisite for aggression, using someone's body or property against their will, and denying them their self-ownership or private property, or even threatening to deny them any of these, is aggression.

What if I give you viagra without you knowing about it to make you horny? I am altering the state of your mind through means that you cannot, or I do not allow you to, avoid. Whether you are able to disassociate from others is a great test to figure out whether they are aggressing against you. Is it ok to tell someone in public something to make them horny? Probably yes, because they can leave, but if you keep chasing after them so that they HAVE to keep hearing you, you are abusing their sensory inputs. Can I offer you a drug that would make you horny? Sure, because I can chose not to take it. But if you slip it in my food, you deny me the choice, making that aggression, regardless of whether there was physical damage or not.

You can also kidnap someone without causing them any physical damage.

Also, rape can cause physical damage, I don't know where you got that it doesn't. You could get someone pregnant, you could give them an STD, you could make them bleed. Do these things happen during consensual sex as well? Sure. Also broken noses happen during consensual boxing matches, that doesn't mean that I break your nose without your consent.

The threat of physical damage (or the threat of aggression in general) is aggression itself as well. If I threaten to kill you if you don't give me money, and you give me money, that's not a donation, it's robbery. If I threaten to kill you if you don't have sex with me, that's not normal sex, that's rape.

Its not possible to prove if sex was happening with or without consent.

So if I had a video of me using cushions to pin you down while you are drunk, and then having sex with you while you scream, that would prove nothing about the consensuality of the action right?

or the victim must be much smaller

Or the victim may be facing more than one perpetrator. Or the perpetrator may have a knife, or a gun. Or he knows martial arts. Or he may threaten you to kill your child if you resist. Or he may be well connected with police and politicians. Or or or... There are waaay too many ways to rape someone without having to beat them senseless.

Rape is not a crime, as it does not causes harm of the body. Psychological damage canot be measured and someones psychological instability canot be used to justify sustaining imaginary crimes. If someone brutally beats someone, that can - and should be - punished by the laws.

Do you believe that someone who beats a man (or a woman) senseless on the street, and then leaves, should face the same punishment as one who beats someone senseless and then proceeds to sodomize them? There is no extra crime if they use lube, I guess, right?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thats right, i cant agree with any of your examples.

Except with the caes of robbery, robbery is however special. The robber forcefully takes something thats your (for example your money) and this money can be traced, the lack of mutual exchange of goods can be proven or disproven and god's ten commandment also punishes stealing - a robbery is clearly a form of stealing, therefore it should be punished.

In your last paragraph, the fact someone had tortured that person, is the crime as a whole, there is no point of investigating the various actions as separate actions, as the whole monolithic attack is one action as a whole.

To be totally precise, if you dont cause a long term injury for the victim, then thats not punishable according to the bible. This whole example only gets punishable - according to the christian religion - if it involves stealing, or killing. Otherwise, god allows you to fight your enemies. (And allows you the right for self protection - in the case of self protection, you can kill the attacker IF necessarry).

Your monologe about smugglering some special drug into someones food is flawed, becaouse your example mixes up whats morally acceptable, and what should be illegalized on the levels of a law system - meanwhile this is just should be a question of having basic logic and sanity to not eat a dinner together with your local terrorist. If you got tricked once by someone like that, shame on him, but if you get tricked twice like that, shame on you. Its like not protecting your bitcoin cash wallet with a password.

The whole problem with this standpoint is you mixing up the are these bad things question with the should the state have authoritity to punish these things question, and the answeer is NO, the state should not have authority to punish such crimes, as the christian religion DOES NOT ALLOWS the state (or any group of people) to have authoritity for the punishment upon such crimes. And why god does not allows the state to punish these crimes? Because it results oppression.

Thankyou for your comment.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In your last paragraph, the fact someone had tortured that person, is the crime as a whole, there is no point of investigating the various actions as separate actions, as the whole monolithic attack is one action as a whole.

So you think that someone that beats someone on the street and then undresses them and sodomizes them should have the same punishment as if he only beat them on the street. I have no idea how this makes any sense.

if you dont cause a long term injury for the victim, then thats not punishable according to the bible.

So I can slap you every day and you would have no recourse other than to also slap me? Or I can ejaculate on you while you are walking on the street and you would have no recourse other than slapping me (or in any case do something that doesn't cause long term damage). So once we start slapping each other, there is no stopping actually, nobody can escalate to more damaging things to stop each other, and since there's no crime (no actual damage other than a slight reddening of the skin after all), there is really no way to stop the slapping. The moment you step out on public space, I can start slapping you all day long. You see how this cannot work right?

Otherwise, god allows you to fight your enemies. (And allows you the right for self protection - in the case of self protection, you can kill the attacker IF necessarry).

Self-protection applies only when a crime has been committed against you (you mention an "attacker" after all, and for there to be an attack there needs to be a violation of a right). If slapping and sodomizing you unexpectedly, or ejaculating on you are not crimes according to the bible, then you have no right to defend yourself from them. If you do have a right to defend yourself from them then you also have a right to defend yourself (with lethal force if necessary as you said) from anything you don't like: people being rude, people wearing clothes you don't like in your proximity, people speaking a language you don't like.

becaouse your example mixes up whats morally acceptable, and what should be illegalized on the levels of a law system

I don't believe I mentioned anything about morality in my examples. I am only talking about what you have a right to do and what you do not have a right to do. I did not say anything about being a good or bad person because of what you do (which is morality). If you want it in the bible's terms: I never talked about who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. I am only talking about what actions you may take rightfully, and what actions you should be prohibited from taking (even violently if needed) by other humans.

meanwhile this is just should be a question of having basic logic and sanity to not eat a dinner together with your local terrorist

I hope you realize that this does not work at all in the world: 1) You don't know everyone to know whether they are dangerous or not 2) It's part of making friends to eat at some point with people you don't yet fully know 3) Psychopaths exist and can hide their intentions pretty well, falling for them even twice is not hard.

are these bad things question with the should the state have authoritity to punish these things question,

No I am only talking about when "victims have a right to self-defense against aggression".

And why god does not allows the state [or any group of people] to punish these crimes? Because it results oppression.

If the victim has the right to self-defense, they obviously have the right to tell someone else to perform actions to defend them. It does not matter who that is. The question here is not whether specifically the state has a right to punish rape, I couldn't care less about states' rights, the question is whether rape is aggression. I made my case above about why I think it is. If it is aggression, then there is no oppression when the victim asks for help to punish or stop the aggressor.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah. Well i appreciate you are typing that much, but we will agree on this. The state has no right to punish rape, god does not allows it. The state has no right to act upon anything thats related to sexuality. The state also dont have right to punish aggression - god does not allows that either. No group of people have the right to punish anything.

You personally have right to punish the agression on you by your own and not through a state or through others. You have right to talk, but the state have no rights to punish anyone, unless someone is murdered, or an item was stolen.

And you dont have to agree with me, there is a 3,5 million letter long explanation in the bible that proves this by various stories why your toughts about a ,,good state punishing evil rapists'' are flawed, and every country in existence following that philosophy ended up eradicated within a few generation.

Every single toughtexperiment you have listed above, every single example, every oppinion you formed, is at least can be found 3-4 places in the bible as a core or main element of a practicular story, and if you read the bible, you can find out how the turned out to be. If you are interested, how, i can help you reading and interpreting the bible.

Every single sentence you have wrote equals to like saying you drinking enriched uranium because uranium makes you warm so you will not freeze any more.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You personally have right to punish the agression on you by your own and not through a state or through others.

I don't understand how it would be not within my rights to have someone else do something for me. When I rightfully defend myself, I am creating no victims. There is no victim of my action to defend myself. Similarly, if I ask my brother or a friend to defend me, again, I am creating no victims. If you, the aggressor were not a victim of my self defense when I did it, then you are not a victim even when someone else does it. I don't see why you'd expect someone to say "oh yeah you have a right to stop me from doing that, but if you bring your friend to stop me, that will be unfair. This does not work in practice. If slapping someone lightly is not a crime as you said, then if you bring 20 friends of yours and start slapping me around, how am I supposed to defend myself or to stop you? The only way would be to also bring friends to help me stop you or slap you back or whatever, it's literally impossible for one person to defend itself, whether because it may be going against more numerous or more powerful opponents. If you want no oppression like you said, then the only way to have that is if people can delegate the defense of their rights to other people as well.

there is a 3,5 million letter long explanation in the bible that proves this by various stories

I've read most of the bible (if not eventually all, it was not on one sitting). I don't have any good opinions about it at all, and I never even considered to take it as a guide for morality or ethics.

your toughts about a ,,good state punishing evil rapists'' are flawed

I never said anything about a good state. The state, as an actor, is bad. But bad actors may perform good/right actions. You yourself said that stopping a murder is ok, even for the state. I say the same thing for rape, for the reasons that I explained above.

and every country in existence following that philosophy ended up eradicated within a few generation.

I'm not a utilitarian nor a collectivist myself. I doubt the accuracy of your claim but even if it was true, it does not contribute to a discussion about ethics because it presupposes that I am interested in the survival of the society. I am not. I am interested only in individual freedoms. I do believe that the survival of the society will naturally follow but that's just an extra benefit for me.

Every single toughtexperiment you have listed above, every single example, every oppinion you formed, is at least can be found 3-4 places in the bible as a core or main element of a practicular story, and if you read the bible, you can find out how the turned out to be. If you are interested, how, i can help you reading and interpreting the bible.

Feel free to tell me which part of the bible is related to the thought experiments I brought up. Although I hope that the bible has something with substance to say, and not just a hypothetical result for each story that the author thought conveys his opinion. Stories are useful as a means to convey your opinion or showcase actual arguments. I hope it does the latter.

Every single sentence you have wrote equals to like saying you drinking enriched uranium because uranium makes you warm so you will not freeze any more.

I don't understand what you mean.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure, for example i can recommend you the story of the benjaminites (which was also mentioned in the article).

In the story of Benjaminites, a man with his wife are taking a nap at a benjaminite village. The wife goes out to trade something, but rapists capture the women, and raping her, and killing her, the woman manages to return home but dies.

The housband then cuts the dead body of the woman to parts and sends them to all over israel, with a courier, and orders them to tell the story of her wife.

Instead of appointing investigators to find out who killed the wife, they hysterically going nuts about the evil, dirty, rapist benjaminites, ripping they own cloths in extasis, and then the leaders of the state decide to punish benjaminite men for being rapists, by massacring them, to purge israel from rapists.

And indeed, they start purging benjaminites, until the point hundreds of tousands of people die in the civil war ignited against the rapists - the nation loses the ability to protect itself on various territorry which is later partially being occupied by enemy states.

Then they gather again, they decide that no such thing should happen again, and rape histeria, or any type of histeria cant be part of the internal relations any more. However its too late, in the war, almost all of the benjaminite woman also dies - and now benjaminites having no wifes whatsoever, so they have to occupy some country and force the underage girls as wifes (and killing the rest of the people) .

This not only causes demise of the whole country, but also causes foreginer blood to flow to the country which later results the most brutal dictatures, and the new multicultural society emerges in various civil war afterwards to the point from 250 priest, 249 preaches for the foreginer totems and only one geniune left.

I will of course not list every suitable example as the bible is 3 500 000 characters long.

I accept that you didnt liked it - probably because it was against your world views - i was thinking about these things differently in the past as well, but since i have decided to use the bible as a moral compass, i came to the realization its overally good and correct, if you can read bethwen the lines - its the real the way.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ah yes I remember this story.

The housband then cuts the dead body of the woman to parts and sends them to all over israel, with a courier, and orders them to tell the story of her wife.

Not relevant to the moral of the story perhaps, but this man, today and back then, is literally a psychopath.

Instead of appointing investigators to find out who killed the wife, they hysterically going nuts about the evil, dirty, rapist benjaminites, ripping they own cloths in extasis, and then the leaders of the state decide to punish benjaminite men for being rapists, by massacring them, to purge israel from rapists.

I think that even the bible in this case doesn't complain about whether they went after the "killers" or the "rapists". I think that even the bible tries to show that they went after every man from that place. Basically the bible says "Keep calm and find the actual criminals to punish, don't punish the whole male population. Then to reinforce why you shouldn't do that it brings up examples of what terrible things happened before.

This seems like a cautionary tale against the needless killing of innocent people as a response to a heinous crime. I do not think it says anything about rape not being a crime.

I realize though that for you, making rape a crime means that you turn all men into criminals but I beg to differ here. It does not need to mean that. I brought up many examples where you can have sex with someone without them being able to stop you where it would be clear that it is not consensual and we do need to give the victims a way to defend themselves, or appoint others to defend them. Do we need more clear laws about what is rape? We do. Have there been horrible legal cases with people being accused for rape or assault for unsubstantiated claims? Yes, many, and it is horrible. Does that mean that rape should not be punishable? Hell no.

But I think I am recycling my arguments here. I gave you quite a few examples why I think it's completely wrong to consider rape a non-crime and why a world where this is the case would be horrible, even for men. You said that you don't agree that those are problems since the bible accepts them.

I doubt you'll find any people agreeing agreeing with you that someone who pins them down to the pavement with cushions and without hurting them and then uses lube to sodomize them or their daughter should not be prosecuted.

If you feel like giving me more examples from the bible that you think I should read, go ahead. No need to copy paste them, you can just give me the titles and I'll find them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

There are multiple morals of this story i think, you are right in the moral you was able to dig out from the story as well, these stories are connecting to each other as lego, however. Long long before this story, god forbid people from organizing into groups and going against somebody as well. These stories are part of a progressing puzzle, they slowly building and adding up the whole picture. Thats why at the end Jesus makes sexual crimes unpunishable as well. Bible is against statism as a whole. God orders a libertarian state for you, with limited taxation and very limited authority. Bureocracy is despided by god. Now this article focused on this practicular topic, althrough almost every single law is ILLEGAL by the standpoint of christianity (they are just not discussed in this article whatsoever). And, even worse, when god orders some laws to put in force, those are not existing in our society (like the law that allows poor people to eat the fruits from the edges of the fields).

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I wish it was available in a podcast format.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hi, there are plenty of podcats and videos about this topic, if you search the MGTOW keyword on youtube, you can listen to them (for example, the video channel of Sandman, which alone has like 300 video). They discussing this topic in a more wide concept compared to my article, so rather than creating another similar video, i decided to write this in a textual form.

I have shared this article on several MGTOW locations, and was able to onboard a dozen of people to the world of cryptocurrencies.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Rape is a crime as much as it goes against the most important private property an individual has, his body, also requires start of violence.

Sex with an individual that cannot consent (unconscious, children, mentally ill) is also using their private property against it's will or the will of their protectors.

Sex between two individuals that are drunk or drugged is not rape as both are in the same mental capacity deprivement (same when there is sex between children or adolescents).

People going into your second house and living in it without causing any harm is still violation of your private property.

You must read some philosophy from Mises and Hoppe.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thankyou for sharing your oppinion, can you show relevant quotes from the two philisopher you have mentioned, because after quick googling, i dont find anything.

Except one:

,,A from raping B, harm is inflicted on A because he can no longer rape freely. The real question is: Should A be allowed to rape B, or should B be allowed to prohibit A from raping him/her? The problem is to avoid the more serious harm.''

Quote is from an article called ,,The Ethics and Economics of Private Property'' from mises.org.

This person talks about private property. What the author is saying with this example, and what you have quoted about a secondary house, lets investigate it: Your house is a private property. Stealing is prohibited in the bible. If you live in someone's second house without his or her consent, thats not nice. But its not stealing either, you dont steal his house - his house will not transfer into your ownership. But also he/she will still not be punished - he will be forcefully ejected from the house and thats all.

I think this example supports my standpoint.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A by raping B is forcefully violating B's freedom to decide what should be done with his own property (his body) so violence had been initiated against B and the former has the moral right to demand a punishment against A.

A, by living in B's second house is violating B's exclusivity right to use his property. Of course evicting A from B's property and paying a fine to compensate the resources needed for that eviction is the way to balance back things.

$ 0.00
4 years ago