Such a tricky life

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2 years ago

Life is like a chess, even those who have mastered all of the available ways to win and every part of the game have dealt with loss at some point in their early stages, and those who subsequently mastered the board are those who got up stronger and more resilient and never dreamed of having to give up; The same is true in life. You can only get better if you don't give up due of your previous failures.

Even if they have mastered all of the strategies and ideas necessary to defeat any opponent they face, they will suffer a shock loss at some stage in the future, and it will be devastating, especially if it is a loss to an aspiring young or an amateur chess player; Similar to life, even when it appears that you've solved all of your problems or overcome all of your hurdles, things don't always go as planned.

That's how life is because we all struggled and gave our all to achieve our dreams at one point in our lives, so we never gave up, and we confronted every single problem we encountered, and gradually we became efficient and effective, and we may have mastered every possible way to succeed in life, that we all have the power to do anything we want and get away with it. Some times in life, Most people fulfill all of their goals and rise to positions of power in society; they confront more obstacles, but they focus on the major issues while ignoring minor ones.

The minor issues we ignored because we believed we couldn't make any declination in our progressions are what will eventually catch up with us and harm us, similar to what occurred to the chess master who was defeated by an amateur.

What is it about life that makes it so perplexing? When you believe you deserve something because you've worked so hard for it, everything changes and it appears as though everything is working against you when it wasn't always that way.

What is it about life that makes it so perplexing? You may believe you have everything and that all you need to do now is enjoy life to the fullest and spend as much time as possible with your family and loved ones, but then problems arise and everything begins to deteriorate, and the money you intended to spend on personal satisfaction is now being forced to be spent on healthcare expenses.

Why's life so trick? Why is it that occasionally you plan everything ahead of time for the abundantly clear day and then problems appear; I once had a friend who was quite great at football and he was contacted to a trial so he could play in Europe, he spent two months making preparations for the football trial and then a day before the trial he was carjacked and they shot his toe and that's how he couldn't play football again; why is it that sometimes you plan everything ahead of time for the obvious day and then problems appear; why is it a day to the football trial that this had to happen, is life playing a trick on him? I don't know.

Why is it that when it's time to attain what you've been working toward, your troubles seem to multiply?

Thanks for reading 💙

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2 years ago


Yes, life is hard to do

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is truly tricky. I don't think we can have it all figured out

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Life has always been that tricky we just need to be strong and prepared. Even things are going well to you something will just came up and challenge you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

its always a part of our life, btw same incident happened with my batchmate too he was going to play for the same contest and would have been funded to be trained in europe but at the crucial time he got his leg fractured and rod was inserted in his legs.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Life is a natural code in humans

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's how life has been programmed, whenever it remains a little time to achieve a particular thing, something will come up

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed the world is tricky, very tricky. We can't do anything about it because what we are going to be or what is going to happen to us has already been written. And no matter what it will come to pass.

$ 0.01
2 years ago