More than a year with bch and there has been no negative change

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Written by
2 years ago

The only change recorded is growth and positivity!

I have spent almost a year and half talking, breathing, reading and using bitcoincash and if there is only one attribute I could be proud of then, it is the LONGEVITY. Over the last year, a lot has happened with the crypto atmosphere. Many crypto projects that sprang up out of the blue sky have gone deep down into the ocean and no one talks about them anymore. Many crypto related projects that were under development have died down and we no longer hear about them. Many platforms that were booming, giving people so much hope for better future have ceased to exist. But here is bitcoincash standing strong more than ever. It is a thing to celebrate. and are still working perfectly

I have to first talk about these to websites because they were the platforms to attract me into the bitcoincash community in the first place. Right from when I came across them, they have been perfect up till today. The fact that these websites are not profit making rather they are the ones giving out money to strangers but you could hardly see that either of them crashes amuses me the most. I believe the team put in a lot of effort to the maintenance thereby, preventing them from experiencing any form of glitch at any point. And this only goes to prove how determined the idea of bch is.

I can go ahead to mention tens of websites that were before and came after these two but are no longer functioning. When I discovered these websites, I was intentional about finding out websites that pay crypto for tasks and other activities and I was able to find a handful of them. But today, only these two are still working and paying. Away from the fact that they are still paying in bch, the fact that they are still online doing the works they were created for is something to commend.

The contribution of these two websites to the growth of bitcoincash is immeasurable. I remember when was launched, few weeks after that, bitcoicash outperformed btc in number of transactions. They have contributed majorly in the promotion and publicity of bitcoincash. Folks from different countries and continent have come to hear about bitcoincash and are now spreading it to their countrymen that needs and deserves to know about bch as well. With that been said, it is a thing of joy that they are both existing and I hope they never die.

The community is still standing strong

With bch and its community, Unity is not old fashion and raising the flag of togetherness can never be a thing of the past. They stick together to fight outside forces coming to distort the force within keeping the members of the community together. They don’t oppose one another’s view rather, they discuss ideas. When I talk about the bch community, I’m referring to everyone that have adopted the idea of bitcoicash and only have good wishes for it no matter their level within the structure.

The developers never get tired. The sponsors are always willing to invest because they see the greater good. The promoters are making sure to get bch to as many as possible. The users are happy because it is never risky choosing bch for your daily transaction. And the fun thing about it is that, anyone could be part of any of these strata. There is no discrimination within the community and that is something I have admired right from onset. Even though I was attracted by “participate and earn”, the community kept me.

Transactions are still smooth and effortless

One attribute of bitcoincash is how smooth the transactions are. There has never been a time when the bch network was congested and transactions were delayed for hours or days, and if there has been such time, I’m not aware of it. for the past one and half year that I have been using bch, it hasn’t depreciated in this quality. There are many other cryptos that were this good from the beginning, attracted users to it and later became a huge pain to deal with. BTC was as easy and effortless but today, that is no longer the narration. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, bch still remains the best when it comes to crypto transaction.

The charges still remain unnoticeable

If you know how much btc used to charge per transaction around 2012 and compare it to what is being charged now, you would realize the huge difference and understand why many people feel scared of btc transaction today. Bch transaction charges have remained relatively low right from time till date even though the effectiveness of transaction is still top notch.

There hasn’t been any added disadvantage to bitcoincash. Other attributes like privacy and security is still as tight. Bch is still completely decentralized unlike some other crypto projects that got hijacked along the line. With bitcoincash, the key word is forwardness.

$ 20.65
$ 10.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 10.00 from @bitcoincashautist
$ 0.02 from @JustMaryel
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Written by
2 years ago


I really appreciate and agree with your writing, but these 2 days a lot of noise users are complaining about their tip being delayed, I don't know why. so far unanswered.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm also experiencing same thing. Hope it's resolved soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow you're such an enthusiast man. But I guess not exactly everyone get to be on this line because I have been for nearly weeks now and it's really difficult to get a dime here Just don't know how it works.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As it stands, ur account has been spammed. Stop going against the rules. Write Ur own original articles. Don't copy from anywhere and paste here, it will get Ur account banned. I suggest u open a new account and be genuine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But the source of that article was included at the bottom of the article sir

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It doesn't work like that around here. Ur article must be written by you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So what do I do now I have deleted it already

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess u should open a new account and abandon this one totally. And once you do that, only publish articles written by you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your write-up is highly motivational and hugely encouraging. Am proud to read your article. It is highly super. Glory be to God for read Cash. Long live everyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the kind words. Glad I was able to motivate someone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The source is just at the bottom telling people it wasn't my article

$ 0.00
2 years ago