"Funny Questions to answer"

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Avatar for GarrethGrey07
2 years ago
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Time check 23:27:05, June 22, 2022.

So today let's try to answer this funny questions that I actually got from Pinterest. This is actually a questions for kid's but I love all the questions inside and so let's pretend that we're still a kid's, lol.

Without any further ado, let's start!

Source: @kidactivities.net

Would you rather constantly have to sneeze but it never comes out or have hiccups that last for four hours per day?

Honestly this two questions are hard and I don't know which one should I prefer 🀣. I have already tried to sneeze that didn't comes out and it's mades me have a teary eyed. However I can't stand to have hiccups for four hours per day, but I think sneezing without sneeze is real hard so I think I'd rather have four hours of hiccups each day. Lol. Atleast after four hours I can restπŸ˜‚.

Would you rather have teeth that are super crooked or teeth that are as yellow as banana?

Teeth that are yellow as banana? And a crooked teeth? Oh my! Can I just have a fake teeth? Hahahaha.

I already have a bad smile and if my tooth's are yellow or crooked? I think I am the unluckiest person on earth. Hahahahaha . Both of this are not acceptable to me. Crooked and yellow teeth are both ugly, hahahaha

Seriously I really can't decide, maybe I would rather have crooked teeth?🀣🀣🀣

Would you rather have to use your weak hand to eat or to write?

I would rather use my weak hand to eat than using it to write. My handwritten is already worst, and if I have to use my weak hand on writing for sure my writing will be unreadable.

Would you rather have short and stubby legs or long and lanky arm's?

Since I am already short then I would rather have a short and stubby legs than to have a lanky arm's. I don't wanna be called mommy long arms. Hahahaha

Would you rather go back in time one year to talk your past self or go into the future one year to talk to future self?

I would rather go one year into future to talk to my future self, as I wanna know what would be my future holds. I don't have any reason to go back to my past self. I have already learned from it and so I wanna focus on my future.

Would you rather sit or stand for the rest of your life if you could only choose one?

Hmmmm this question is very tricky πŸ˜‚. Sitting for longer of time would definitely makes my butt hurt's and if I'm gonna keep on standing then it would be so tiring. So how am going to sleep? Standing position as well? Oh noh!! I can't stand sitting and I can't sit if I could only stand, oh I would pass. Hahahaha

Would you rather have to shave all of your hair or lose all of your teeth?

I would rather lose all my teeth than losing all my hair. I can still have fake tooth from the dentist if it's happens, well I can also have a fake hair for that case as well. Lol. But yeah, I would rather lose all my teeth 🀣.

Would you rather float every time you tried to jump or jump every time you tried to walk.

No second thought, I would definitely choose to float every time I tried to jump than to jump every time I tried to walk. I don't wanna be frog, I'm sorry πŸ˜‚. Imagine how weird would I look like if I am jumping like a frog while walking in the street πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Would you rather have to fight 100 pigeon size zebras or one zebra size pigeon?

Lol. I can't fight a 100 zebra's, even if they only size as a pigeon, they are still zebra. So i would rather fight a one zebra size pigeon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Atleast I'm only gonna fight for one than 100. Hahahaha

Would you rather eat wet cat food or dog treats after breakfast, lunch or dinner?

What question is this? Hahahaha I wasn't prepare for this, and I haven't tried eating dog and cat foods and so I don't know. Hahaha I think I won't choose, I'd rather don't have treat's it doesn't matter. Lol.

Would you rather have two yellow front teeth like a beaver or two pinching teeth like a beetle?

Hahahahha I would rather have two pinching teeth, atleast I can hide them than having a huge yellow front teeth. For sure People will make fun of me, and I don't want it to happen, hahahaha. Although beaver are cute with that two huge front teeth, this time I won't consider cuteness. Hahahaha

Anyway this is all for today, although I love the questions as some of them are really funny, I have to cut this for now as I still need to go to the market to buy our viand and so see yeah laterπŸ˜….



I actually started answering this Questions last night, but unfortunately the heavy rains poured and it makes my son awake and so I have to pause and unfortunately I fall asleep πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.

Time check:

07:03:46 Am Manila time

Lead image source: kidactivities.net

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Avatar for GarrethGrey07
2 years ago


Parang natawa ako dun sa yellow teeth sis. 😁 Grabe naman yung di ko maimagine sis. Yung makita ka ng iba tas sobrang yellow teeth. πŸ˜„

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear Garreth, answering to these questions was so hard, all of those situations are really very bad... I don't want to have super crooked or yellow teeth... Stubby legs... Shave my hair or lose my teeth... 😣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My teeth look yellow and that's probably better than having crooked teeth and I thank God for the gift He has given.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natural yellow teeth this say's is more healthier than the white one. And yes you are indeed right, it is better than crooked.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haha, I focused on questions about crooked teeth or yellow teeth, haha this is a funny question.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those two and hilarious πŸ€£πŸ˜‚, I can't even choose,hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hopefully just an entertainment question, don't come true. lol kidding

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just by imagining having a wet cat foods😭 I cannot HAHAHAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahahhaha naluka nga ako sa tanong na yan, hahahahha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Teeth with banana color are more funny. Being weak I also over to eat pile of food especially pizza πŸ˜‚. It is too funny article sister.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think I want long arms. Short legs aren't for me.. lol.. hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha well you are tAll so long arms are fine for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HeheπŸ˜‚. You're very funny. I'll choose to sit for the rest of my life because I don't love to stand for a long time. Also, I'll prefer to cut all of my hair to remove all of my teeth because I don't like to make hair all the time and I can still get artificial hair. But, it's hard to choose an answer from those questions

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahahha, indeed, choosing with this question and choices are still hard, though they are just for fun.🀣🀣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't want to have a yellow teeth like a banana🀣 if that happen I won't smile or show my teeth anymore

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sneezing is very annoying especially when I have office work I will be like a small child when I have to hold it and have difficulty breathing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It makes me teary eyed, that is why I don't like it😫 and yeah it can really makes you hard to breath.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

okay na ako sa mag sneeze ng mag sneeze kaysa my hiccups..anyway funny questions nga siya sis parang di mo alam ano ba dapat ang pipiliin

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truth sis, parang lahat ng choices hindi kaaya aya, hahahaha nakakatuwa lang din naman sagotan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes total hypothetical questions lang naman

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May sampung tawa ako dito hahahaha, yeah its too funny and while reading the question I can't decide what to chose since most of them are all bad choices. Its like a trap a and trap b you have no options. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But let's chose the lesser evil. Hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha sobrang nakakatuwa nga yung mga tanong,parang kalokohan lahat. Hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These are funny questions I want him to try the article you made but I don't know what to answer hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha just for fun sis, sometimes we also need to laugh and play hahahahhaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago